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Cooperative innovation, as an important technological innovation mode and a new research field, has drawn increasing attention both theoretically and in practice. Based on the literature review and investigation, this paper establishes a theoretical model of the effects of primary cooperative capability, instant cooperative capability and technological capability on cooperative innovation performance. With the data collected from Chinese State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) with questionnaires, it raises a measurement dimension on the three components and makes clear the working mechanism between primary cooperative capability, instant cooperative capability and technological capability by means of theoretical deduction, model establishing and statistical testing, as well as the comprehensive use of such analyzing tools as SPSS and AMOS. It also further researches into the choice of cooperative innovation partners based on the results of such a working mechanism.
     Based on the detailed analysis of the effects of primary cooperative capability, instant cooperative capability and technological capability on cooperative innovation, it proposes to depict the primary cooperative capability with relation experience, future orientation, adaptability and trust, to measure technological capability from the perspectives of R&D capability, productivity and human resources, and to test the measurement dimensions of primary cooperative capability, instant cooperative capability and technological capability by means of factor analysis with solid information collected by questionnaires. The results of the structure equation model testifies the rationality of primary cooperative capability, instant cooperative capability and technological capability as measurement indices.
     This paper also establishes a theoretical model on how primary cooperative capability and instant cooperative capability enhances cooperative innovation performance through their impacts on technological capability. Questionnaire-acquired data and structure equation modeling are employed to empirically testify the theoretical model and produce the path relations of the four variants. The results of the structure equation model indicate that primary cooperative capability and instant cooperative capability have a direct impact on the technological capability of an enterprise whereas the technological capability in turns impacts the enterprise cooperative innovation performance.
     With the support of the theoretical model research, the primary cooperative capability, instant cooperative capability and technological capability are taken into account as the choice indices when enterprises choose their cooperative innovation partners. And thus a two-layer index system of enterprise cooperative innovation partner choosing with three first-level indices and ten second-level indices is proposed, and a multi-level comprehensive fuzzy evaluation model is picked up to testify the index system and evaluation method in this paper with Shenyang Huachen Group Project as the sample.
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