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This research is mainly about the teachers' quality training under the view of the constructivism teaching reform. It is based on such an assumption that any teacher quality is corresponding with a certain of education purpose, duties, instruction standards, and practice requirement, the vice versa. The constructivism teaching reform has greatly changed from the tradition, so what the happened with the requirement of the quality to teachers, and how the teacher education should change to meet with the new quality requirement. The dissertation is composed of four parts, six chapters.The first part, and also the chapter one, has introduced the reason we choose such a issue for research, and a study review, the methodology and the ways. It regards that the constructivism teaching reform needs some new properly quality of teachers.The study review has shows that , fewer people have concerned such a issue. A lot of issues need us to be further discussed and explored.The chapter two is the second part. It is mainly about the basic theory and the constructivist teaching. It regards that the constructivism is a theory about knowing and learning. It claims that the knowledge is active acquired by the student on the base of their prior experience. Knowledge can't be transferred. The social inter-activity is very important to the children's development. The aims of constructivist teaching is to facilitate the understanding the knowledge; to develop the ability of creativity; to renew the society and to emancipate the human beings. The principles of the constructivist teaching are the activity, contextual, diversity, engagement etc. The character of the relationship between the teacher and the student is democracy, equality, dialog and cooperation etc.The third part is mainly about the quality of the teachers on the ground of the constructivism and constructivist teaching. It includes the chapter three and chapter four.The chapter three, it suggest that the constructivist teacher should value of the active leaning of their students, set equally important to the teaching process and the aims, believe that every student can success; hold a equally, cooperatively and dialog view of the relationship between teacher-student and student-teacher. The teacher need have an comprehensive understanding of subject matter, and must be companied by the pedagogical knowledge; the knowledge of curriculum design and compilation; the knowledge about the leaning and teaching; know how to learn the prior knowledge and the thinking style. It claims that knowledge structure of teacher is a web model. The constructivist teaching need teachers to have the ability to understand the student, the ability to design a course, the ability of social communicate and contact with others, the ability to use the modern instruction technology and
    the ability of reflection. It also has requirement to teachers' personality, such as friendship, honesty, justice and humility etc.In chapter four, it regards that the teacher should play an actively role of an social reformer, who engaged himself for the social justice and the fairness; the social democracy; to cultivate a new social relationship which character is dialog, compromise, and cooperation, to emancipate the spirit of humankind. The theory which can be used to guide the teacher practice is "the theory of communication", the idea of democracy personality of reflective practitioner; the praxis. Being a social reformer, the teacher needs to believe the validity of education to the reform of society. Developing a view of multicultural equality; holding a education purpose to foster the social justice and democracy .the teacher should have the knowledge about which has affected the justice and fair in education ,he should have some knowledge about sociology of knowledge; understanding the social meaning and the value of the constructivism teaching .it emphasize the ability of critical reflection and inquiry, the ability of multicultural teaching.The forth part composed of two chapter is about the teacher education.
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