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     Peter Drucker认为在后资本主义社会中,知识是新的竞争力的基础。知识是竞争力的源泉,知识集聚更增大了知识的力量,知识集聚不仅从效率上,而且从竞争上都促进了竞争力的提高。
Knowledge Management and Industry Agglomeration are very hot in Management Science and Economics. Economy can be urged by Industry Agglomeration, but in the long run, it should be continually urged by“Knowledge”. Based on the economy agglomeration theory and the knowledge management theory, this dissertation brings forth Knowledge Agglomeration.
     From the angel of the economy, the main factors influencing Knowledge Agglomeration conclude the knowledge transferring cost, the knowledge specialization, the increasing returns and the knowledge externality, which support Knowledge Agglomeration. From the angel of the market, the main factors influencing Knowledge Agglomeration conclude the consumer behavior, the transferring cost, the manufacturer behavior, the wage rate, the price index and the earning, which decide the market equilibrium of Knowledge Agglomeration and its stability.
     Knowledge Agglomeration can be regarded as the agglomeration of the knowledge carriers, so the evolvement of Knowledge Agglomeration can be considered as the evolvement of the knowledge carrier agglomeration. With the aid of the neighborhood segregation pattern, we can fully comprehend that the process of Knowledge Agglomeration takes on the path dependence, is gradually stable, is stochastically stable and is a long dynamic game.
     The location decision of Knowledge Agglomeration shows its own rules. First, we deal with the eventual existence of agglomeration economies. That is, resorting to a simple rule of spatial activities allocation, without giving details about the factors that determine the agglomeration of activities, we analyze the two-point economy and the three-point economy and probe into the saddle-path equilibrium. Then, we consider the hypothesis that the state of knowledge determines the prevalence of centripetal forces. We assume that beyond a given state of accumulated knowledge, the economy agglomeration no longer exists. According to the same location rule as in the previous section, we analyze the two-point economy in space and bring forth the knowledge agglomeration dynamic equation and the knowledge geography model.
     Knowledge Innovation is one goal of Knowledge Agglomeration. In the knowledge blending-fermenting model, Knowledge Agglomeration is the knowledge blending process, as the necessary and the precondition of the knowledge fermenting process. Moreover, the knowledge fermenting is the process of Knowledge Innovation. Knowledge Agglomeration affects the goal and the speed of Knowledge Innovation.
     The former economy growth theory did not touch upon the knowledge or the technology, but the endogenous economy growth theory (especially, Romer’s model and Lucas’s model) pays a great attention to the knowledge and the technology. By bringing forth the reasonable hypothesis and modeling, we choose the knowledge innovation branch and demonstrate that Knowledge Agglomeration can promote the endogenous economy.
     Peter Drucker deemed that the new competence would base on the knowledge in the post-capitalist society. Knowledge is the source of the competence, furthermore, Knowledge Agglomeration augments the knowledge power and Knowledge Agglomeration improves the competence not only from the efficiency but also from the competition.
     Because the knowledge economy is the only sustainable development economy,our country must adopt the knowledge economy to realize the sustainable development. Therefore, it is essential and all-important for us to carry out the strategy—Revitalizing China by Science and Education,increase the source of Knowledge Agglomeration and to speed the knowledge economy.
     On the base of the theory of Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient, we probe into Knowledge Agglomeration from the distribution of the scientific and technical personnel and draw the following conclusions:
     The agglomeration degree of our national scientific and technical personnel is increasing;
     The main agglomeration area lies in the east.
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