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At the present stage, China is in a critical period of the planned economy systemto market economy system, enterprises in which the environment is undergoingtremendous changes, many new ventures have emerged. Really adapt toenvironmental changes and survive, then fast-growing new ventures, however, is stilla minority. As the new venture set up time is shorter, smaller, limited resources,organizational structure immature, unstable external network relations "proliferativedisadvantages", so how to survive in this highly dynamic market competition anddevelopment,"proliferative disadvantages" into sustainable competitive advantage,one of the entrepreneurs of common concern and the need to solve the problem.
     The Management guru Peter Drucker (1989) pointed out that the businessoperators in the operation of the business, the basic requirement is to permanentbusiness and living as the goal, the enterprise must construct the competitiveadvantage in order to maintain persistence management, the key for enterprises togain competitive advantage is the effective use of technology and knowledgeresources. With the advent of knowledge economy, knowledge resources have value,rareness, inimitable and irreplaceable resource heterogeneity characteristics andbecome the basis of new enterprises to gain competitive advantage. For a newenterprises'"proliferative disadvantages" and lack of knowledge resources, more needthrough knowledge acquisition, integration and the creation of effective managementof knowledge. Organizational learning capability is the promotion of knowledgeacquisition, transfer and utilization is important reflect, it can find out the influence ofthe members of the organization innovation organization and management factors, soas to enhance the overall level of innovation of new ventures. The entrepreneur is thekey role of new venture organizational learning and an important bridge, also is thecore part of the entrepreneurial process, so the entrepreneur leadership behavior andwhether there is a direct relationship between the entrepreneurial success.
     Therefore, to realize the enterprise competitive advantage is inseparable from theknowledge management, knowledge management is an important manifestation oforganizational learning capability, and the organizational learning capability isembodied in the leadership behavior. Under this background, the research onentrepreneurship and leadership theory together, in theory as well as the review ofenterprise ability theory and analysis based on the theory of entrepreneurship,organizational behavior theory, leadership theory, organizational learning, in China'stransition period as the background, the new ventures into practice, the entrepreneur leadership behavior, organizational learning ability, the new competitive advantageinto a system, to explore the mechanism of interaction.
     Based on the distinct elements connotation and dimension, constructs a theorymodel of relationships between elements and put forward the relevant assumptions,analysis and processing based on the survey data of statistical software SPSS19.0, andverify the hypothesis. Through the analysis of the empirical results, the proposed22assumptions, through the verification of the17hypotheses,5hypotheses are notsupported. The basic conclusions of this thesis are as follows:
     First, from the point of view of leadership behaviors of entrepreneurs, to explorethree different leadership behaviors of entrepreneurs is task oriented leadershipbehavior, relationship oriented leadership, participative leadership mechanism of thenew competitive advantage. The results show that: task oriented leadership behaviorand participatory leadership behavior has a significant positive effect on ventureenterprise competitive advantage; but the influence relationship oriented leadershipbehavior of venture enterprise competitive advantage is not significant.
     Second, from the point of view of leadership behaviors of entrepreneurs, toexplore three different leadership behaviors of entrepreneurs (task-oriented leadershipbehavior, relationship-oriented leadership behavior, participative leadership behavior)on the four dimensions of organizational learning capability (objectives and tasksconsensus leadership authorization, open and experimental, knowledge transfer andintegration) mechanism. The results show that: the task-oriented leadership onorganizational learning in the target task consensus, empowering leadership, opennessand testing, knowledge transfer and integration have significant positive impact onrelationship oriented leadership behavior; on the target task consensus, has asignificant positive effect of open and test, but the leadership empowerment,knowledge transfer and integration is not significant; participative leadership of leaderempowerment, open positive impact and test, knowledge transfer and integrationsignificantly, but the effect on the target task consensus is not significant.
     Third, from the organizational learning ability, four dimensions of organizationallearning capability is the target task, authorization, open and common test, knowledgetransfer and integration mechanism of venture enterprise competitive advantage. Theresults show that: the organizational learning capability in the target task consensus,leader empowerment, knowledge transfer and integration has a significant positiveeffect on venture enterprise competitive advantage, but the influence of open andtesting of new competitive advantage of enterprises is not significant.
     Fourth, by using regression analysis method the mediating effect oforganizational learning capability, explores the entrepreneur of three differentleadership behavior (orientation task oriented leadership behavior, leadership,participative leadership) and new competitive advantage is the intermediary effect. The results showed that: organizational learning has a mediating effect on taskoriented leadership behavior and new enterprise's competitive advantage; themediating role of organizational learning capability in the relationship orientedleadership behavior and new enterprise's competitive advantage is not established; andthe organizational learning capability plays full intermediary role in the participativeleadership and new enterprise's competitive advantage.
     Relative to the previous research, the innovation of this study is mainly reflectedin the following aspects:
     First, this paper will be the first entrepreneur leadership behavior, organizationallearning capability and innovative enterprise competitive advantage into a wholetheoretical framework. And the entrepreneurial research and leadership theorytogether, to explore a suitable for China's new venture development actualentrepreneur leadership behavior and organizational learning mode, promote thedevelopment of entrepreneurship and leadership theory.
     Second, based on the traditional two dimension of leadership behavior (such aschanges to transactions and tasks to relationship) based on the introduction ofcontingency factors, will be the first orientation task oriented leadership behavior,leadership, participative leadership into three dimensions of leadership behaviors ofentrepreneurs. And then explores the learning ability, new competitive advantage tothe organization of different function and influence, to a certain extent, expand theresearch field of leadership theory.
     Third, this paper first explores the mediating role of organizational learningcapability between the entrepreneur leadership behavior and new competitiveadvantage. Then dig leadership entrepreneurs influence on start-up enterprisecompetition advantages through the path and mechanism of action.
     The theoretical contribution of this study on one hand reflected in exploring asuitable new enterprise organizational learning mode, deepen the academic study oforganizational learning; on the other hand, promote the development ofentrepreneurship and leadership theory. Practical significance is reflected in theentrepreneur according to different contextual factors to take leadership behaviorappropriate, to promote the new venture organizational learning ability, and enhancethe core competition and provide the basis; more important is to provide importantreference value for advancing the whole level of our entrepreneurial activities toimprove.
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