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The origin, development and the historical evolution of the legal system on Maritime Liens, reflects the conflict and the integration between the Conceptual Legal Dogmatics and the Legal Realism. Adopting the method of historical analysis and comparative research, this dissertation analyzes various provisions under the legal system of Maritime Liens in terms of Jurisprudence from the perspective of both theConceptual Legal Dogmatics and the Legal Realism. For the legal system of maritime lines, a theme for many disputations, a jurisprudencial analysis seems very necessary. An analysis from approaches of both Conceptual Legal Dogmatics and the Legal Realism, may very well provide a new viewpoint to solve the issues of maritime liens in both theory and practice.
     This paper includes8chapters:-
     The Chapter1is an introduction which clarifies the purpose for choosing this topic, the research background, research contents, research methods, and states briefly main viewpoints under theConceptual Legal Dogmatics and the Legal Realism and the effection thereof;
     The Chapter2is a historical analysis and jurisprudential analysis on the origin of Maritime Liens, which examines the historical evolution of the Maritime Lien and the different views on the nature of the Maritime Lien under different backgrounds of different countries. The chpater also make clear that the integration of two approaches can be implied from the trend in international legislation on maritimes liens;
     The Chapter3is a system comparison and jurisprudential analysis on the scope of the Maritime Liens, which analyzes the approaches of absolute enumerated lists and relative enumerated lists, and their jurisprudencial foundation. The chapter also makes an analysis of the development trend of this issue;
     The Chapter4is a system comparison and jurisprudential analysis on the objects of the Maritime Liens, which explains the ship only concept system and extended ship realism on the objects of the maritime liens. The chapter tries to analyse some special objects, such as freight, insurance compensation, and ships for public affairs, and makes some suggestions to Chinese legislation.
     The Chapter5is a system comparison and jurisprudential analysis on the ranking of the Maritime Liens, which makes a comparation between different ranking under different jurisprudencial approaches;
     The Chapter6is a system comparison and jurisprudential analysis on the distinction of Maritime Liens, which makes anylasis of various theories about the distinction of Maritime liens;
     The Chapter7is a system comparison and jurisprudential analysis on the conflict of laws issues in relation to the Maritime Liens, and makes an analysis of lex fori, lex loci delicti, and the principle of closest connection from the jurisprudencial approaches;
     The Chapter8is a conclusion, which briefly summarizes the main views of this paper and discusses the development direction of the Maritime Lien.
    7 David Brice Toy,Introduction to the Law of Maritime Liens.47 Tulane Law Review,1972-1973:559.
    8 D.R. Thomas在其Maritime Liens一书中将船舶优先权的起源理论分为三类,即拟人化说、程序说和冲突说。很多国内相关的论述也都遵循了这种分类。但是从他的论述中可以看出,这三种学说与其说是探讨船舶优先权的起源,还不如说足在分析船舶优先权的性质或者法理基础更为准确。见D.R. Thomas, Maritime Liens.London:Stevens & Sons, Ltd,1980:6-9类似的论述还见Paul Macarius Hebert, The Origin and Nature of the Maritime Liens.4 Tulane Law Review,1929-1930:381.
    9 William Tetley, Maritime Lien and Claims.Intel Shipping Pubns,1985:1.
    10[美]G·吉尔摩,[美]C·布莱克著,杨召南等译.海商法.北京:中国大百科全书出版社,2000:796-800.又见Ivon d'Almeida Pires Filho, Comparative Maritime Liens:Anglo and Latin Based Law in theAmericas.9 Mar. Law,1984:245.
    11至少英国人自己是这么认为的。可f参见Edward F. Ryan, Admiralty Jurisdiction and the Maritime Lien:an Historical Perspective.7 Western Ontario Law Review,1968:173.
    12:W illiam Tetley,Maritime Lien and Claims.lntel Shipping Pubns.1985:11.
