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In the21st century, with the rapid development of the global economy integration, enterprise manage has become increasingly internationalized, customer demand is increasing, internet shock and the product lifetime to be shortened, which makes enterprises are facing economic structure transformation. It will, of course, bring changes of creating value ways. Enterprise value creation depends not only on.their own efforts, but also depends on its upstream and downstream business and customer relationships. Undown this background, the Value Network theory sprouted, and it becomes a research hotspot in the field of strategic management owing to its unique way of value creation. In recent years, the research about the Value Network innovative points continues to emerge. However, researches which are systematic, in-depth and practical application are not adequate. Value Network, either as a new management theory or a strategic management tool, the theorical study of Value Network remains to be improved, particularly on the value creation and mechanism of competitive advantage. Although scholars in home and abroad have explored from different perspectives, the researches, which are in-depth, systematic and operability are not enough, lack of convincing explanation. Therefore, research on the value creation and formation mechanism of competitive advantage of the Value Network, is good for explanation the reasons of the Value Network has become the new strategic model, enrich research in this field.
     This research attempts to start from the logical evolution and formation causes of the Value Network, taking the resarech thinking of summary and division. Firstly, the analytic hierarchy process is used to classify the elements of the Value Network's competitive advantage, and then, the formation process of the Value Network's competitive advantage is analyzed. The formation mechanism of the Value Network's competitive advantage is interpreted in the section from chapt4to chapt8, which based on the analytic hierarchy process results, from the elements of Value Network's competitive advantage. At last, the research working and results are concluded. Meanwhile, the shortcomings and the direction of the future research are put forwarded. Value Network is composed of multiple nodes, this research mainly to study the core enterprises'competitive advantage, take the manufacturing enterprises as an example.
     Conclusions of this study are as follows:
     (1) The competitive advantages of Value Network come from five major sources which in ten areas. There are five major sources of Value Network's competitive advantage, in ten areas, In order to clarify the importance of different constituent elements in the Value Network's competitive advantage, the fuzzy AHP is introduced to evaluate the importance of major constituent elements. According to expert opinions, take the factors whose weight larger than0.2as the most important factors of the Value Network's competitive advantage, there are10factors are confirmed. For researching convenience, we'll divide10confirmed factors into five categories:labor division and flexible manufacturing, competition and cooperation, resources allocated efficiently and resources sharing, knowledge flowing and technological innovation, stakeholders' strategy and customer loyalty.
     (2) Labor division and flexible manufacturing are the first source of Value Network's competitive advantage, which is the basis of formation of Value Network's competitive advantage. The essence of Value Network is firms combine with its stakeholders in the value chain through a certain value delivery mechanism to help member companies achieve strategic objectives, and to create value for its customers in specialization production and service mode and under the appropriate governance framework.
     The division of Value Network is a customer value-oriented economic behavior, which promotes "corporate gene" to reorganize within the networking organization, laies the foundation for the Value Network to adopt mass customization production mode, and promote the formation of internal market in the network organization, therefore it conducives to remain competitive vigor of network organization, and enhancing the competitive advantage. Meanwhile, the Value Network is a flexible system, in the Value Network, flexible manufacturing can juggle the low-cost and differentiation, obtains rapid response and speed economic advantage, as well as encompasses flexible organizational structure and flexible management, so that it makes customer resources network, internal network and supply collaboration network to cooperate tightly and help the enterprises to establish the competitive advantages in the Value Network.
     (3) Competition and cooperation is an important guarantee for the Value Network to obtain and keep the competitive advantages. The fundermental relationship among Value Network enterprises is the competition and cooperation, and Value Network is a collaborative organization as well as competitive organization, value creation is accomplished together by competition and cooperation-among member companies, member companies' abilities of value-creation can be promoted by the effective competition. However, member companies' abilities convert into the Value Network's competitive advantage must be done by cooperation among member companies. Thus, to better create and manifesting the maximum customer value. The strategic objective of the competition and cooperation in Value Network is creating competitive advantages, looking for opportunities through cooperation, remaining vigorous through competition, the effective cooperative strategy will enable the Value Network to help every member company to exert the its potentiality knowledge and experience at large.
