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     4.具有Holling II型功能反应的随机捕食者-食饵模型的持久性和灭绝性。对于每一物种,本文建立了其生存和灭绝的充分条件,并在一定条件下得到了阈值。
In recent years, deterministic population systems have received great attention andhave been studied extensively. However, population dynamics in the real world is in-evitably afected by environmental noises. Then it is important to study stochastic pop-ulation systems to reveal the efect of environmental noises on population systems. Thispaper devotes to investigating the dynamical properties of some important and basic s-tochastic population systems, the main results are as follows:
     1. Persistence and extinction in stochastic non-autonomous Logistic systems. Theinvestigation of logistic system has long been and will continue to be one of the dominantthemes in mathematical ecology due to its importance. Persistence and extinction of thismodel is one of the most interesting and important topics. This paper studies two widelyused stochastic non-autonomous Logistic models and obtains the critical number betweenpersistence and extinction for each system. This paper proves that if the critical numberis positive, then the population is persistence; if the critical number is negative, then thepopulation goes to extinction.
     2. Generalized stochastic Logistic model under regime switching. This paper estab-lishes sufcient condition for extinction, non-persistence in the mean, weak persistenceand stochastic permanence and obtains the critical number between persistence and ex-tinction. Asymptotic properties of this model are also studied. Results show that a difer-ent type of noise has a diferent efect on the persistence and extinction of the population.
     3. Persistence and extinction of a stochastic Lotka-Volterra cooperation model. Foreach species, the critical number between persistence and extinction is obtained, sufcientcondition for stochastic permanence is established. From our results, it is easy to see thatthe stochastic noise is unfavorable for the persistence of all species.
     4. Persistence and extinction of a stochastic predator-prey system with Holling IIfunctional response. Sufcient criteria for extinction and persistence for each species areestablished. The persistence-extinction threshold for each species is obtained in manycases.
     5. A stochastic predator-prey system with Beddington-DeAngelis functional re-sponse is proposed. This paper shows that, although the coefcients of the system neithersatisfy the linear growth condition, nor local Lipschitz continuous, the model still has a globally positive solution, and this paper establishes sufcient conditions for stochas-tically asymptotic stability in the large of the positive equilibrium. A stage-structuredpredator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response with stochastic per-turbation is considered, and this paper establishes the sufcient conditions for stochasti-cally asymptotic stability in the large of the positive equilibrium. These results revealthat if the positive equilibrium of the deterministic system is globally stable, then thestochastic model will preserve this nice property provided the noise is sufciently small.
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