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Currency is the symbol of national sovereignty. Currency internationalization is the concentrated reflection of a country's level of economic development, the status of international trade, competitiveness of international finance, and influence in the world political and economic situation. It is an important sign of a nation's rise as well. From historical experience point of view, a strong economy inevitably brings a strong currency. Pound sterling, US dollar, Euro, and Japanese yen, by virtue of their strong domestic economic strength, are eventually becoming an international currency. Since the opening-up reform, China's economy has developed rapidly, China's comprehensive national power has been enhanced, China's international status has been rising, and China has become an important integral part of a multi-polar economy and political world. Now the continuous growth of economy in China is setting a solid material foundation for the internationalization of RMB.
     In fact, in the border trade between China and neighboring countries, RMB has been widely used as a hard currency for payment and settlement. Many governments of the neighboring countries have acquiesced in the circulation of RMB. In Mongolia, RMB has even been called the "second dollar", and became an important currency hedge for local residents. RMB has been used as a reserve currency by Central Bank of Malaysia, Central Bank of South Korea, Central Bank of the Philippine, Central Bank of Belarus and other countries'. Reserve Bank of India also adjusted the exchange rate index, and included RMB in the basket of currencies. Moreover, China has signed bilateral settlement agreements to choose currency with Russia, Mongolia, Vietnam, Myanmar and other countries, In addition, China and Korea, Hongkong, Malaysia, Belarus, Indonesia, Agentina signed a bilateral currency settlement agreement respectively, which reflects that current Asian countries have strong confidence in RMB. With the growth of the China's economy and the improvement of international status of RMB, RMB will gradually become a world currency. Thus, from the promotion of China's economic reform and development, and the improvement of China's international status, it has become a very important research topic for China to review objectively the extent of RMB internationalization, to study carefully the theoretical base of currency internationalization and international experiences of currency internationalization, especially to explore actively the RMB internationalization path based on China's specific national conditions and characteristics.
     This article is divided into five chapters, and the main contents are as follows:
     The first chapter reviews the main theories of currency internationalization and related literatures, First, this paper elaborates the thoughts of international currency from William Petty, Adam Smith, Karl Marx to Jean Say. Then, Friedman's theory of floating exchange rates, Mundell's theory of optimum currency areas, and Chetty's currency substitution theory are summarized. Finally, the relevant literatures of RMB internationalization are reviewed so as to provide a theoretical basis to study RMB internationalization path.
     The second chapter investigates the current situation of the RMB internationalization path. First, from the scope of the use of RMB, this part shows the current situation of RMB's circulations in the peripheral countries, Asianization and internationalization. Secondly, from the international monetary functional path of RMB, this part reviews the settlement and denominated monetary functions of RMB, investment monetary functions of RMB, reserve monetary functions of RMB. So the following conclusion can be drawn that RMB is currently in the early stages of internationalization.
     The third chapter recalls the internationalization path of Pound sterling, US dollar, Euro and Janpanese yen from the perspective of history, summarizes the major world currencies internationalization path, and acquires enlightenment to study RMB internationalization path, so as to provide a historical reference to design the path of RMB internationalization.
     The fourth chapter is the core of the thesis, which is to design the path of RMB internationalization. First, the internal basis and external conditions of currency internationalization is analyzed. This paper suggests that the inner basis of currency internationalization is the same, such as that the national economy accounts for a large proportion of the world economy, foreign trade occupies a higher global status and the scale of foreign exchange reserve is huge, while the external conditions of monetary internationalization is similar, such as a higher international status and a good historic opportunity provided by international environment. And then, this part analyzes the particularity of RMB and points out that China's economic development has its particularity, so compared with the world's major currency internationalization path, RMB internationalization path also exists particularity. Finally, the author puts forward the basic principles and design thinking of RMB internationalization path, and accordingly designs a path of RMB internationalization with equipped countermeasures.
     The fifth chapter puts forward the measures of promoting RMB internationalization path in order to accelerate the internationalization of the RMB as soon as possible:(1) to sign actively RMB currency swap agreements with target countries;(2) to simplify cross-border RMB settlement audit process;(3) to fight for the rights of international commodities denominated in RMB;(4) to launch timely cross-border RMB loan business;(5) to develop RMB-denominated bonds;(6) to plan the layout of RMB overseas direct investment;(7) to establish RMB offshore financial center;(8) to accelerate the formation mechanism of RMB exchange rate and interest rate marketization reform;(9) to achieve capital account convertibility gradually. Then, the author puts forward the strategic thinking about RMB internationalization path:(1) the political and economic basis of RMB internationalization should be consolidated;(2) the leading position of foreign trade should be maintained;(3) the basis of RMB's international investment should be built;(4) a developed financial market should be established, which is the key to realize the internationalization path of RMB.
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