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With the further development of the market economy, the fictitious economy has become an important part of the economy. After the1870s, due to economic globalization and financial liberalization, the fictitious economy penetrated and embedded in all areas of market economic activities. With the deepening of financial liberalization and penetration, the fictitious economy is increasingly affecting the social and economic life, ways of thinking and values of people, so the cognition of wealth has also undergone a profound change. People's physical wealth concept evolved into the one which fictitious wealth and physical wealth coexist. Contemporary social division of labor is driven by the IT. It has became a history that precious metals were once a symbol of wealth and saving money was a means of wealth. Also the paper money was a present of wealth. Contemporary people have formed digital fictitious wealth concept. As the economy growing fictitiously, fictitious assets in the proportion of social wealth are bigger and bigger, the expansion is growing faster. Therefore the fictitious economy has become an important part of the social economy. But there is a huge systematic risk of the fictitious economy because of its fragility, instability and positive feedback. The unreasonable or missing regulation of fictitious economic may lead to financial crisis, damaging the economic system devastated. Since2008, the global financial crisis which was triggered by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, has presented warning to China's economic development. We began to realize the importance of improving the fictitious economy's regulatory mechanism and risk warning mechanism. It has an important effect in avoiding financial risks and preventing financial crises. Therefore, strengthening the research of fictitious economic on theory has become an urgent task in China.
     The origin, evolution and realization of the fictitious economy have its own historical evolution path and internal logic rule. Generally, the origin of the fictitious economy was promoted by the social division of labor and technological progress. In the undeveloped stage of human social productive forces, the original ancestor occasional barter, to the emergence of surplus products and commodity exchange appears after agriculture and animal husbandry and handicrafts was inevitable. For convenience and needs of the human commodity trading, precious metal money appeared after numerous transform a medium of exchange. And it became a medium of exchange, store of value and scale. We can say that money is the first order of economic fictitious logical starting point. Although precious metals bear the currency circulating medium, the value scale, payment functions means, storage means and a world currency, it has its own weaknesses. And the paper money was produced by the promotion of science and technology slowly. After that the bill became a new starting point for the fictitious economy, that's the second order economic fictitious logical starting point. Since the division of labor in modem society and the promotion of financial liberalization especially in the1970s after the disintegration of the Bretton Woods system, gold and currency were completely separated. That lead to a non-monetary gold. The fictitious economy embarked on a fast track and the fictitious economy increased its scale expansion faster and faster, becoming an important part of the social economy. Causes of these phenomena, also requires us to stand on a higher perspective to reflect on the phenomenon of the fictitious economy. In addition, the fictitious economy also has a pool of liquidity reserves, allocation of resources and external buffering functions. But the fictitious economy has its own inherent complexity, instability, speculative, high-risk characteristics and strong liquidity. Thus the fictitious economy would prone to violent fluctuations by external shocks, resulting in a very large economic system damage or even severe financial crisis. Therefore, understanding and mastering the law of the actual evolution in the fictitious economy has important significance in China by exploring the origins of economic fictitiousization, internal evolution and realization of the law, particularly those concerned with the experience of developed countries.
     In this doctoral dissertation, the history and logic of the Marxist dialectic unity of principle was used to explore ways to realize the connotation of the fictitious economy, as well as the evolution of the fictitious economy. It gives an analysis by systematic and detailed learning from the Western mainstream economics theory. The article is started from four perspectives:Discussed ideas are as follows:
     The first perspective is the origin of the fictitious economy. In order to provide a theoretical basis for analyzing the fictitious economy, defines the basic concept of the fictitious economy and the associated concepts before discussing the origin of the fictitious economy system. Analysis of the fictitious economic research is divided into the origin of economic conditions and the economic fictitiousization starting point theory. First, analyze the causes of economic fictitiousization. To analyze the cause of economic fictitiousization, the logical starting point for economic social division of labor and technological progress is bound to be analyzed systematically. Social division of labor and technological progress is not only the driving force of social development, but also the cause and motivation of fictitious economic development. Social division of labor and technological progress throughout the development of the fictitious economy has always been and intertwined with the fictitious economy, mutual promotion and common progress and development of human society. The currency's form of value has fundamentally changed in the promotion of social labor's division and technological progress through the form of a series of social evolution, from the primitive society till now. The change in the form of monetary values the evolution process of the fictitious economy. Analyzing the promotion of social division of labor and technology is necessary to study the evolution of the economic history of fictitious economy. Second, analyze the theory of the starting point. Economic analyzing is divided into two points, the origin of money as the first point and the produce of banknotes as the second order. Since the beginning of primitive society's accidental barter, media commodity trading was fixed to the precious metals gold and silver with the development of commodity economy. That's the generation of money. Precious metals played a role of general monetary equivalents. Money was a real commodity equivalent as a special commodity. Thus, a fictitious currency was rather the starting point than the fictitiousization of the economy. The beginning of the economic fictitiousization was marked with the development of commodity economy and the emerging of the valueless coins. The emerging of banknotes marked another new historical starting point of economic fictitiousisation. Paper money had no value but characterized the value of its currency symbol at tnis moment, especially witn promotion ot the capitalist division of labor and technological progress, the fictitious economy had achieved rapid development. Currency could be converted into other forms of wealth, such as stocks, bonds and other fictitious assets. The emerging of banknotes signed a new starting point of currency's completed fictitiousization and economic fictitiousization.
