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As the main path of economic transformation in contemporary society, thesuccessful development of creative industry rely on the structural realization of creative organization, as well as the policies in accordance with the combining demands of creativity and industry. The key point of creative industry sustainable development is creative organizations which are the builder of city recovery. So, study on the mechanism of value co-creation among creative organizations should be the core of the creative industry research. Nevertheless, as the top-down industrial construction system in China, the academic research inclines to the contribution of creative industry for social economic development on the perspective of macro. The research on relational mechanism of creative organizations and the effecting factors are still on the beginning stage.
     On the other hand, as the efficient path for creative industry value creation, creative industry zone is constructed widely in the process of urban creative industry development. However, many scholars argued that the creative industry cluster which is formed mainly by knowledge-intensive enterprise should focus on value co-creation network rather than geographical agglomeration. Actually, the relationship between geographical agglomeration and social network cluster is not explained. Even the characteristics of value co-creation structure and effecting factors on these two sides have not been explained clearly.
     This thesis is based on the National Natural Science Foundation of China-Study on value network modular design and value creation model of creative industries cluster. Applying the structure-conduct-performance framework to resolve the bellowing two questions:1what's the structure of co-creation among these creative organizations?2Based on the structure, how do the co-creating factors influence value co-creation performance? Above all, forming the bellowing questions:
     The theoretical basis of creative industry value co-creation.Define the evolutional concept of the different stage of creative industry development based on the contrasting realization between England and Australia, as well as the value theory and cluster theory. This is the solid theoretically basis for the analyses of creative industry developing path and model in the following chapter.
     In the period of contemporary social transformation, the theoretic model of value co-creation among creative organizations. The creative organizations in the value co-creation network are divided into creative enterprise, creative incubator and creative research center. The knowledge type of organizations is classified into symbolic knowledge, synthetic knowledge and codified knowledge. Based on this classification, knowledge flowing path model with community network is constructed in the context of social transformation. Finally, research the knowledge flowing path model with case study of Australian Queensland state creative industry.
     Evaluation on effecting factors of creative organizations value co-creation based on geographical agglomeration. Based on the structural analysis of value co-creation, the behavioral factors are abstracted on the incubator stage. The outcome is the creative enterprise of the same type but non-replacement has the best efficiency.
     Evaluation on effecting factors of creative organizations value co-creation based on social network cluster. Social network cluster is the further development from geographical agglomeration. The essence of value co-creation is the social network of the inter-enterprises. According to the theoretic model of mechanism, this thesis abstracts four proximities factors-geographical, institutional, cognitive and social, and the positive correlation between the four proximities factors and value co-creation relationship is the researching propositions. Based on the project records of fashion incubator in Queensland University of technology, the thesis collects longitudinal relationship data of54creative enterprises and concludes average connective degree as well as the network intensity. Based on the data, apply the Rsiena statistical method to forecast parameters of effecting factors for proving propositions. The conclusion shows the correlation of geographical proximity and social proximity with value co-creation is positive but the cognitive proximity is negative in addition to the institutional proximity is not sensitive. Based on the conclusion, this thesis provides the actionable suggestion for building creative industry value co-creation network.
     Conclusion and future study. Summarize main work and outcomes of this thesis about creative industry value co-creation and exhibit the further researching points.
     The methodologies of this thesis are literature review, theoretic model, case study, interview and social network analysis. The theory basics are external theory, value network theory, the neo-economic growth theory and social network theoiy. This thesis combines the structural theory qualitative analysis with behavioral performance effecting quantitative analysis. The literature review about creative industry, value co-creation and industrial cluster is the solid basis of the thesis. Meanwhile, external theory and value network theory provide actionable basis for the value flowing path theoretic model in the context of longitudinal development stage of creative industry.With the case study-the Queensland state's creative industry value co-creation, develop the abstract theory model into the practical. On the data collecting side, the observatory is the basis and the questionnaire, interview and social network platform are been made use of. At last, the thesis predicts the effecting parameters of the value co-creation with Rsiena social network analysis method.
     The innovative points of this thesis as bellowing:
     First of all, this thesis refines the theory dispute of creative industry cluster on the perspective of middle-range of industrial organization based on geographical and social cluster. In the long period, geographical agglomeration is hard to be proved that it's a beneficial mode for value co-creation between intensive-knowledge enterprises. So, this thesis introduces the abstract social network cluster to analyze the development mode of creative industry. Compare with the effecting factors of these two clusters, the thesis got more entirely regulation of creative industry value creation.
     The second hand, break through the traditional angle of value co-creation research which is based on longitudinal value chain, this thesis sets the actor of value co-creation based on value network theory and got more entire mechanism of value co-creation. Based on value network theory, the thesis mainly analyzed the theoretical model of value co-creation on the stage of personal social network and community network.
     Last but not least, this thesis applied the Rsiena complex social network statistical method to evaluate the effecting factors of value co-creation. In this way, the mechanism of value co-creation with dynamic and abstract characteristics can be analyzed in more scientific and specific way. SIENA statistical method which is based on dynamic social network evolution can test the effect of factors and this is the supplement of static econometric method as well as makes the process of simulation more exhibit the dynamic mechanism of real social network.
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