     (4) Resources allocated efficiently and resources sharing are an important mechanism to promote the formation of the Value Network's competitive advantages. Enterprise Value Network is combination of a set of resources, it doesn't exist alone. There are resource structure differences and complementarily among different resources and organizations, and the premise to achieve1+1>2effect is the complementarily resources can put together effectively. Member companies achieve the "handshake" of resource-allocated way by the relation network, which will help to develop Value Network's competitive advantages. Moreover, the way to gain the competitive advantages of Value Network is the result of member companies to share resources transboundaryly, which covers the ability, knowledge and information and other aspects. Resource-sharing is a fundamental source of Value Network's competitive advantage, as well as the basic way of the Value Network to create value.
     (5) Knowledge flowing and technological innovation in the Value Network is a dynamic process that interaction and mutual influence. Member companies realizes the resources sharing sufficiently by the knowledge flowing in the network organizations, which can reduce the cost of gaining the knowledge and skills, also can in favour of promoting innovation of the network organizations, so that to improve production efficiently. Value Network is a cooperative network of technological innovation, which shares complementarily resources, promotes knowledge integration, encourages technological innovation and builds competitive advantages are the important motivation for its formation. Only can the knowledge make up the organization core competition through flowing and integration, this flowing and integration can create new knowledge, which provides technological innovation with the necessary elements and motivation. Value Network provides a platform for knowledge flowing and technological innovation. Knowledge flowing, knowledge integration and technological innovation can enhance the Value Network's knowledge absorption and innovative ability, so as to strengthen the network's competitive advantages.
     (6) Stakeholders strategy and customer loyalty are an important driver to promote the Value Network to generate the competitive advantages. Value Network is the way to achieve stakeholder's value, and stakeholder value-added process must not be seprated from this particular environment of Value Network, it happened in value deliver process of enterprises, often it achieves value through more than one or several value deliver procedures. The core of Customer Relationship Marketing is the relationship between enterprises and customers, its ultimate aim is to foster customer loyalty by the way of forming, maintaining and enhencing (include suspending) this relationship with customers to provide customers with higher quality, higher value-added products or serve. It plays an important role to improve customer satisfaction and cultivate customer loyalty so as to gain competitive advantages in the practice.
     (7) The value network's competitive advantages are the various elements of competitive advantage that work together under the synergy mechanism. According to different competitive sources, the synergy mechanism of different competitive advantage elements of value network can be divided into resource allocated and sharing synergy mechanism, competition and cooperation synergy mechanism, knowleged flowing and technological innovation synergy mechanism and labor division and flexible manufacturing synergy mechanism, stakeholder strategy and customer-loyalty synergy mechanism. To describe the synergy mechanism of value network on the system perspective is complexity of systemic level. In addition, value network's synergy mechanism is composed of different competitive advantage elements which varied from synergy mechanism dimensions. The single synergy mechanism as a complex system interacts with and multual influences on other competitive elements of organizational network, at the same time, it impetus to gain competitive advantage of value network through the nonlinear action of self-organizing.
     The innovative points of this research mainly include three aspects:
     (1) Expandsion of research perspective. Enterprise organizational competence and relationship-customers are the two major resources toward today's economic development. However, the present research is focused on the analysis of value-creation mechanism of Value Network from the enterprise organizational competence factor. This research analyzes the value-creation mechanism of Value Network's competitive advantages, not only from competence factors, but also from the perspective of customer relationship building and keeping. Therefore, it enriches the research in this field. Moreover, marketing concept is intergrated into this papaer. To analyze the source of Value Network's competitive advantage by using relationship marketing theory, which is broaden research perspective of the value network. Value Network based on Customer Relationship Marketing deal with the relationship between enterprises, customers, competitors, suppliers, distributors and other stakeholders correctly, and it creats customer value with its stakeholders together, meets customer's needs, and obtains customer loyalty so as to gain the key factor of business success-customer.
     (2)The analysis based on AHP and Cluster analysis. Pick out the larger factors impact on the competitive advantages of the value net from the complex factors. Enterprise value net competitive advantage is restricted by many factors, different factors varying degrees the competitive advantages of value network, In this paper, through the literature review and selected some key factors of affecting the competitive advantage, Summed up the10factors which affect the main and realize scientific classification, make the research results more easy to operate, it has certain innovation in research methods.
     (3) To set up analysis framework of synergy mechanism of the competitive advantage elements of Value Network. The self-organization evolution mechanism of the generation of Value Network's synergy mechanism the based on self-organization theory and synergy mechanism theory is interpreted deeply, the control parameter of Value Network's synergy mechanism is introduced to establish the evolution equation of Value Network's order-parameter, the result is the synergy mechanism is important to Value Network's self-organization evolution process by stability analysis of evolution equation.
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