     The second perspective is the evolution of the fictitious economy. Evolution of the fictitious economy is divided into functional evolution of the fictitious economy and the timing of the evolution of the fictitious economy. The functional evolutions of the fictitious economy are discussed from two points of view. One is the evolution of the basic functions of the fictitious capital and the other is the evolution of the fictitious economy functions. Analyze the function and evolution of the fictitious economy on the basis of the basic functions of the fictitious capital. The basic function of the evolution ofthe fictitious capital measuring the value and means of circulation includes two aspects:on the one hand, the basic functions of the fictitious capital gradually evolving into a measure of value and liquidity means unity, that means payment occurs; on the other hand, the basic measure of value and means of circulation functions of evolution for the storage means and the world currency. The main function of the fictitious economy argument includes four arguments', the fictitious assets is the energy and lubricant of the economy's movements. Fictitious economy is the liquidity reserve pool of money. Optimize the allocation of resources of the fictitious economy and fictitious economy's external buffering. Timing mainly discusses the history process of the fictitious economy's evolution. It consists of three stages. The first one is the initial stage of the evolution which means money fictitiousization. The second one is the intermediate stage. And other financial base products, like stock bonds formed by the credit system and the deepening fictitious economy. The third one is the advanced stage of the evolution. That's the fictitiousization of the international capital and the global economy.
     The third perspective is analyzing the realizations of economic fictitiousization in two aspects, economic analysis of fictitious reality and economic analysis of fictitious realization. Economic analysis of fictitious reality is divided into three areas:extensive application of modern information technology and Internet technology, declining margins caused by modern science and technology as well as endogenous role in promoting financial innovation. While economic analysis of fictitious realizationswas analyzed systematically in five aspects, interest-bearing capital, corporation's demutualization, fictitiousization of the real estate and the bulk commodities' trades.
     The fourth perspective is to put forward three countermeasures on the development of China's fictitious economy on the basis of fictitious economy's origin, evolution and its realization, In the meantime, draw on the experience and enlightenment of America, Japanese and Europe combing with the actual situation in China. First, follow the evolution of the fictitious economy and innovate the finance moderately. Second, strengthen monetary cooperation and regulatory risks to promote the internationalization of the people. Third, grasp the trend of economic growth mode transformation and optimize the function of fictitious economy.
     Possible innovation and the research perspective in this article is that perspectives of the research are centered on the origin, evolution and realization of the fictitious economy. The main innovation:the causes and motivation in evolution of the fictitious economy. The micro and macro-control function of the fictitious economy. The realization of virtual economy:interest-bearing capital fictionalization, the company demutualization of property rights, fictionalization of real estate, the bulk product fictionalization of the contracts trading has been studied and analyzed.
① 本文虚拟资产是指虚拟资本的静态表现形式。虚拟财富相对于物质形态财富而言的,以股票、债券等金融资产存在的价值形式,所以,虚拟资本是虚拟财富的存在形式。
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    ① 亚当.斯密,《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》,商务印书馆,1981年,第48页。他在《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》指出:“财富并非由金和银带来,其实全世界的财富最初都是通过劳动得到的,对于那些拥有财富想要用财富换取某些新产品的人来说,财富的价值精确地等于获取或或支配这些产品所需要耗费的劳动数量。”
    ① 杨小凯:《发展经济学——超边际与边际分析》.张定胜,张永生译.社会科学文献出版社,2003年
    ① 马克思:《资本论》(第三卷),人民出版社,2004,第3777页
    ② 托马斯·孟:《英国得自对外贸易的财富》,商务印书馆,1959年.
