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    归纳起来,本文从四个方面对企业人才环境创建工作加以论述的:第一部分是对国内外人才环境的理论基础及研究现状进行阐述; 第二部分,主要论述了我国广大中小企业现存的人才环境状况及产生目前状况的主要原因; 第三部分是远景展望,主要阐述了具有优秀人才环境的企业共同特点及管理共性,同时指出创建出色企业人才环境是一个渐进的过程; 第四部分是本论文创新的部分,就创建我国中小企业适合本企业人才环境的过程,提出明确问题、确定目标、收集资料、制定方案、选择方案、实施方案、评价方案等七个步骤,作为创建系统人才环境的标准流程。
Humanist is the Central Party Committee proposes under the new social development environment take the science development one of as criterion mentalities. Persists "humanist, Comprehensively sets up, coordinated, sustainable developing viewpoint ". Takes developing viewpoint "humanist" a principle or the basic request, Is a brand-new formulation, has the guiding sense regarding the small and medium-sized enterprise healthy development. Entered for the 21~(st) century, the talented person already becomes the economy to continue the core resources which grows, the company develops unceasingly. Based on our country special history environment, the general small and medium-sized enterprises host, from accepts "humanist" the management idea to seep this idea to the enterprise talented person environment construction work in, but also needs a process, moreover also should say is a quite difficult process. Therefore, studies the small and medium-sized enterprise talented person environment the present situation and the characteristic, is the analysis, improves one of small and medium-sized enterprise development condition important measures Whether does the enterprise accomplish a task with ease the acreage to gather the talented person, plays the decision role often is not the physical conditions, but is the talented person environment comprehensive competitive power. How builds the good enterprise talented person environment, buys in the person with outstanding ability in the intense competition for talent, with the talented person, constructs has the competitive power the staff troop, is question which our country small and medium-sized enterprise development urgently awaits to be solved, also is this topic main research question.
    Induces, the present paper is performs from four aspects to the enterprise talented person environment preliminary groundwork to elaborate: The first part is carries on the elaboration to the domestic and foreign talented people environment rationale and the research present situation; The second part, mainly elaborated our country general small and medium-sized enterprises extant talented person environment condition and has the present condition main reason; The third part is the prospect forecast, mainly elaborated has the outstanding talented person environment the enterprise common characteristic and the management general character, at the same time pointed out the foundation splendid enterprise talented person environment is a process which advances gradually; The fourth part is the present paper innovation part, founds our country small and medium-sized enterprise to suit this enterprise talented person environment the process, proposed is clear about the question, sets a target, the data collection, the formulation plan, the choice plan, the implementation plan, the appraisal plan and so on seven steps, takes the foundation system talented person environment the standard flow.
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