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In this paper, we backgrounded the history, natural, eco-environmental and social economic station of Beijing region. Based on the theories of ecological carrying capacity (ECC) and sustainable development (SD), the sustainable development trend of ECC during 2001 to 2008 in Beijing region was studied by comprehensive classification assessment method. We defined new contents of ECC base on the traditional ECC theory, it contains three sections:ecosystem resilience, anchorage force of carrying media and pressure of carrying object. In the paper, the index system on ECC in Beijing city was constructed according to the new definition, and the sustainable development trend of regional ECC was evaluated with the comprehensive assessment model. Furthermore, we also set up the index system on sustainable development of Beijing city and draw the map of regional sustainable development. Finally, an assessment criterion of regional sustainable development was built by linear regression, and analyzed the situation of Beijing city in studying time internal through the change of supporting layer and pressure layer, and then provided a series of rational measurement and proposal.
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