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    ② Dobb,M.H (1973):Theories of Value and Distribution since Adam Smith, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, P.40.‘重农学派分析方法的特别之处就在于,他们看到了问题的关键一点是对剩余产品或剩余的来源作出解释和回答。在此基础上他们根据自己的经验和观察,提出是由生产、而且只是由农业的生产能够产生剩余产品或剩余”
    ① 本文虚拟财富是指相对于物质财富来说,以虚拟资本存在的财富形式。
    ① 国家统计局网站http://data.stats.gov.cn/workspace/index
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    ① 《马克思恩格斯全集》第23卷,第62页
    ② 《马克思恩格斯全集》第23卷第3册,第140页
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    ① 西麦尔:《货币哲学》,陈戎女、耿开君、文聘元译,华夏出版社,2002年,译者导言第6页.“货币的双重本性——它是一种具体的、被衡量的物质实体,同时,它拥有自身的意义取决于把物质性彻底消解于运动和功能之中这一过程——源自于这样一个事实:货币是人与人之间交换活动的物化,是一种纯粹功能的具体化。”
    ① Armand Van Dormael "The power of money",(《货币的魔力》),Macmillan Press LTD.1997 Preface
    ① 马克思:《政治经济学批判》,人民出版社,1976年,第48页。“只要理解了货币的根源在于商品本身,货币分析的主要困难就克服了。在这个前提下,问题只在于清楚地理解货币所固有的形式规定性”
    ② 《马克思恩格斯全集》第23卷上册,第112页
    ③ 《马克思恩格斯全集》第46卷上册,第443页
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    ② 马克思、恩格斯:《(资本论)书信集》,第134页.
    ③ 马克思:《政治经济学批判》,第114页
    ① 《马克思恩格斯全集》第23卷,第156页
    ① 弗里德利希·冯·哈耶克:《个人主义与经济秩序》,第238页,邓正来译,复旦大学出版社,2012.
    ① 米尔顿·弗里德曼:《最优货币量》.杜丽群译.华夏出版社,2012,第1页.
    ① [美]罗纳德·麦金农: 《经济市场化的次序——向市场经济过渡时期的金融控制》.周庭煜译.上海三联书店,上海人民出版社,1993.
    ① [英]弗里德里希·奥古斯特·哈耶克:《致命的自负》,冯克利等译,中国社会科学出版社,2000.
    ② 宋杰:《中国货币发展史》.首都师范大学出版社,1999年,第130页,。
    ① 马克思:《资本论》第一卷.人民出版社,2004年,第148—149页.马克思通过这段论述“货币流通本身使铸币的实际含金量同名义含金量分离,使铸币的金属存在同它的职能存在分离,那么货币流通就隐藏着一种可能性:可以用其他材料做的记号或用象征来代替金属货币执行铸币的职能。……因此,它们的铸币职能实际上与它们的重量完全无关,也就是说,与价值完全无关。”揭示了货币虚拟化后,名义价值量只是观念的货币而已,在流通过程中与真实价值无关。
    ① 卢梭:《社会契约论》.李平沤译.商务印书馆,2012年,第18—19页“创建一种能以全部共同的力量来维护和保障每一个结合者人身和财产的结合形式,使每一个在这种结合形式下与全体相联合的人所服从的只不过是他本人,而且同以往一样的自由。”.
    ① 宋杰:《中国货币发展史》.首都师范大学出版社,1999年,第195—198页.
    ② 查尔斯·P·金德尔伯格:《西欧货币史》.中国金融出版社,1991年,第51页.“人们把金子存放在金匠那里,金匠发给收据。后来这些收据不断转手,金匠们观察到了这种流通,最后导致了他们在没有事先存放金子的情况下发行收据。”
    ① 乔治·考夫曼:《现代金融体系:货币、市场金融机构》.经济科学出版社,2001年,第15页。“随着时间的推移,部分原因是为了避免这些困难和提供更稳定的货币供给,发行纸钞的权利被转移给政府,它们和金属之间的联系也被割断了,自从通货脱离金属之后,通货的名义价值就远远高于用来印刷的纸的内在价值,或者可以这么说,通货仅有名义价值,而且它的供给完全由政府决定。这样的货币被称为法币。”
    ① 约翰·伊特韦尔、默里·.米尔盖特、彼得·纽曼:《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典(第二卷)》.经济科学出版社,1996年,第339页.
