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酶是催化生物化学反应的一类特殊的蛋白质,在生物体内有独特和关键的作用。鱼类消化道内分布的各种消化酶主要是对所摄取的物质进行消化,分解为可被吸收的小分子物质而进行利用。鱼类消化酶的活性与其食性、食物组成、环境条件、个体的发育阶段等因素有关。同时同种鱼类消化道的不同部位的消化酶活性也各不相同。对各种饲料物质的消化利用程度也有差异。鲇(Silurus asotus Linnaeus)为鲇形目鲇科中的一种生长较快,个体较小的经济鱼类,是广泛分布于长江干流及其支流、嘉陵江等中的一种经济鱼类。其肉质鲜美,具有较高的食用价值。对于鲇消化生理的研究还未见报道。
     2、鲇的比肠长为0.726±0.061, 比胃重为0.027±0.006,比胰脏重为0.022±0.0029,低于杂食性鱼类和草食性鱼类,且随着鱼体的生长,其比胃重、比肠重、比肝胰脏重和比内脏则相对降低。
    2.74、75.55土2.69、64.59土3.16和 179.08fi.97ug/g.min,淀粉酶的活性分另为
    242.05土4.24、196.67土1.59、166.41土1.06、151.28土2.25和 1013.58土4.83mg/g.hr。
    的活力的最适PH值分别为 7.0、7.4和 7.0。
    干物质的总消化率③胃、肠、肝胰脏对各原料的干物质总消化率)为:鱼粉为 49.15“
    啤酒蛋白粉为 20.94%,差异显著(P<0.05)。
    菜粕14.114mg/hr、棉粕11.836mg/hr、肉粉13.177ms/hr、酵母11.429 mg/hr、啤酒
    于前肠,高于胃、中肠和后肠;胰淀粉酶的活力则显著地高于其它组织u刃.05人 说
Three experiments were conducted to study protease and amylase in stomach,intestine and hepatopancreas of Silurus asotus linnaeus. The results are followed:
    Experiment one: The experiments were conducted to study the pH value and the digestive tube index in stomach,intestine,hepatopancreas of Silurus asotus linnaeus, The results are followed:
    1. The pH value in digestive tube of Silurus asotus linnaeus is changed from stomach to post intestine.The pH value of stomach is 4.8-6.2,and that of post intestine is 6.5-7.0.the acidity of stomach is very strong . Not only it can acidulate the feeds,but also can be benefit to the effect of protease in stomach.
    2. The value of intestine length / body length of Silurus asotus linnaeus is 0.726+ 0.061,the stomach weight / body weight and hepatopancreas weight / body weight are 0.027 ± 0.006,0.022 ± 0.0029 respectively.it is smaller than that of herbivorous fishes and omnivorous fishes. The ratio of stomach,intestine, hepatopancreas and viscera weight to body weght of Silurus asotus linnaeus are deduce with growing.
    Experiment two:With Silurus asotus linnaeus, The activity , optimum pH and optimum temperature of protease and amylase in shomach,intestine and hepatopancreas were measured. The results are followed:
    1. The protease activities of stomach, antio intestine,middle intestine,post intestine and hepatopancreas are 152.27±3.53,254.55±2.74 ug/g.mm,75.55±2.69 ug/g.min,64.59±3.16 ug/g.min and 179.08 ±1.97ug/g.min in Silurus asotus linnaeus respectively .The amylase activities are 242.05±4.24 mg/g.h, 196.67±1.59 mg/g.h, 166.41 ± 1.06 mg/g.h, 151.28±2.25 mg/g.h and 1013.58 ± 4.83mg/g.h respectively.the difference was significent (P<0.05) .
    2. The optimum temperature value of stomach, intestine and hepatopancreas for protease are40℃, 44℃ and 36℃ respectively ,and for amylase are 44℃,40℃ and40℃ respectively in Silurus asotus linnaeus.
    3. The optimun pH value of shomach, intestine and hepatopancreas for protease are 2.2,7.0 and 7.4 respectively,and for amylase are 7.0,7.4 and 7.0 respectively in Silurus asotus linnaeus,
    Experiment three: The experiments were conducted to study enzymolysis kinetics and digestive rate in vitro of Silurus asotus linnaeus to fish meal,soybean meal,rapeseed meal, cottonseed meal, meat meal, brewers dried yeast and beer gluten meal.The enzyme is crude enzyme that was obtained from stomach, intestine and hepatopancreas in the fish. The digestive ability was determined:
    1. The digestive rate of fish meal,soybean meal,rapeseed meal, cottonseed meal, meat meal, brewers dried yeast and beer gluten meal to the dry matter are 49.15%, 44.98%, 41.44%, 47.37%, 46.68%, 35.32% and 31.73% respectively;those of the crude protein digestibility are 49.93%, 48.15%, 39.44%, 28.34%, 34.50%, 24.16% and 20.94% respectively(P<0.05).
    2. The rates of amino acid were producted from the enzymolysis fluid of fish meal,soy bean meal,rapeseed meal, cottonseed meal, meat meal, brewers dried yeast and beer gluten meal are 16.45Img/h, 14.756mg/h, 14.114mg/h, 11.836mg/h, 13.177mg/h, 11.429 mg/h, 10.674mg/h respectively (P<0.05 ).
    The result indicated that:
    1. The digestive ability is adapt to feeding and construction of digestive tube.the digestive tube index are consistent the other garnivoroue fishes.the digestive ability to protein in feeding is very strong.
    2. The activities of protease and amylase in different part of gut were different.the activity of protease in antio intestine is the hightest,that of hepatopanceas is the second, that of middle intestine and post intestine are low; the activity of amylase in hepatopanceas is the hightest,that of stomach is the second,that of middle intestine and post intestine are low within 0-4 hours. The protease activity in the hepatopancreas is the hightest,and that in the post intestine is lowest.the amylase in the hepatopancreas is higher than that in the intestine and stomach(P<0.05).The front digestive tube of Silurus asotus linn
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