    13 Oliver Wendell Holmes. Jr.The Common Law(New Edition by Mark De Wolfe Howe) London:Macmillan. 1985:24-29.
    15 Paul Vrinogradoff, Roman Law in Medieval Europe. London:Harper & Brothers,1909:118.转引自Edward F. Ryan. Admiralty Jurisdiction and the Maritime Lien:an Historical Perspective.7 Western Ontario Law Review,173. 1968:190.
    20汪鹏南.海上保险合同法详论.大连:大连海事大学出版社,1996:14.另参见Bryan A.Garner,Black's Law Dictionary,7th ed. West Group,1999:1050.
    24 W.R.Fisher.Fisher & Lightwood's Law of Mortgage.London:Butterworth & Co.Ltd.,1988:111.
    25 W illiam Tetley. Maritime Lien and Claims.Intel Shipping Pubns.1985:3.
    6有关船舶优先权(在法国商法典中是maritime privilege)的规定在该法典第190-196条。
    27 John Rodman. The Commercial Code of France with The Motives.C. Wiley, Printer,1814:150-154.
    28 Tetley前引书第11页称耶路撒冷的古代海商法典Assises中有关于共同海损作为优先权的规定,并指出该法典与奥列隆海法集有密切的联系,但我们可以看到在法国商法典中的maritime privilege却不包括共同海损、海难救助等债权。
    29 Thomas Grey,Langdells' Orthodoxy,45 University of Pittsburgh Law Review,1983.
    33 D. R. Thomas. Maritime Liens.British Shipping Laws Vol.14.London:Stevens and Sons.1980:6-9.
    34 Paul Macarius Hebert, The Origin and Nature of Maritime Liens. Tulane Law Review,1930(4):38.
    35 Coke. On Littleton.6ed.1664:260转引自Lionel H Laing. Historic Origins of Admiralty Jurisdiction in England. Michigan Law Review,1946-1947:163.
    36 Aleka Mandaraka-Sheppard. Modern Admiralty Law.2001:5.同样见 Lionel H Laing, Historic Origins of Admiralty Jurisdiction in England.Michigan Law Review,1946-1947:163-165.
    38 Lionel H Laing, Historic Origins of Admiralty Jurisdiction in England.Michigan Law Review,1946-1947:165-167.
    39 Edward F. Ryan, Admiralty Jurisdiction and the Maritime Lien:An Historical Perspective.7 W.Ontario L. Rev.173. 1968:173.
    41 Edward F. Ryan. Admiralty Jurisdiction and the Maritime Lien:An Historical Perspective.7 W.Ontario L. Rev. 173.1968:178.
    42 Edward F. Ryan. Admiralty Jurisdiction and the Maritime Lien:An Historical Perspective.7 W.Ontario L. Rev. 173.1968:183.
    43 Jan M. Sandstrom.The changing international concept of the maritime lien as s securty right. Tulane. Law. Revie\ 1972-1973 (47):682.
    44 Aleka Mandaraka-Sheppard. Modern Admiralty Law. London:Cavendish Publishing Limited.2001:6.
    45 Edward F. Rvan. Admiraltv Jurisdiction and the Maritime Lien:An Historical Perspective.7 W.Ontario L. Re 173.1968:190.
    47 18 Fed. Cas.9 No.10,126.该案的判决首度出现了maritime lien的字样,虽然它似乎并不是作为一个特定的概念出现的。
    48 Aleka Mandaraka-Sheppard, Modern Admiralty Law. London:Cavendish Publishing Limited.2001:22.
    51 John M.Krizia.Ship Mortgages,Maritime Liens,and Their Enforeement:The Brussels Conventions of 1926 and 1952.DL1952,Duke Review.1963:674-675.
    52 John M.Kroz,Ship Mortgages,Maritime Licns,and Their Enforcement:The Brussels Conventions of 1926 and 1952.Duke L.J.1963(12):671:Duke L.J.1964(1964):70.
    53船舳优先权不依协议而成立(right in dependent of agreement),而为法定享有之对物权利(right in rem)参见D. R. Thomas. Maritime Liens.British Shipping Laws Vol.14,London:Stevens and Sons,1980:30-32.