    ② [美]米尔顿·弗里德曼: 《论通货膨胀》.中国社会科学出版社,1992年,第4页,
    ① 罗伯特·特里芬;《黄金与美元危机—自由兑换的未来》.商务印书馆,1997年,第34页.1960年,罗伯特·特里芬(Robert Triffin)指出的布雷顿森林体系存在着其自身无法克服的内在矛盾:“由于美元与黄金挂钩,而其他国家的货币与美元挂钩,美元虽然因此而取得了国际核心货币的地位,但是各国为了发展国际贸易,必须用美元作为结算与储备货币,这样就会导致流出美国的货币在海外不断沉淀,对美国来说就会发生长期贸易逆差;而美元作为国际货币核心的前提是必须保持美元币值稳定与坚挺,这又要求美国必须是一个长期贸易顺差国。这两个要求互相矛盾,因此是一个悖论。”
    ① 雷蒙德·戈德史密斯:《金融结构与金融发展》.格致出版社·上海三联书店·上海人民出版社,1990年,第46页.“在任何地方,现代意义上的金融发展都是从银行体系的发展开始,并且依赖于纸币在经济中扩散程度。通货(硬币和银行券)与国民财富的比例先是上升然后趋于平稳甚至下降;银行货币(支票存款)的比例也经历过相似的历程。”
    ① 罗纳德·麦金农:《经济发展中的货币与资本》.格致出版社·上海三联书店·上海人民出版社,1997年,第62-83页。
    ① 《辞海》,上海人民出版社,1990年
    ② 每马克思:《资本论》第三卷.转引《通货原理研究》第87页.人民出版社,2004年,第452页.“信用,在它的最简单的表现上,是一种适当的或不适当的信任,它使一个人把一定的资本额,以货币形式或以估计为一定货币价值的商品形式,委托给另一个人,这资本额到期后一定要偿还。”
    ③ [美]约翰·伊特韦尔,默里·.米尔盖特,彼得·纽曼:《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典(第二卷)》.经济科学出版社,1996年,773页.
    ④ [法]卢梭:《社会契约论》.李平沤译.商务印书馆,2012年,第18-19页.社会契约是“创建一种能以全部共同的力量来维护和保障每一结合者的人身和财产的结合形式,使每一个人在这种结合形式下与全体相联合的人所服从的只不过是他本人,而且同以往一样的自由。”
    ① 乔纳森·特南鲍姆,王利娜:《世界金融与经济秩序的全面大危机:金融艾滋病》,载《经济学动态》1995年11期。
    ① 马克思:《资本论》第三卷.人民出版社,2004年,第533-544页.“随着生息资本和信用制度的发展,一切资本有时甚至增加两倍,因为有各种形式使同一资本,甚至同一债券在各种不同的人手里以各种不同的形式出现。这种“货币资本”大部分纯粹是虚拟的。全部存款,除准备金外,只不过是银行家账上的结存款项,但它们从来不是现金保存在那里。”
    ① 域(Domain)即博弈参与人(个人或组织)行动集合的总和。比较制度经济学家青木昌彦定义了六种基本类型的域:共用资源域、交易域、组织场、组织域、政治域和社会交换域,它们可能相互叠加和交叉,也可能有些寓于其他域之中,其混合体共同组成了经济系统。青木昌彦:《比较制度分析》.周黎安译.上海远东出版社,2004年,第243-245页.
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    ① 马克思:《资本论》第三卷.人民出版社,2004年,第384页
    ① 马克思:《资本论》第三卷.人民出版社,2004年,第392页.
    ② 马克思:《资本论》第三卷,人民出版社,2004年,第442页。马克思的经典表述“G-G'上我们看到了资本没有概念的形式,看到生产关系的最高度的颠倒和物化:资本的生息形态,资本的这样一种简单形态,在这种形态中资本是它本身再生产过程的前提;货币或商品具有独立于再生产之外
    ① 马克思指出“即使借贷资本存在的形式,只是现实货币即金或银的形式,只是以自己的物质充当价值尺度的商品的形式,那么这个货币资本的相当大的一部分也必然只是虚拟的,也就是说完全像价值符号一样,只是价值的权利证书。”引自马克思:《资本论论》第三卷.人民出版社,2004年,第575页.
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    ① Harold Demsetz (1967):"Toward a Theory of Property Rights." American Economic Review 57(May,No.2):350.
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