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High frequency ground wave radar is a land based remote sensing instrument formeasuring marine environment dynamics, developed in recent 10 years. Working on themechanism that the vertically polarized electromagnetic wave can diffract along thecurving earth surface, the ground wave radar can obtain the information of the seasurface current, wave and wind, so we can deduce current field, wave field and windfield, and the “super vision distance” monitoring on sea surface vessels and flyingobjects in low altitude can also be conducted.
    High frequency ground wave radar can be divided into narrow beam (phase controlledarray antenna) radar and wide beam (unit flagelliform antenna) radar based on thewave width of antenna's wave beam. The former is characterized by multiple entitiesand long array, so it can measure many marine factors in high accuracy and fine spatialresolution. Because of huge phase controlled array and large emission power, itoccupies large area and is uneasy to move. On the other hand, the latter one'semitting and receiving antennas are small, so it can easily be moved and managed (forexample SeaSonde system). However its angle resolution and accuracy are lower thanthe former.
    High frequency ground wave radar remotely measures fluid velocity of sea surfaceon wave beam's direction by the emitted and received radar waves variety, so remotesensing of sea surface fluid velocity can be carried on one, two or more stations.Because high frequency ground wave radar on one station can only measure fluidvelocity on wave beam's direction(radial fluid), in order to obtain sea surface'stwo dimension fluid field, we need synthesize remote sensing information of radarson two and more stations.
    Compared with traditional marine survey instrumentation, high frequency groundwave radar is more advantageous with large measuring distance, large covering area,more observing factors and operating on all weather. Compared to marine satelliteremote sensing, it has lower cost, higher measuring accuracy, higher spatial
    resolution and higher sampling frequency. High frequency ground wave radar is a newland based remote sensing instrument with superior vision and greater appliedpotentials.After twenty years' development, high frequency ground wave radar's software,hardware, and applied level are greatly improved. However no matter compared withtraditional marine survey or satellite remote sensing, there are big gaps. So allworlds, especially great and strong marine countries, attach great importance to theresearch of high frequency ground wave, thereby, its development reachesunprecedented level.Our country acquires great achievement on the research of high frequency groundwave radar (software, hardware and application). During the 9th and 10th 5-year plan,research on high frequency ground wave radar (software and hardware) are implementedin national marine 863 project.This paper briefly looks back inside and outside development history and researchlevel of high frequency ground wave radar, simply introduces its remote sensingprinciple and method to inverse sea surface fluid, wave and wind field. Combined withthree author charged 863 projects, this paper detailedly recounts radar's comparisonand verification on the sea and radar remote sensing data's calibration byphysical oceanography means, presents way and method of remote sensing data's qualitycontrol. This paper also demonstrates inverse precision of sea surface fluid fieldsynthesized by radar remote sensing data, particularly study the application of radardata's assimilation.
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