    54 G. Price. The Law of Maritime Liens.London:Sweet and Maxwell Ltd.,1940:172.
    59 Captain L.F.H. Stanton, The Law and Practice of Sea Transport基隆:龙玺出版社.1978:229-230.
    60 Lord and Glenn, The Foreign Ship Mortgage.56 Yale Law J.1947:923-939.
    61条文原文为:An y person furnishing repairs, supplies, towage, use of dry dock or marine railway or other necessaries, to any vessel, whether foreign or domestic,upon the order of the owner of such vessel, or of a person authorized by the owner, shall have a maritime lien on the vessel, which may be enforced by suit in rem, and it shall not be necessary to allege or prove that credit was given to the vessel."
    62 Foreign Ship Mortgage Act.1954,46 U.S.C § 951:The difficult Quest for a Uniform Maritime Law:Failure of the Brussels Convention to Achieve International Agreement on Collision Liability, Liens and Mortgage.64 Yale Law.J.. 1955:878-901.
    63 G. Gilmore.C. Jr. Black. The Law of Admiralty.New York:Brooklyn, The Foundation Press,1975:627-632.
    64 D. R. Thomas. Maritime Liens. British Shipping Laws (Vol.14). London:Sweet & Maxwell,1980:325.
    65 The Maharaj Nagendra Singh, International Maritime Law Conventions. British Shipping Laws, Vol.4.London: Stevens and Sons.1983:3053-3059.
    66条约第2条原文:The following give rise to maritime liens on a vessel, on the freight for the voyage during which the claim giving rise to the lien arises, and on the accessories of the vessel and freight accrued since the commencement of the voyage;
    69美国在1925年开会时即称无法接受公约草案,1926年会议也未参加,且因其不参加,公约恢复至1913年会议态度,并删除之前的第六项载货证券优先权。因此,美国规定与1926年公约不同,而台湾则参照了该公约的大部分规定。参见G. Price, The Law of Maritime Liens.London:Sweet & Maxwell Ltd.,1940:172.G. Price, The Law of Maritime Liens.London:Sweet and Maxwell Ltd.,1940:231-234.
    73 United States v. Certain Subfreights Due S.S. Neponset,300 F.981.987.1924 A.M.C.726.734 (D. Mass.l 924), rev'd on other grounds sub nom.; Luckenback v. Pearce,212 F.388(5th Cir 1924).
    74 92e d Congress. Public Law. No.92-576.86 Stat.1251(1972).
    76 The Act of June 23,1910, C373.36 Stat. at L.604:The Merchant Marine Act of June 5,1920.C.250,41 Stat.At L.988.1005,as Subsections P.Q.R.S. And T. of S.30.
    77 The General S mith.17 U.S.(4 Wheat) 438 (1819):The St. Jago de Cuba,22 U.S. (9 Wheat) 409,417(1824);The J. E. Rumbell.148 U.S.1,11-12(1983).
    78 The River Queen, A.M.C.79,8 F.(2nd) 426 (E.D.Va.1925).
    81 60 U.S (19 How) 82,89 (1857) "But this privilege or lien, though adhering to the vessel, is a secret one:it may operate to the prejudice of general creditors and purchaser without notice; it is therefore 'stricti juris', and connot he extended by construction, analogy or inference ".See G. Gilmore, C. Jr. Black, The Law of Admiralty.New York: Brooklyn, The Foundation Press,1975:519.
    82公约第四条The following clai ms shall be secured by maritime liens on the vessel......"及公约第七条’1. The maritime liens set out in Article 4 arise whether the claims secured by such liens are against the owner or against the demise or other charterer, manager or operator of the vessel;2. Subject to the provisions of Article 11, the maritime liens securing the claims set out in Article 4 follow the vessel notwithstanding any change of ownership or of registration."
    85 D. R. Thomas. Maritime Liens. British Shipping Laws Vol. 14.London:Stevens and Sons,1980:225-227:278-290, 382-383:"The cargo is not subject to the lien, but may be arrested to compel the payment into Court of freight due to the shipowner."
