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Reasonable development of cultural relics and historic sites tourism can better to realize tourist economic benefits, social benefits and environment benefits, also is the final aim to implementing China's law for preservation of antiquity. But in china, there still existing phenomenon of over consumption of the cultural relics and historic sites tourism resources. Many cultural relics and historic sites have been early declined because of the interruption of tourism development, which influences the preservation of cultural relics and historic sites, also the sustainable development of tourism industry.
    In the thesis the author uses the analysis method of game theory, constructed managerial right choices game model, development method game model and scientific management game model, investigating the economic source that causes irrational development and tries to make the stakeholders chase from personal efficiency controlled by personal reason to chase Pare-To efficiency controlled by collective reason through regimen arrangement and stimulated policies.
    The thesis is composed of five chapters except for the preface and the conclusion. They are as follows:
    In preface, systematic introduction about the foreign and national issues in this field is discussed.
    Chapter one presents the concept about protection and development of cultural relics and historic sites, game theory.
    Chapter two firstly classified cultural relics and historic sites based on the value of preservation and development, secondly discussed the strategy choices of preservation and development by the classification.
    Chapter three firstly concerns on the separation of property right of cultural relics and historic sites from managerial right which discussed keener today, secondly discusses about the strength and weakness of administration management and devolution management. Thirdly constructs game model about managerial right choices and supplies some marketing supervision, administration framework and system arrangement.
    Chapter four analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the different development method and systematically investigates the influenced factors on the choices of development methods. Constructing development method choice game model, the results show that as manager, he should improve the ability of development condition proof, and the government should undergo the supervision and administration role.
    Chapter five is about the duty and aim of scientific management after development of cultural relics and historic sites. Probing on the construction of scientific management evaluation model, Based on this to construct scientific management game model and put forward some suggestions to prevent over development.
    Conclusion summaries views of the author and the questions need thorough study of the thesis.
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