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     李致宝 中 文 摘 要 广西大学硕士学位论文
    为:谷丙转氨酶*LT)下降5.28儿 碱性磷酸酶*LP)下降7.83儿 乳酸
    脱氢酶亿DH)提高 0.15儿有机铬对血清酶的影晌为:ALT下降 1.54巩 ALP
    提高1.06%、LDH下降0.82%,MHA对血清 酶的影响为:ALT提高1.98%、ALP
    持平、LDH提高 10.07协 MHA处理组中,各试验组奶水牛血清催乳素沪RL)、
    中 MHA对 INS有显著性的影响叩狈.05)。有机铬处理组中,血请 PRL、FT。
    INS含量分别比对照组提高了 73.8%、6.19%、14.72%,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。
    半肤胺处理组中,血清 PRL浓度比对照组下降了 46.15儿 血清 FT。、INS含
    量分别比对照组提高了 1.86%、10.06%。
Eight healthy milk buffaloes were selected and divided four groups randomly according to similar body weight,milk yield,calving time and number.The four groups milk buffaloes were used in a 4x4 latin square trial with four periods and four treatments. Each period was 16 days including 6 days of transition period.Cysteamine (100mg/kg-BW,CS), organic chromium (0.8mg/kg-conc.,OC) and methionine hydroxy analogue (MHA ,35g/d) were supplemented to basal diet (the control group) in order to study the effect of CS,OC and MHA on milk performance and serum biochemical indices of milk buffalo.The results showed as follows:(1)The effect of the three additives on milk buffalo weight was not significant(P>0.05), but had heightening trend.(2) The effect of the three additives on milk performance of milk buffalo was not significant(P>0.05). CS,OC,MHA increased milk yield by 2.07%,6.80%,5.90% respectively; MHA increased total milk solid by 2.25%, CS,OC show declining; OC, MHA increased milk protein by 1.29%, 1.55% respective
    ly,CS decreased by 0.8%; MHA increased milk fat by 8.17%, CS, OC decreased by 4.08%,3.55% respectively; The effect of CS, OC, MHA on milk yield of primiparous milk buffalo was more excellent than that of multiparous milk buffalo.(3) The effect of CS,OC,MHA on serum biochemical indices of milk buffalo had no significant difference(P>0.05). CS, OC,MHA decreased serum TP by 2.8%, 11.22%,0.82% respectively; CS,OC increased serum fat by 16.67%, 11.11% respectively, the serum fat of MHA group had the same level as that of control group; The concentration of serum inorganic ion of milk buffalo added by CS, OC, MHA had declining trend except MHA to serum calcium; The effect of CS on serum enzymes is:ALT,ALP decreased by 5.28%, 7.83% respectively,LDH increased by 0.15%; The effect of OC on serum
    enzymes is: ALT,LDH decreased by 1.54%,0.82% respectively,ALP increased by 1.06%; The effect of MHA on serum enzymes is:ALT increased by 1.98%, ALP had the same level as that of control group, LDH increased by 10.07%; The concentration of serum PRL,FT3,INS in MHA group and OC group increased by 15.38%,1.61%,22.33% (PO.05) and increased by 73.8%,6.19%,14.72% respectively; The effect of CS on serum hormone is: PRL decreased by 46.15%, FT3 ,INS increased by 1.86%, 10.06% respectively.
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