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     在训练阶段,人工神经网络已被用来识别依靠输入范围的五纹理类型。神经网络的输入为(3*5=15),因为我们有五组,每组有三个值。输出必须是五组其中之一,但在训练阶段,我们发现出现了一些混合类型,例如(一输出有45%与棉花组织形式相似和55%与羊毛组织相似),因此,在这种情况下,我们通过增加人工神经网络的输出到16个(3*5+1=16),处理像这样的一些错误。通过增加每个输出的百分比解决这个问题,显示出五种纹理类型的相似百分比,例如,从五种类型中之一输出可能会有(3/3(100%)或2/3(70%)或1/3(35%))只有一个混合输出可能包含混合值或与五种类型没有任何的相似性。输出必须在五种纹理类型范围内划定纹理类型和相似百分比,例如,如果输入向量是=[111],输出必须是3/3(100%)来自木材纹理,如果输入向量是=[112],输出必须是2/3(70%)来自木材纹理,如果输入向量是= [123],输出必须是混合纹理。另一种训练神经网络的方法是通过使用从特征提取具有(125)种可能性的输入和输出是(125)种可能性的结合物,因为我们有五种类型,每种类型的纹理具有(25)种可能性。
     基于内容的图像检索(CBIR的),过去的十年中,已经在大范围探索。在C BIR的情况下,图像是由一个低级别的视觉特征,它们没有什么高层次的语义概念直接相关集,在高层次概念和低层次特征之间的差距是制约CBIR系统发展的最主要的困难。相关反馈和区域的图像检索(RBIR)已经被提出来弥补这一差距。相关反馈机制是一个反复的学习过程,它一般被视为网上监督学习。
     为了检测中的子图像的边界膜,有必要首先检测了膜的边缘。通过使用Can ny过滤器,子图像将被转换成二进制图像。在尝试过许多边缘检测滤波器之后,得出Canny算法滤波器得出最好的结果。为了找出膜的表面,并且轻松地计算出膜的距离,有必要知道在两对膜表面的对应边的距离。因此,直线检测方法是必须的,超过四条直线可得出结论,因此很容易计算出膜的距离。
     在图像分析中分别使用小波分析(哈尔,Symmelet2,Symmelet5, Coifletl ,Coiflet2和Daubechies),因为Daubechies和Haar具有相同的系数,Daubechies分析的结果和Haar分析的结果有相同的。当我们使用的图片是从普通摄像机拍摄而不是从卫星拍摄(遥感图片)时,Sym5具有更好的结果,其他的则是coifl最好的。我们使用的第三层次的WT将每张图片分解成12个子图片;实验观察到子频带没什么用,这意味着提取的特征不适合分类,就像下面一样:
     在我们分类的进程中,平均上所有子频带(从LL1至HH3)都是有用的如果STDLL1, LL2,和LL3没什么用处,可能会导致在分类过程中出现问题,有些是都是有用的,方差HH1, HH2, HH3, HL1和LH1这些在分类过程中非常有用。(提示:LL1的意思是在第一级的近似系数和HH指细节系数等)
     在第四章的第二部分,我们的实验表明,coiflis用在遥感领域非常有效地,因为它执行从其他过滤器获得的结果。但是,如果我们要处理的天然纹理(即不属于远程图像),我们可以使用Sym5。该Sym5比(哈尔,Symmelet2, Coiflet2和Da ube-chiesl)更好。使用这种方法作为一个(FE),我们发现,只有LL1, LL2, LL3是正的并且有比较大的值,但其他子带都是负值。然而,使用(性病)作为(FE)作出只LL1,LL2和LL3不被用于作为分类特征,这是因为在这些子带中,其值比其他正值更大,而且这可能会造成各种纹理类型互相干扰。在这里,HL1,HH2和HH3是用来功能分类的,因为只有这些子带是稳定的。
Our dissertation focus on image analysis methods for disease diagnosis, the image processing techniques which we need to use in implementation of our algorithms is focus on classification and segmentation for three types of images; texture images, remote sens-ing images and medical images. The image processing techniques which used as:wavelet transform, image enhancement, fuzzy logic or neural network, feature extraction, Hough transform for line detection and mathematic methods like Euclidean distance.
     The aim of our dissertation is to make new algorithms for diseases diagnosis, but first we need to know the best image methods for classification and segmentation in our algorithms which made us to try to use many kinds of images including medical images, to make sure that our way is best way for diagnosis.
     We made three algorithms for image analysis to reach the disease diagnosis; one is for general image classification that means we use normal and remote sensing images and the two others is for disease diagnosis that means using medical images. The first al-gorithm is having two parts; the first part is for recognition of textures and the second one is for remote sensing images. So in the first part we try to mix between wavelet and neu-ral network to find suitable way for recognition the textures, via wavelet the texture will decompose into sub-images these sub-images will analyse and extract features, these fea-tures will be the key of the neural to recognition the different types of texture, via these features our neural network will recognition the type of the texture. In our work five dif-ferent types of texture have been used, each type has five pictures. The results from our way had more accuracy. In the second part we analysis textures of remote sensing images by taking two reference remote sensing images. By employ the wavelet transform and neural network for analysis and classification respectively. We use (symmlet5) and (ciofletl) mother functions for analyzing the two images that contains water, forest and earth. The images are gray level and (128×128) size. The processing is carried out to di-vide each image into (16) blocks with size (32×32). Each block will be entered to the wavelet mother function, after trying several mother functions, we found that the (Coifl, Sym5) are the best choice. The results are passed to the features extraction (mean, stan-dard deviation, and variance) and the output is then fed as input to the neural network (NN). Finally the result from NN with (Levenberg Marquardt (LM) algorithm) gives the type of texture (forest, earth, and water).
     The Second algorithm is for Constitutional Jaundice diagnosis, in this algorithm we have made an algorithm to diagnose the constitutional jaundice (Dubin-Johnson, Gil-bert and Rotor syndrome) the algorithm is decomposed into two parts:1) Using wavelet transform to analyse the image; via wavelet transform we collected three features for each kind of disease 2) Calculates the percentage of the gray scales (percentage of white and black colour) for each image via its histogram, it collects two features for each kind of disease. In total there will be five values; these five values will be the inputs for the fuzzy logic that will decide the kind of disease based on these values. We made experiments for 55 cases mostly for children who suffered from different kinds of constitutional jaundice. Our algorithm yields more accurate results compared to the diagnosis by a doctor's eyes only. We collected 55 cases mostly for children that suffered from different kinds of the Constitutional Jaundice.
     The third algorithm is to diagnose thin basement membrane. The idea of our algo-rithm is based on content based image retrieval. The diagnosis of this disease is depend on measure of the thickness of the membrane, the traditional way for diagnosis is to manually calculate the thickness, so we suggest an automatic algorithm to detect the membrane and calculate thickness, at first the detecting of membrane is decided by doc-tor diagnosis, then we used some pictures to built database, this database will detect the membrane automatically then calculate the thickness to know whether it is normal or ab-normal. Compared with manually ways our algorithm is easy to use and has more accu-racy.
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