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卡罗尔·希曼诺夫斯基(Karol Szymanowski1882-1937),波兰近现代著名作曲家。1905年他在华沙音乐学院学习作曲时,即与一批青年作曲家组成了“青年波兰作曲家联盟”,有志于创作出既植根于民族传统、又能在多元并存积淀丰厚不断发展的欧洲音乐中占有一席之地的波兰现代音乐。之后在他三十余年的创作生涯中,由于个人审美趣味的变化发展,他先后受到不同风格流派的影响,经历了三个不同的创作时期。而在这被许多音乐辞典有关条目概括为希曼诺夫斯基创作的“浪漫主义阶段”、“印象主义阶段”和“民族主义阶段”三个时期里,他分别写作了包括交响曲、协奏曲、室内乐、歌剧、芭蕾舞剧和声乐作品在内的大量音乐作品,获得了世界性的影响,从而成为继肖邦之后又一位载入音乐史册的波兰作曲家。
Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937) is a renowned Polish composer of the contemporary period. In1905, while studying composition at the Warsaw Music Institute, together with a group of young composers, he formed the "League of Polish Youth Composers", aspiring to create a modern Polish music both on the basis of national tradition as well as to allow for modern Polish music to occupy a place within the tapestry of accumulated richness continually developing in European music. Later, during a career of over thirty years in composing, due to changes in the development of his personal aesthetic tastes, he was successively exposed to influences of different styles and schools, and underwent three very different periods of creative work. Moreover, in the three periods of related entries in many musical dictionaries summarizing Szymanowski's work-the Romantic Period, Impressionist Period, and the Nationalistic Period-his writing is differentiated to include symphonies, concertos, chamber music, operas, ballets and vocal compositions, which lead to him attaining global fame, thus becoming a Polish composer to be written into the annals of post-Chopin musical history.
     This academic dissertation addresses as its research objective the "Fourth Symphony (Symphonic Concerto for Piano and Orchestra)" composed during Szymanowski's latter years (the third period of his creative work) between the years1931-1932, from the perspective of the technique of its thematic composition, musical structure, harmony and polyphony, orchestration, timbre, as well as the structural patterns of the work, and undertakes an analytical research and discussion of its overall system.
     This academic dissertation is comprised of an introduction, six sections, and a conclusion.
     In terms of the introduction, this part of the text outlines and introduces the general circumstances of Szymanowski's lifelong composition of symphonies-including style, theme, background, form, technical composition, its relation to folk music, etc., in order for us to have a deeper understanding of the development his thought, the stylistic transformations, and the changes in technique involved in the composition of his symphonies.
     The first through sixth sections form the main body of the dissertation, and take us, via various examples, through a detailed systematic research and analysis of all aspects of the form and technicai composition of Szymanowski's Fourth Symphony.(For exampie, aspects of thematic and musical structure, harmony and polyphony, orchestration and timbre, etc.).
     In terms of the conclusion, based on the analysis, research, discussion and arguments in the various chapters above, this section of the dissertation proposes that only after having gone through the two earlier periods of Romanticism and Impressionism, did Szymanowski finally gain a new vitality in his writing from Polish folk music, taking shape in a succinct, unaffected musical style and a distinct form and technique of composition, exploring a unique style of modern Polish music. Moreover, this is just the aspect from which those of us composing musical works which possess a Chinese style of artistic conception can learn. Likewise, this is exactly the objective of the writing of this academic dissertation.
