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     1.当目标与背景颜色相近时,目标常被误检测为阴影。为了克服单一类型颜色特征的不足,结合阴影与背景的纹理一致性,提出了基于颜色和纹理相结合的运动阴影检测方法。首先,利用HSV颜色空间中的亮度和色度对前景区域进行检测;同时,使用局部二值模式(Local Binary Patterns,LBP)和局部方差(Local Variance)分别描述前景区域的纹理,并通过计算与背景的纹理相似度进行检测。然后,采用逻辑操作融合这两种结果,得到最终的检测结果。该方法同时考虑了阴影的颜色恒常性和纹理一致性,使这两类特征能够实现优势互补,取得了比较好的检测结果。
     3.为了克服基于像素的方法对噪声或不确定因素敏感的不足,提出了基于自适应区域分割的运动阴影检测方法。该方法分别利用两种自适应分割算法划分前景区域,一种是吸引力传播(Affinity Propagation,AP)算法;另一种是分水岭算法。前者将前景图像分成不重叠的小块,提取其颜色特征并使用AP实现分割;后者利用分水岭算法对前景图像的梯度图像进行分割,通过像素的梯度变化得到若干个子区域。然后,通过比较子区域的梯度变化、相邻帧以及当前帧与背景之间的子区域纹理相似度进行分类。该方法同时考虑了帧内和帧间的子区域纹理变化,探索的实现了时空特征的结合。大量的实验结果表明,自适应区域分割方法与规则分块方法相比,更能保持区域的特征一致性;与基于像素的方法相比,具有更好的鲁棒性。
     4.现有的阴影检测方法中,许多都依赖于一些限制性的假设条件和场景的光照变化,甚至要求每个视频都要有一组固定的参数,然而这在复杂的监控场景中并不适用。针对此问题,提出了基于统计判别模型的运动阴影检测方法。首先,从人工标记的像素中提取不同类型的特征并组成特征向量作为原始样本,特征个数即样本的维数;然后,采用偏最小二乘(Partial Least Squares,PLS)对原始样本进行维数约简,同时使用Logistic判别(Logistic Discrimination,LD)分类,构建统计判别模型PLS-LD;最后,对输入的待检测像素,利用PLS-LD对其分类。该方法不依赖阈值,能够自动判断像素的类别。通过对不同视频序列的测试以及交叉训练测试,验证了该方法的有效性和泛化能力。
With the rapid development of social economy and city construction, the sharpexpansion of urban population is putting great pressure to public security. In recent years,along with the advance of digital image processing techniques, intelligent video surveillancesystem becomes more and more popular, which plays a crucial role in the construction ofintelligent city, safe city and smart city. In the field of computer vision, the core of intelligentvideo surveillance system is object detection, which is the basis of video content analysisincluding scene analysis, processing and behavior understanding. However, the study ofobject detection still confronts many challenges due to the complexity of video scenes.
     Shadow is one of the optical phenomena in nature as well as a kind of common imagedegradation phenomenon, which possesses two visual features similar to object. One is thatshadow and background have obvious differences; the other is that shadow and object havethe same motion characteristic. These two properties make it easy to be detected as object.Shadow reduces the accuracy of object detection, which may cause object merging, objectshape distortion and even object loss. It can severely impact the subsequent video contentanalysis. Therefore, shadow detection has become the key problem for video surveillancesystem, which has important theoretical significance and extensive application value.
     On the basis of optical shadow model, the study on moving shadow detection is carriedout deeply and four different shadow detection methods are put forward. The effectivenessand superiority of the proposed methods are demonstrated by extensive experiments onseveral standard benchmarks and comparisons with several state-of-the-art methods. Themain work is summarized as follows:
     1. When the color information of object is close to background, the object is usuallydetected as shadow mistakenly. To overcome the drawback of single color feature, we presenta moving shadow detection method by combining color with texture in terms of the textureconsistency. Firstly, we adopt the intensity and chromaticity in HSV color space to detectshadows in foreground image. Meanwhile, we utilize Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and localvariance to describe the texture for foreground image, calculate texture similarity betweenforeground and background for detection. Subsequently, logical operation is used to combinethe two results. The proposed method takes the color constancy and texture consistency ofshadow into account simultaneously, which makes the two properties complement with eachother. Experimental results indicate that our method achieves better detection accuracy.
     2. Most of conventional shadow detection methods based on multiple features use eachfeature independently in serial mode and then adopt yes/no logical mechanism to determine whether a foreground pixel is shadow or not. Different from these methods, we address amultiple features fusion method by the utilization of intensity, color and texture in parallelmode. Besides the intensity, color features are firstly extracted from multiple color spaces andmulti-scale images while texture features are obtained by entropy and LBP from multiplechannels. Then, normalize each feature map and fuse these maps to generate the final map bydecision level fusion strategies. Finally, we employ appropriate threshold to final feature mapfor classification. Experiments on various benchmarks validate that the proposed method withlinear weighted fusion is superior to other fusion strategies and some representative methods.
     3. To address the sensitivity against noise or uncertain factors for pixel-based shadowdetection methods, we suggest an adaptive region segmentation method. Two differentmethods are exploited to segment foreground. One is Affinity Propagation (AP), and the otheris watershed algorithm. The former is to partition the foreground into blocks withoutoverlapping, extract color feature from blocks and then use AP to cluster for pre-segmentation;the latter perform watershed algorithm to gradient image of the foreground and several subareas are obtained according to gradient changes. Then, we compare gradient changes in eachsub area, compute texture similarity between sub areas in consecutive frames and in currentframe and background for classification. Obviously, the method utilizes the texture similarityin both of intra-frame and interframe simultaneously, meanwhile carries out the combinationof spatial and temporal features. Compared with the method of fixed block, experimentalresults demonstrate that the adaptive region segmentation method can retain the consistencyproperty in sub area well. Yet, it also has better robustness than pixels-based methods.
     4. The effectiveness of most existing shadow detection methods relies on somerestrictive assumptions and illumination changes in scenes, and even requires each video tohave a fixed parameter set. However, it is not adaptive for complex scenes. Consequently, wepropose a moving shadow detection method based on statistical discriminant model. First,different types of features are extracted from man-made labeled pixels and formed a featurevector as original samples. The number of features is the sample dimension. Second, partialleast square (PLS) is applied to dimensional reduction and logistic discrimination (LD) isadopted for classification. Meanwhile, the statistical discrimination model PLS-LD isestablished. Finally, PLS-LD is used to classify new input pixel. The method does not dependon any threshold and can automatically judge the class of pixels. Extensive experimentalresults and cross training-test on various videos justify the effectiveness and generalizationability of proposed method.
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