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Confucianism occupies a very important part in the history of Chinese culture. Through the evolution of history, it gradually infiltrated into the deep part of people's mind, and its sublte thinking conceptual has integrated into the deepest part of people's life. Confucianism's deep influence of Huizhou can more evident by Zhu Xi's far-reaching impact in Huizhou. Zhu Xi was born in Huizhou. He inherited and concluded the Confucian orthodoxy ideas which were once being interrupted form Mencius. Then he was developed Han Yu and Cheng Yi, Cheng Hao's doctrine of their Orthodox View, and he combined their own academic point with his one. Finally the Xin'an Neo which composed of his thoughts was born, and ultimately it has become the philosophica's core of Hui Culture. A glimpse of the Confucianism's influence in Huizhou is Marriage Culture. Such as:the oppression of women in Huizhou which comes from "three cardinal guides and the five permanent members Tsunatsune theory"; the women's humble social status such as women's passive position in the marriage which seems like a trading; the main point of marriage is to continue the family line, which can be found through walk on the bag till into the marriage room, the flagon which is one of the essential dowry can reveal their caving of children; how strong the concept of clan and human ethics influence Huizhou can show by"filial piety" which expressd through the newly married couple worship the ancestor's grave of bridegroom. Although in the context of contemporary the vicissitude of society brings many external shocks to people which changed their mind, Confucianism still permeates the Huizhou's marriage customs in the period of social transition. And due to different degrees of external shocks, different political and economic levels may cause so many differences between urban and rural Marriage and wedding gifts.
     For study the differences between traditional. and modern, urban and rural marriage customs in Huizhou, I selected Tunxi District (as city case), Hongguang village (as rural case), and Yanli Village (as rural case) to be the main objects. This paper briefly introduces basic ecological and cultural environment of the survey cases, then selected the local cases which can represent the general level to analyze the differences of Marriage and wedding gifts between urban and rural in Huizhou, which is the key of this paper. And when comparing differences between urban and rural, the analysis will combined with other special cases of Marriage.
     "Six Ritual" is the basic ceremony of Marriage Customs."Six Ritual" which process as the traditional wedding ceremony will be a good starting point for study the changes of modern marriage customs. Through investigating the cases of modern urban and rural marriage customs and comparing the traditional marriage customs with the modern ones in the Huizhou region, men quarry the differences between urban and rural in Huizhou's Marriage.
     In the marriage customs, wedding gift can also reflect the local culture. When elaborating the differences between urban and rural in wedding gifts and social networks, the author would combined it with dowry, bride price, gift lists which are formd modern urban and rural wedding gifts. At last for analyzing the links between the deep cultural connotation which may cause less variation modern Huizhou Marriage Customs and Huizhou regional culture. Political and economic, social system and the new concept would be good perspective to expound when analisis which result the diversities between urban and rural in modern Huizhou Marriage and wedding gifts,.
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