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     [方法]:体外培养人膀胱癌T24细胞,筛选最佳接种浓度。采用四氮甲基唑蓝(MTT)比色法,以丝裂霉素(MMC)作为阳性对照,研究SA-1、S-3、CM-6、S-11、S-4、S-1、CM-4、S-12、CM-3、S-5、SR-37等11种二萜类化合物在不同浓度下对T24细胞生长的抑制作用并测定其半数抑制浓度(IC50)。先用浓度为20μ mol/L的各样品进行初步筛选,根据初筛结果,在该浓度即20μmol/L对肿瘤细胞生长抑制率在50%附近的化合物设5个浓度梯度复筛,分别为40、8、1.6、0.32、0.064μ mo1/L五个浓度梯度,检测24小时及48小时二萜类化合物抑制膀胱癌T24细胞0D值,结合相关公式计算出各化合物的IC50值。
bjective:Bladder cancer is one of the most common malignancies. tumor recurrence is a major clinical concern. Unfortunately, current chemotherapies are insufficient in bladder reperfusion.Therefore, there is an obvious urgent need for novel, effective and safe therapies to prevent both recurrence and progression. According to study on effect of11natural diterpenoids to inhibite bladder cancer in vitro, we can screen a new chemotherapy of bladder cancer.
     Method:To obtain the best consistency of bladder cancer T24cells in vitro, Using MTT colorimetric method and taking MMC as the positive control to research the inhibitory effects of11antitumor compounds to the bladder cancer in vitro:SA-1、 S-3、CM-6、S-11、S-4、S-1、CM-4、S-12、CM-3、S-5and SR-37on the growth of T24cells and its value of IC50with40、8、1.6、0.32、0.064μmol/L five different concentration in different hour24h and48h. Firstly, taking20μmol/L concentration of each sample as preliminary screening. Based on the result of the preliminary screening, we set40、8、1.6、0.32、0.064μmol/L screen again to detect the OD of11diterpenoids to inhibite the bladder cancer in vitro in24h and48h, then figure up each IC50with relevance formula.
     Result:The IC50of MMC. SA-1、S-3、CM-6、S-11、S-4、S-1、CM-4、S-12、 CM-3、S-5、SR-37to the T24bladder cancer cell in48h as follows:2.55、6.16、6.64、8.87、6.06、3.79、8.25、6.69、7.94、8.33、10.46μmol/L. There are10kinds of compounds which values of IC50are less than10ug/mL. S-4has the lowest value of IC50to the T24bladder cancer cells.
     Conclusion:Among11compounds. S-4has the highest value of IC50to the T24bladder cancer cells. The inhibition rate of the11compounds to the T24bladder cancer cells assume time dependence and concentration dependence. By preliminary study on inhibitory effect of11natural diterpenoids to bladder cancer in vitro, S-4had layed foundations in treatment of bladder cancer patients.
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