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In the forest-grass compound planting patterns, the content of soil nutrients affects the plants's growth. On the other hand, the absorb ability of plant, distributing of roots system, quantity and quality of litters influence the content of soil nutrients. Three patterns, the E.grandis+Dactylis glomerata L; E.grandis +Festuca arundinacea L; E.grandis +Hemarthria compressa(L..f)R.BY(the shorted form of each was pattern I , pattern II and pattern III) were set in this experiment. Each pattern has five density, namely 2222,1677,1333,1111 and 833 tree/hm~2(the shorted form of each was I , II ,HI,IV,V). The content of soil nutrients and physical properties under and out of crown of tree were measured. For the analysis of the seasonal changing role of soil nutrients and physical properties are as following:
    The total nitrogen content of pattern I was declined at whole stages (May to November) . The reason may be as follows: 1.Dactylis glomerata L,Festuca arundinacea L and compressa(L.f)R.BY were gramineous herbs and need large amounts of nitrogen in growing periods. 2. The experimental plot was located at the high precipitation of western China and has enough precipitation, so the increasing the nitrogen leaching loss.3. The litters and dead roots system were yielded in soil increasing the organic nitrogen between August and November. Then the total nitrogen was deposited by organic form, which may lead to the total nitrogen of model I and III increasing mainly between August and November.
    The content of hydrolysable nitrogen ascended between May and August, for the organic nitrogen was easily mineralized in June and July, and decreased at August to November in each patterns, may be the mineralization between August and November was lower than before, and the growths of herbs and E.grandis still need the nitrogen. In general, the hydrolysable nitrogen of all models was declined at whole stages.
    The content of total phosphorus ascended between May and August and decreased at August to November in each patterns, and were declined at whole stages. For the growth of E.grandis and herbs need the total phosphorus translating into available phosphorus, and was likely to lead to the total phosphorus decreased.
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