①引自克里斯托弗·帕尔默Christopher Palmer:《希曼诺夫斯基》马继森译,第32—33页。
    ② Heinrich Neuhaus涅高兹(1888-1964)乌克兰著名钢琴家。
    ③罗杰·斯克鲁顿(Roger Scruton 1944---)英国哲学家波士顿大学的哲学教授。
    ④译自Roger Scruton:Understanding Music:Philosophy and Interpretation,第189页。
    ⑤译自Teresa Chylinska:Karol Szymanowski:His life and Works,第23页。
    ①译自Teresa Chylinska:Karol Szymanowski:His life and work,第30页。
    ①译自Roger Seruton:"Between Decadence and Barbarism:"The Music of szynanowski"第160页。
    ① Teresa Chylinska:Karol Szymanowski:His life and Works,第128页。
    ② Teresa Chylinska:Karol Szymanowski:His life and Works,第143—144页。
    ③引自Christopher Palmer:《希曼诺夫斯基》马继森译,第27页。
    ①查宾斯基博士(Adolf chybinski,1880-1952),波兰音乐家,华沙音乐学院的教授,是二十世纪塔特尔山区的民族音乐研究者。
    ②扎科帕内是波兰最南部城市,属新松奇省,位于塔特拉山(Tatra Mountains)海拔七百五十米的高原上,在克拉科夫南85公里,塔特拉山北坡的河谷中,是波兰最高的山城。
    ③引自Christopher Palmer:《希曼诺夫斯基》马继森译,第25页。
    ④引自Christopher Palmer:《希曼诺夫斯基》马继森译,第23页。
    ①译自BrueeBohle编著《The International Cyelopedia Of Music And Musieians》第2229页。
    ① Zdzislaw Jachimecki (1882-1953)波兰民间音乐学者、作曲家。
    ②译自Alistair Wightman:Karol Srymanowski—His Life and Work,第370页。
    ①转引克里斯托弗·帕尔默Christopher Palmer:《希曼诺夫斯基》马继森译,第51页
    ①译自The New Grove Dictionary of Music and musicians, "Symphonie concertante", London:Macmillan Publishers Limited,2001
    [英]克里斯托弗·帕尔默Christopher Palmer:《希曼诺夫斯基》马继森等译,花山文艺图书,2007年
    [美)库斯特卡(S.Kostka):《20世纪音乐的素材与技法》(Materials and Techniques of Twentieth-century Music)宋谨译.北京:人民音乐出版社,2002年。
    [美]保罗亨利朗(Paul heny lang):《西方文明中的音乐》(Music in Western Civilization)顾连理、张洪岛、杨燕迪、汤亚汀译.贵阳:贵州人民出版社2001年。
    [美)彼得·斯·汉森(Peter S.Hansen):《二十世纪音乐概论》(An Introduction To Twentieth Century Music)孟宪福译.北京:人民音乐出版社,1986.
    [美)约翰·怀特(John White):《音乐分析》张洪模译,上海:上海文艺出版社,1981年。
    [英)麦克菲逊(Stewart Macpherson):《曲式及其演》,陈洪、陈小兵、陈鸿铎译,北京:人民音乐出版社,1994年。
    [英)杰拉尔德·亚伯拉罕(Gerald Abraham:《简明牛津音乐史》(The Concise Ox ford History of Music.)顾犇译.上海:上海音乐出版社,1999年。[日]属启成:《作曲技法的演进》,陈文甲译,北京:人民音乐出版社,1992年。(法)玛丽-克莱尔·缪萨:《二十世纪音乐》马凌、王洪译,文化艺术出版社,2005年。
    Adrtan thomas:Polish Music since Szymanowski,Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge,2005
    Alistair Wightman:Karol Srymanowski- His Life and Work, Ashgate Publishing Limited,1999
    Arthur Rubinstein, My Young Years, Alfred A. Knopf, New York,1973
    Barbara Ann Milewski:The Mazurka and National Imaginings, Princeton University,2002
    Jim Samson, The Music of Srymanowski, Kahn&Averill, London,1990
    Sun-Joo Cho:Nationalism in Karol Szymanowski's Mazurkas No.1-4, Op.50:The Influence of Goral Music, M.M., University of Cincinnati,2007
    Tadeusz Zielinski:Srymanowski-Liryka I ekstaza, Polskie Wydawnistwo Muzyczne,1997
    Teresa Chylinska:Karol Szymanowski:His Life and Works. Translated by John Glowacki. Los Angeles, California:University of Southern California, School of Music,1993
    The New Grove Dictionary of Musie and Musieians, London:Maemillan Publishing Limited 2001
    Stanley Sokol:The Polish biographical dictionary, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers,1992
    Roger Seruton:"Between Decadence and Barbarism:The Music of szynanowski," in Karol Szymanowski in seiner Zeit, ed. Michal Bristiger, Rogertan, Petra Weber-Bockholdt (Miinche: W. Finl),1984
    Anna Czekanowska:Polish Folk Music, Cambridge University Press,1991

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