    86 G. Price. The Law of Maritime Liens.London:Sweet and Maxwell Ltd.,1940:38-40.
    87 G. Price. The Law of Maritime Liens.London:Sweet and Maxwell Ltd.,1940):149-152:Nicholas.J. Heal. Brainerd Curric.Cases and Materials on Admiralty.St. Paul Minn:West Publishing Co.,1977:221-227.
    89 Conventi on on the High Seas (April 29.1958),Article 9.
    90 The P orto Alexandre,(1920),32 T.L.R.519.
    91 The Parlement Beige, See Robert Chorley and Giles, Shipping Law (London:Pitman Publishing 6th ed;1970) p37.
    92 Compania Naviera Vassongaoa v. SS.Cristina, (1938) A.C.485.
    94 G. Price, The Law of Maritime Liens.London:Sweet and Maxwell Ltd.,1940:26.
    8 Felix Cohen.Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach.35 Columbia Law Review,1935.
    100公约第十条原文:A lien on freight may be enforced so long as the freight is still due or the amount of the freight is still in the hands of the master or the agent of the owner. The same principle applies to a lien on accessories.
    1081926年公约第4条第3款原文:1Payments made or due to the owner on policies of insurance, as well as bounties subventions, and other national subsidies are not deemed to be accessories of the vessel or of the freight.
    109 A.M.Bright Grocery Co. V. Lindsey, (1915).225 F.257 (S.. D.Ala)
    128 The Cou ntess [1923] A.C.345.
    129 The S tream Fisher [I926].26 LI. L. Rep.4.
    130 The Veritas[1901]p. 304.
    131 The Russland [1924] p. 55.
    132 The Mons [1932] p. 109.
    133 The Mons [1932]p. 109.
    134 The Mons [1932] p. 109.
    135 Curie v. M'Knight [1897] A.C.97; The Veritas [1901] p. 304;The Aline [1839] Ⅰ W,Rob.Ⅲ.
    136 The Elin [1882] 8 P.D. 39: The Inna [1938] p. 148.
    137 The Aline [1839] Ⅰ W.Rob. Ⅲ.
    138 The Linda Flor [1867] Swab. 309; The Chimera [1852]11 L.T.113.
    139 The Inna [193]|p. 148: The Longford [1889] 14P.D.34.
    140 The Selina [1842] 2 Not. Cas. 18.
    141 Car go ex Galam [1863] B. &l. 167.181.
    142 The Veritas [1901] p. 304.
    143 The Veritas[1901]p.304.
    144 The Lyrma (No.2)[1978] 2 Lloyd's Rep.30.
    145 The Lyrma (No.2)[1978] 2 Lloyd's Rep.30.
    146 The Selina [1842] 2 Not. Cas.18.
    147 ATT.-Gen. V. Norstedt [1816] 3 Price 97,136.
    148 The Salacia [1862] Lush.545;The Athena [1921] 8 L1. L.R.482; The Mons [1932] p.109.
    149 The Mado nna D'Idra [1811]1 Dods.37.
    150 The Mary Ann [1845]9 Jur 94; The Hope [1873]1 Asp. Mar. Law Cas.563.
    151 The Janathan Good hue [1859] Swab.524.
    152 G. Gilmore.C. Jr. Black, The Law of Admiralty.New York; Brooklyn, The Foundation Press,1975:627-633.
    153 Com ment,Developments in the law of Maritime Liens.45 Tul L. Rev,1970:574.
    54 Con or,Maritime Lien Priorities:Cross-Currents of Theory.54 Michigan Law Review.1956:786.
    55 G.Gilmore,C.Jr.Black.The Law of Admiralty.New York:Brooklyn,The Foundation Press,1975:615-616
    156公约第3条原文:The mortgages, hypothecations, and other charges on vessels referred to in Article 1 rank immediately after the secured claims referred to in the preceding Article. National laws may grant a lien in respect of claims other than those referred to in the said last-mentioned Article, so. however, as not to modify the ranking of claims secured by mortgages, hypothecations, and other similar charges, or by the liens taking precedence thereof.公约第5条原文:Claims secured by a lien and relating to the same voyage rank in the order in which they are set out in Article 2. Claims included under any one heading share concurrently and rateably in the event of the fund available being insufficient to pay the claims in full. The claims mentioned under Nos.3 and 5 in that Article rank, in each of the two categories, in the inverse order of the dates on which they came into existence. Claims arising from one and the same occurrence are deemed to have come into existence at the same time.
