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     量化宽松货币政策起源于大萧条后宽松货币政策操作,危机后的快速复苏进程表明量化宽松的有效性,货币主义的观点也表明了量化宽松的可行性。英国南安普顿大学的Werner(1991)首次提出量化宽松货币政策的概念,其既不是降息,也不同于简单的“印钞票”,而是通过量化规模来实现“信用创造”。量化宽松的货币政策最早使用于日本2001年发生的经济衰退时期,由于经济处于流动性陷阱状况,整个经济的投资意愿和需求都很低,而传统的货币政策的作用极其有限,于是非传统的量化宽松货币政策应运而生。日本在2000-2006年间实行了零利率货币政策以及量化宽松货币政策,这对量化宽松货币政策的理论体系进行了深化。货币非中性理论、克鲁格曼的“流动性陷阱”理论、资产负债表衰退、金融加速器理论、明斯基的金融不稳定理论等都是量化宽松货币政策的理论基础。在量化宽松货币政策的国内传导机制的理论研究中,本文在对Smets和Wouters(2007)提出的SW模型和Gilchrist et al.(2009)将“融资溢价”引入SW模型后的GOZ模型的基础上,提出了进一步的修正,加入美联储的超额存款准备金的信号效应、投资组合再平衡效应和融资溢价对企业净值的弹性系数,以此来考察QE的效果的显著性。在量化宽松货币政策的国际传导机制的理论研究中,本文通过各经济体的资本流动的的方程组,得出任何一个国家的货币供应量的变化,都会导致一个新的资本的净流出的均衡。在此基础上,本文得出结论:一个国家国内货币总量受M2和资本净流入两方面作用的影响。继而通过引入虚拟经济的费雪方程式(刘骏民,2001)分别得出对物价水平和资产价格水平的影响。
In2008, the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis quickly turned into a financial crisis, and spreaded rapidly around the world. In response to the severe impact of the financial crisis on the U.S. economy, the Fed quickly transferred to the benchmark interest rate level of zero interest rates, and the introduction of this unconventional monetary policy of quantitative easing monetary policy.
     Quantitative easing monetary policy originated the loose monetary policy operations in the Great Depression. The rapid post-crisis recovery process and the monetarist view that the effectiveness and feasibility of the quantitative easing monetary policy. Werner (1991) of The University of Southampton in the United Kingdom first proposed the concept of quantitative easing monetary policy. It is not cutting interest rates, nor "printing money", but to achieve the "credit creation" by quantifying the scale. Quantitative easing monetary policy was first used in Japan in2001during the recession, when the economy was in a liquidity trap and the willingness to invest and the demand were very low, and the traditional role of monetary policy was extremely limited, so non-traditional quantitative easing monetary policy came into being. It enriched and deepened the theoretical system of quantitative easing monetary policy. Non-neutral monetary theory, Krugman's "liquidity trap" theory, the financial accelerator theory, Minsky's financial instability theory are the theoretical basis of quantitative easing monetary policy. The base model which this thesis draws upon is the model developed by Gilchrist et al (2009) who augmented the Smets and Wouters (2007) with a "financing premium". The augmentations of GOZ model include a signal effect for the provision of excess reserves, a signal effect and portfolio rebalancing effect and a variety elasticity of the external finance premium to entrepreneurs'net worth.
     In the theoretical study of the international transmission mechanism of quantitative easing monetary policy, economic capital flow equations mean that changes of any country's money supply will result in a net outflow of capital equilibrium. On this basis, it concludes that domestic monetary aggregates of a country are decided by both M2and net capital inflows. Then the influence on the price level and the level of asset prices are got by the Fisher equations with the introduction of the virtual economy (Liu Junmin,2001).
     The paper analyzes the transmission mechanism of financial market stability and economic stimulus effect of the quantitative easing. In the financial crisis, the Fed's quantitative easing monetary policy was biased in favor of maintaining the stability of the financial market policy objectives through the balance sheet channel. The economic stimulus effect of quantitative easing is that it can stabilize financial markets, then open up the monetary policy transmission channels of monetary expansion, and thus stimulate aggregate demand through credit expansion, inflation, devaluation effects. The empirical test is made to test Fed's quantitative easing monetary policy's effect on the money supply, the gross demand and exchange rate. It proves that the economic impact of the expansion of the money supply is achieved through prices, capital markets and real estate markets. The global financial crisis is rooted in economic virtualization. The U.S. quantitative easing monetary policy stimulus effects are evaluated from the point of view of the virtual economy. It analyses the the interaction between virtual economy and real economy and then the interactions between virtual economy and capital monopoly. And then it points out the system causes of the financial crisis and limitations of quantitative easing monetary policy.
     As the world's most powerful economy and the international reserve currency issuing country, the targets also include global goals. That is, the global optimum configuration of the capital of the United States. In this paper, the Fed's objectives and its impact are analyzed. Through the establishment of quantitative easing under this global economic game model of the U.S. economy, Europe, Japan and other developing economies in the monetary policy options of the game as well as monetary and fiscal policies in the portfolio selection of the game, reveals the U.S. policy to other countries in terms of policy choices. Empirical Analysis on the spillover effects of the Fed's monetary policy, analysis of the impact of the increase in the money supply on the price of capital BRICS significantly, which gave birth to the asset bubble in developing countries, brought to the capital markets instabilities. The second is to analyze the significant increase in money supply BRICS price shock effect, this creates uncertainty for the economic development of developing countries, and affects the independence of monetary policy in these countries.
     Under the competing in the world's major developed economies to implement quantitative easing monetary policy, it analyses the background, operating characteristics and effect comparative analysis of the quantitative easing process of the world's major developed economies of the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom and the euro area. And then it makes a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the global economy.
     China's economy has been greatly affected by the implementation of quantitative easing monetary policy situation in the world's major economies led by the U.S.
     China should deal with all aspects of these responses, including safeguarding national economic security, and promoting the reform of the international monetary system, and vigorously promoting the internationalization of the RMB, accelerating the optimization of the industrial structure, changing the mode of economic growth and prosecuting protectionism in order to catch up with strategic goal of self-development model.
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