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With the gradual improvement of new rural reconstruction and quickening advancement of the all-round well-off society, the level of using energy in the countryside of Hebei also will enhance unceasingly, and the demand for energy will be unprecedentedly huge, and the influence to the environment will also be inestimable. But the three kind of environmental pollution in the countryside, if applying the method of end-of-pipe control which is the important mean to solve the pollution in city and in the above-scale industrial enterprises, actually have the technological and economic hurdles. In the above-scale industrial enterprise, because of the concentricity of the pollution emission, the relative simplicity of pollutant and the relative large scale of the management, the end-of-pipe control method in he most situations is suitable or even the only one. But this method is not feasible to the life pollution in the countryside, the township enterprises pollution and the intensified poultry and animal plants pollution, for the limit of the small scale economical scale and the high depreciation rate.
     The rural circular economy is applying the circular economy idea in the rural economy life, reducing the input of the resources and material and the discharge of pollutant, carrying out the reusing and recycling of the resource and energy in the small management entity, realizing the coordination and the unification of the rural economy life and the ecological environment. Developing the rural circular economy is the inevitable choice to solve the modern agriculture difficulties, and is the feasible way to solve the problem of“Agriculture, Rural areas and farmers”, and is the essential link to realize the big recycle of the whole society.
     This paper takes circular economy theory as the guiding principle, and takes recycling economical growth pattern as the logical beginning, on the base of the study of the natural condition and the ecological village demonstration zones in the countryside of Hebei, puts forward the rural recycling economic evaluation indicator system. By analyzing the results of the questionnaire survey to a part of farmers in the entire province about the rural recycling economic development, the paper studies the resources, energy use situation in the farmers’production and life at present, the circular economy understanding, and the wishes to participate the circular economy. By summarizing and analyzing the recycling economic development and evolution theories, the paper makes the combines the basic research combine with the rural economy, society and the environment development situation at present in the countryside of Hebei, then proposes the system construction of the regulation, the market, and the technology for the development of the rural circular economy in the countryside of Hebei, and to realizes the sustainable development in rural economy in Hebei. The paper can be divided into four parts:
     The first part, namely the first chapter of introduction, is the study beginning and foundation of the paper. This part mainly introduces the background and the study goal and the significance of the rural recycling economic development in the countryside of Hebei, carries on the synthesis and the narration about the domestic and foreign research situation to the rural circular economy, and shows the research technique, the framework, and the innovation of the paper.
     The second part, namely the second chapter and the third chapter, is including the theory research and domestic and foreign experiences for reference of the rural circular economy. This part is the theory foundation and experience summary of the paper. It limits the concept of the rural circular economy from the angle of rural society, and compares the rural circular economy with the agricultural circular economy, and introduces the theory foundation of this study, the sustained development theory, the ecology theory, the resource and environment theory. It proposes three kind of growth path curves of the circular economy, shows that because of the restraint of the natural resource and the environmental capacity, the circular economy growth will have three types, the possibility to drop, the periodic fluctuation as well as the wave rise. At the same time, it introduces the domestic and foreign experiences and the trend of the development of the rural recycling economic development, which all provides the experiences for reference for Hebei to development the rural circular economy.
     The third part, namely the content from the fourth chapter to the ninth chapter of the paper, includes the Hebei rural circular economy development’s condition analysis, the pattern analysis, the evaluating indicator analysis, and the questionnaire survey analysis, the present situation analysis, and each support system construction analysis. This part is the central content of the paper. First, it diagnoses the natural resource condition at present and each kind of pattern of rural circular economy in Hebei, in the foundation of comprehensive understanding of the situation in Hebei, constructs the rural circular economy system. Next, by referencing the data of the statistical annual of Hebei countryside and the second agricultural census in Hebei, the author designs the rural recycling economic evaluation indicator system. Then, it studies the 343 questionnaires of the survey to the rural recycling economic development in Hebei, and studies the factors that affect the rural recycling economic development in Hebei, such as the level of rural energy, the market forming, the agriculture technology, the rural labor force, the agriculture funds investment, and so on. Finally, according to the actual situation in the countryside of Hebei, it profits from the domestic and foreign experiences, and puts forward the support systems of the regulation, the market, and the technology for the development of the rural circular economy in Hebei.
     The fourth part, namely the ninth chapter of conclusion, carries on the summary to the main study results of the paper, and forecasts the future of the rural recycling economic development in the countryside of Hebei.
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