    1162 The City of Tawas,3 F.170(E.D.Mich.1880):The De Smet,10 F.483(E.D.La.1881):The Guilding Star,18 F.263 (S.D.Ohio 1883):Bogart v.The John Jay,58 U.S.(17 How.)339(1854).
    .163 G yory,Security at Sea:A Review of the Preferred Ship Mortgage.Ford.L.Rev(1962-1963(31):231.
    168 The Benwell Tower 72 L.P.664.
    169 D.C.Ja ckson. Enforcement Of Maritime Claims.2nd Edition.London:Lloyd's Of London Press,1996:500.
    170见Halcyon Isle (1981)AC.221;The Shizelle (1992)2 Lloyd's Rep.445.
    176[1924],130 L.T.763.
    179见The Africano (1894) P.141; McGuffie. Admiralty Practice.British Shipping Laws. Stevens & Sons,1964:71.
    182 (1964)1 Lloyd's Rep.384.
    185 (1924) P.55.
    186 (1903)P.26.
    187也参见The Gustaf (1862) Lush 506; The Immacolata Concezione (1883) 9 P.37.
    189 (1980) 3 All E.R.197.
    190见The Lyons (1887) L.T.818.
    191 The Right Hon ourablc Lord MacKay of Clashfern.Halshury's Laws Of England,4th Edition. London: LexisNexis Butterworths Reissue. 1973-1997:1279-1280;The Lymia (No.2)(1978) 2 Lloyd's Rep.30.
    192 D.C.Jackson. E nforcement Of Maritime Claims.London:I,loyd"s of London PressI.td..2005:501-503.
    193 The Sea Spray (1907) P. 133.
    194 The Hlope(1873) 1 Asp. MLC.(563).
    195 The Inna(1938) P. 148.
    196 The Veritas (1901 )P. 304.
    197 Currie V.M1 Knight (1897) A.C.97.
    198 The Daring (18 68) L.R. 2A.D.260.
    199 The Veritas (1901)P.304.
    200 The Royal Wells (1984) 2 Lloyd's Law Rep.255.
    201 The L yrma (No.2) 1978 2 Lloyd's Rep.30.
    202 The Two Ellens (1872) L.R.4 P.C.161.
    203 The S tream Fisher (1927) P.73.
    204 The Leoborg (No.2)(1964) 1 Lloyd's Rep.380.
    205 The Tergeste (1903) P.26.
    206 The Royal Wells (1984) 2 Lloyd's Law Rep.255.
    207 William Tetley,Maritime Lien and Claims.Intel Shipping Pubns,1985:27-28.
    208 46 U.S.C.A.S.31341-31343.
    209 Bogart v.The John Jay(S.C.t.1854).
    210 G.Gilmore.C.Jr.Black.The Law of Admiralty.New York:Brooklyn.The Foundation Press.1975:362
    211 46 U.S.C.911-984,Chapter 313. Commercial Instruments And Maritime Liens.p.302.
    212 46 U.S.C.A.S.31301(5),31326(b)1.
    213 G. Gilmore.C. Jr. Black, The Law of Admiralty.New York:Brooklyn. The Foundation Press,1975:751-757;Ship Mortgage Act,1920 Section 953 (a).
    214 G. Gilmore,C. Jr. Black, The Law ofAdmiralty New York:Brooklyn, The Foundation Press,1975:756.
    215 G. Gilmore.C. Jr. Black. The Law of Admiralty.New York:Brooklyn, The Foundation Press.1975:735-736:Ship Mortgage Act,1920:753:Section 953 (a).
