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The Daqinggou State Natural Reserve in Inner Mongolia lies in the center of the arid and half-arid Kerqin Desert where the precious broad leaved forest in north China is preserved, being nicknamed the Pearl in the Desert. More and more tourists are attracted to this Reserve, threatening the fragile eco-system. It is considered critically important and necessary to evaluate the fragility of the eco-system and the development of the tourism in order to obtain guidelines and principles between the fragile eco-system and the fast development of the tourism.
     According to the research on the ecology tourism both domestically and abroad, a detailed study on the Reserve and a systematical analysis of the ecology fragility have been conducted. The evaluation of the eco-tourism has been made in order to design the eco-tourism in the Reserve.
     (1) The status of the soil in the Reserve, soil organic matters, total nitrogen, phosphorus in the bottom of the valley) valley slope forest) the forest outside of the valley) bushes hills outside of the valley) grass hills outside of the valley) barren hills.The total nitrogen, phosphorus in the forest at the bottom of the valley is about20to60times than those barren hills outside of the valley. The soil in the Reserve contains less organic matters, total nitrogen, phosphorus and rapid available nitrogen. The soil nutrients are not stable.
     (2)444plants grow in the Daqjing Valley and The xiaoqing Valley, amounting to63%of the flora in the Reserve. In the valley there exist56kinds of plants per square km on average. But outside of the valley there grow only4kinds of plants. It indicates that the surroundings for plants growth in the valley are much better than those outside of the valley.
     (3) There are196kinds of aquatic plants and bog plants at the bottom of the valley in the wet grassland, marsh and water, taking up28of the total number. The protection of the wet land plays a key role in the quality of the environment for the plants.
     (4) It can be noted that most plants grow only at particular growing locations. This indicates the great differences of the growing environment in the Reserves. There exists little connection between different growing environments. The growing spots are small relatively so there grow fewer kinds of plants on each spot. The ecological fragility was caused in this way. Once the enviroment and the flora damaged, it would be difficult to restore and would influence the other plants. A chain of environment would start.
     (5) The average trait value of the ground cover illustrates that the thickness and coverage of the herbage, the height and the coverage of the litter, the humas thickness of the soil are all the same as those of the typical arid grassland. The layers of litter and humas are narrow. The slopes are sharp. Wind erosion, water erosion or human stepping will destruct the ground cover, the sand will become shifting sand. Protection of the fragile plants in the area is vital in the development. Wind erosion, water erosion and travellers' stepping have to be avoided.
     (6) The tourism experimental results show that on the down slope section of the valley, the downhill is trampled much heavier than the uphill. The down slope trampled area is1.5or2times larger than the up slope. Travelers'stepping on the plant seriously rolls and move the plants with great force. Survey figures showed that tourism trample reduced up to40%to100%of the growth of plant species, height, density, coverage, litter and updating in the forest.
     (7) Through the analysis, in the Reserve, drought, strong wind are commonplace. The rainfall concentrates in certain time in large amount. The ground cover is thin, the slopes are steep, the sand structure is not stable, the soil is easy to be destroyed, all the above will increase the degree and speed of the soil wind and water erosion. The nutrition of the soil decreases and the production of the soil have been influenced. The soil erosion resistance is weak, ability produce the internal factors of water erosion of soil, But the travel trample on the external cause further exacerbated the wind erosion and the degree of water erosion and process. Thus cause the loss of soil nutrient, land productivity is destroyed, easy to form the traceability erosion, vegetation development and the growth suffocate suffocate, further intensifies the soil and vegetation ecological vulnerability.
     (8) Research reveals that Caragana microphylla Lam is capable of improving nitrogen content to such extent the it is1.5to2times more effective than Artemisia halodendron and wild apricot. To prevent the Daqinggou and the Xiaoqinggou from being buried by sand, an enormous amount of xiaoyujinj have been planted around the Reserve. Arbor and bushes are planted in the mixed intervened way in order to increase the ground cover. The roots of these plants will protect the vulnerable soil from being washed away. Sand bags, grass blocks and tourist plank roads will improve the plant cover.
     (9) Through the investigation and observation of the direct impact of tourism on soil, plant, wildlife and water in eight aspects, the results show the tourists' trampling reduces the gaps of the soil and the rain absorption but increases runoff. It also reduces the amount of water and air coming into the roots of the plants. It makes it difficult for the plants to take in nutrition and water. The microbes can not live in the soil. The decomposing and recycling of the plants are obstructed. The microbes in the soil has been changed negatively and the different reactions is influenced. The soil is hardened. The granular wind and water bodies such as the catalysis of soil erosion will accelerate.
     (10) In this paper the existing tourism ecological vulnerability has been diagnosed. The purpose is to clear diagnosis system vulnerability processes and to offer solutions to improving the vulnerability problems in the Reserve. Through the system, the diagnosis of the tourism ecological vulnerability system can be divided into six problem subsystems, respectively, restricted area population problem subsystem, planning and management control subsystem, natural geographical limit problem subsystem, secondary disasters process problems subsystem, the control object process problems subsystem, the control effect phenomenon problem subsystem.
     (11) It has been found out by the Reserve system diagnostic tourism ecological system that the high vulnerability degree mainly can be classified into the following four categories, the worse performance in the resistance to disasters, low species diffusion capacity, low production ability, low metabolism and the slim possibility of system restoration.
     (12) The reserve diagnosis system confirms that the diagnosis of the management control subsystem of the problem indicates that the fundamental control of the reserve vulnerability is to solve the key problem of each subsystem, including conservation efforts and tourist ecological education.
     (13) The diagnosis system shows that the renovation, succession and the bad growth is the center of a weak ecological system. It includes the vulnerability of the system, system spread species ability, production ability to metabolize and the system restoration performance. It is the node of the process subsystem and the effect subsystems of conservation. The ecological tourism business reserve management must seize the central node.
     (14) The evaluation research on Daqinggou Valley tourism ecological system shows if a planked pathway is paved for the traveling tourists, and4000tourists per day as a control number, the annual tourist capacity should be controlled within480,000. According to the measurement of its seed bank characteristics of Daqinggou Valley, this existing protection area can satisfy the ecological system protection needs. However, we need to take the protective measures to strengthen the protection of its outer areas. Planting cloisonne, the drought tolerance sand-fixation plant, is sure to prevent both quicksand and wind erosion from grooving into the protection area.
     (15) The comprehensive ecological evaluation study shows that the plant species diversity (PI) and ecological system distribution eco-system (mp4) for the protection are the main ecological elements. The elements can be placed in the following order according to the importance value:variety (P1)(mp4)>> eco-system representative (P2)> stability (at)=human interference (what do> natural (P3)> area suitability (system). The reserve landscape ecological elements are in good condition. Reserve overall evaluation is79points, the comprehensive ecological index is0.725, the ecological tourism resources development potential evaluation of81.5points. The results show that the reserve macro ecological elements are in good condition and it is feasible to develop ecological tourism, but micro ecological system is in a weak state. The ecological protection tourism type should be adoped.
     (16) In this paper, the ecological tourism system application has been designed. The Reserve has good aesthetic appreciation value, peculiar resources, scientific survey value and history culture. Ecological tourism development involves the good location, natural environment and economic environment conditions.
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