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Objective: Taking the experimental acute gouty arthritis model animal and thehyperuricaemia model animal as the research object, and taking the TCM acupuncture and moxibustion theory as the instruction, using the treatment law of removing blood stasis and dredging collateral of the acupuncture and moxibustion to experimental acute gouty arthritis and the hyperuricaemia, promulgates the curative effect and the functional mechanism of removing blood stasis and dredging collateral of the acupuncture and moxibustion, and provides the scientific basis for the clinical treatment.
    Method: Pours the uric acid sodium solution into the rat malleolus joint cavity to form the animal of acute gouty arthritis model, uses the yeast paste and the potassium oxona separately to fill the stomach into the mouse to form the hyperuricaemia model animal, and use the treatment law of removing blood stasis and dredging collateral of the acupuncture and moxibustion to treat two kind of models separately, and compares with the anti-inflammation medicine (indomethacin) and the falling uric acid medicine (benzrone and allopurinal), to observe the influence of the index of correlation of the pain, the inflammation and the blood uric acid level.
    Results: 1st, through the method of the mouse ear swelling as well as chemical stimulations analgesia experimental method and hot plates analgesia experimental technique the hotplate method experiment, had proven the treatment law of removing blood stasis and dredging collateral of the acupuncture and moxibustion to have the obvious effect of anti-inflammation and analgesic (p<0.05). 2nd, in the acute gouty arthritis model animal, separately determinates the level of pain mediums and the inflammatory factor of part tissues of the acute gouty arthritis rats, had proven the treatment law has the inhibitory action to them (p<0.05); Through the pathological section and the electricity mirror observation, from the pathology morphology aspect proved the success of the experimental acute gouty arthritis model and the accurate function of the treatment law. 3rd, the treatment law of removing blood stasis and dredging collateral of the acupuncture and moxibustion can obviously reduce uric acid and urea nitrogen in blood (p<0.05), has the suppression influence to the
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