    216 Oil S hipping V. Sonmez Benizcilik Be Ticaret A. F. (3d)Cir (1993).
    217 G. Gilmore.C. Jr. Black, The Law of Admiralty.New York:Brooklyn. The Foundation Press,1975:733.
    218 Frank L. Maraist, Admiralty In A Nutshell.3rd Edition.St. Paul Minn:West Publishing Co.,1996:98-101.
    219 G. Gilmore,C. Jr. Black. The Law of Admiralty.New York:Brooklyn, The Foundation Press,1975:751-753.
    220 G. Gilmore,C. Jr. Black, The Law of Admiralty.New York:Brooklyn, The Foundation Press,1975:743-745.
    221 National Shawmut Bank of Boston V. The Winlhrop, D. Mass,1955.
    224 The Bra mley Moore (1964)1 All ER 105.
    226 Roger G. Connor, Maritime Lien Priorities:Cross-Currents of Theory.Michigan Law Review,1956:777.
    228也见The Young Mechanic,Fed.Cas.No.18.180.876(1855).
    229 Richard E. Burke, op.cit., p.275黄茂清.论海上优先权之项目及位次.台大法学论从.1975(4):315-316.
    230见The J.W.Tucker(D.C.W.Y.1884)20 F.129.
    234 Felix Cohen,Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach.Columbia Law Review,1935:35.
    237见The Mons(1932)P.109.
    239 G. Gilmore,C. Jr. Black, The Law of Admiralty.New York:Brooklyn, The Foundation Press,1975:652-653.
    240见The Veritas(1901)R304:The Lyrma (No.2)(1978)2 Lloyd's Rcp.30.
    41 The Paragon (D.C.Me.1836) Fed.Cas.No.10,708.
    12英国判例The Madonna D'Idra(1811)1 Dods 37.
    244 The F.H.Stanwood(7th Cir. 1892)49F.577.
    245 (1978)2 Lloyd's Rep,30.
    248 The L yrma (No.2) (1978)Lloyd's Law Reports 30.
    251 The John G, Stevens,170 U.S.113,18,S.Ct.544(1898).
    252见The Aline (1893)W. Rob.111.
    254见英国的Harbors, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847 《1847年海港、船坞、码头条例法》,及Port Of LondonAct,1968《1968年伦敦海港法》;The Freightline One,(1998) Llyod's Rep.266.
    257 Roger G. Connor, Maritime Lien Priorities:Cross-Currents of Theory.Michigan Law Review1956:777.
    260一些国家如英国,特别立法规定对此类债务,港口当局对船舶具有滞留权及处分权,包括拍卖权。法院要扣船时,港口当局也可拒不放弃占有,但如果占有权权转移给法院,相应的债务可首先受偿,并比所有的船舶优先权优先受偿。所以这被称为“最高优先请求仪”(Claims of Paramount Priority),或“特别法定权”(Special Legislative Rights);见D.R.Thomas. Maritime Liens. London:Sievens A Sons. Lid. 1980:231; William Tetley. Maritime Lien and Claims.Intel Shipping Pubns.1985:42.
    261 William Tetlcy. Maritime Lien and Claims.Intel Shipping Pubns. 1985:392.
    262 Halsburv's Laws Of E:ngland.4th Editon.Reissue,Vol.43(2).1997:1279-1280.
    263 G. Gilmore,C. Jr. Black. The Law of Admiralty .New York: Brooklyn. The Foundation Press. 1975.该书第737页指出:“法院的自由裁量权的权力范围比任何学说上的原则都大,但这些原则多已过时且不通用。”
    266 Carrier, Maritime Lien For Damage.Columbia Law Review,1903:369-378.
    267 The Aline(1893)W. Rob.11.
    59 The Royal Arch (1857) 30 L.T.198.
    270 Oliver Wendell Holmes.The Path of the Law.10Harvard Law Review,1897.
    271 The Feronia(1868)17 L.T.619.
    272 The P ickaninny(1960)1 Lloyd's Rep.533.
    275 HaWgood and Auery Transit Co.V.Dingman.94 F. 1011(1899):D.R.Thomas,Maritime Liens.London:Stevens & Sons,Ltd,1980:63-65.
    276 D.R. Thomas. Maritime Liens.London:Stevens & Sons. Ltd.1980:502-529.
    277 D.R. Thomas. Maritime Liens London:Stevens & Sons. Ltd.1980-528-529.
    278 Frank G. Harmon.Discharge and Waiver of Maritime Liens.47 Tulane Law Review.1973:786.
    279 G. Price. The Law of Maritime Liens.London:Sweet and Maxwell Ltd.,1940:168-171.
    280公约第9条原文:The liens cease to exist, apart from other cases provided for by national laws, at the expiration ol one year. and. in the case of hens for supplies mentioned in No.5 of Article 2. shall contmue in force for not more than six months. As respects the cases provided for in the national laws in which a lien is extinguished, a sale shall extinguish a lien only if accompanied by formalities of publicity which shall be laid down by the national laws.
    281公约第8条第一款原文:The maritime liens set out in Article 4 shall be extinguished after a period of one year from the time when the claims secured thereby arose unless, prior to the expiry of such period, the vessel has been arrested, such arrest leading to a forced sale.第11条第一款原文:In the event of the forced sale of the vessel in a Contracting State all mortgages and "hypothques". except those assumed by the purchaser with the consent of the holders, and all liens and other encumbrances of whatsoever nature shall cease to attach to the vessel, provided however that: (a) at the time of the sale, the vessel is in the jurisdiction of such Contracting State, and (b) the sale has been effected in accordance with the law of the said State and the provisions of this Convention.
    285 Felix Cohen,Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach,35 Columbia Law Review, 1935.
    290 (1971) 1 W.L.R.1176.
    291 D.C.Jackson,Enforccmcnt of Maritime Claims,2nd Edition.London:Lloyd's London Press 1996:588-592.
    292 Phillips V. Eyre (1870) 22 L.T.869.
    293 (1868) 16 E.R.514.
    295 Private International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995.
    296 (1999)3 All ER.749.
    297 34 5 U.S.571, (1953).
    298 William Tetley, Maritime Lien and Claims.Intel Shipping Pubns,1985:527-528.
    302 D. R. Thomas, Maritime Liens.British Shipping Laws Vol.14.London:Stevens and Sons.1980:317转引自:沈茂树.船舶优先权法律制度研究:(博士论文).北京:北京大学.2000:202.
    303(1958)3 1 p.42.
    305 Oliver Wendell Holmes.The Path of the Law.10 Harvard Law Review.1897.
    306 Oliver Wendell Holmes,The Path of the Law,10 Harvard Law Review,1897.
    308 D. R. Thomas, Maritime Liens.British Shipping Laws Vol. H.London:Stevens and Sons,1980:318.
    310见Lloyd's Standard Form of Salvage Agreement "No Cure-No Pav也称为Llovd's Standard Form或Lloved's Open Form,最新版为“LOF 1995”。
    311 (1972) 1 All E.R.1110.
    314 Dice y and Morris, The Conflict of Laws,12 Edition, Vol.1.London:Sweet & Maxwell,1993:182
    317 (1974)1 Lloyd's Rep.174.
    318 Karl Llewellyn,Some Realism about Realism:Responding to Dean Pound.44 Harvard Law Review,1931.
    321 (1980)3 All ER 197.
    323 Toll Rian Sing. Admiralty Law & Practice.Singapore: Buttcrworths Asia .1998:223.
    324 The Mili'ord,( 1858)31 L. T.42;The Tagus. 1903:44:The Zigurds,1932:l 13: The Acrux,1965:391.这些判断所规定的原则与判例The Halcyon Isle似,即当涉及船舶优先权便仅以法院所在地法律确决船舶优先权的产生于受偿顺序的问题,取代了应适用的外国法律。
    325 D.C.Jackson.E.nforcement of Ma rilime Claims.2nd Edition.London:Llovd's London Press .1996:603.梁慧星主编.
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