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State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission started to put out a trial use of Economic Value Added (EVA) evaluation on central enterprises in2010, not only published general requirements, but also released the Implementing Rules of the use of EVA evaluation. This change has brought a huge shock to the traditional performance concept of state-owned enterprises, and proposed new requirements to the management of state-owned enterprises, that is, they should not only try their best to make profit, but should create enterprise value, and they should not only pay attention to the achievement of the short-term performance goal, but should attach importance to the creation and maintenance of the long-term growth.
     Judging from the significance of research, this paper has both theoretical value and practical meaning. On theoretical aspect, firstly, this paper will help establish and perfect the intangible capital financial theory. This paper studied various kinds of intangible assets'respective impact on the creation of enterprise value (EVA) based on the defining of the intangible resource, intangible asset and intangible capital and other basic concepts. Secondly, it will benefit the innovation of research on the enterprise financial strategy. The traditional financial strategy is mainly the Financial Essence Theory based on the Fund-movement Theory, which emphasizes the strategy on the organization of fund movement. While this paper studied the problem of the creation of value from the aspect of enterprise strategy, which not only focuses on the movement of fund, but also pays attention to the driving factors behind the fund movement, which will be helpful to develop the research on financial strategy and realize the innovation of research on financial strategy without any doubt. Thirdly, it will benefit the enrichment and perfection of financial management's methodological system. This paper studied the financial theories and methods related to the involvement of strategic resources into financial accounting system, such as valuation approach, method to measure efficiency and so on, the study of which will be helpful to the enrichment and perfection of the financial methodological system. On practical aspect, this study will help provide valuable reference to enterprises who are implementing the EVA evaluation on how to reach the EVA goal to the greatest extent, and will help enterprise financial managers build up a new financial strategy perspective, that is, help them jump out of the financial vision and focus the creation of enterprise value from the perspective of strategic resources.
     Judging from the research approach, this paper generally analysed the relationship of EVA and intangible asset on the theoretical level based on the explanation of the basic principle of EVA. Afterwards, it will respectively study the relationship of intangible asset and the various aspects of EVA. In view of big aspect, the composition elements of EVA are mainly revenue and cost (including cost of capital). Therefore, this paper mainly studied the relationship of intangible asset and the creation of enterprise revenue and the relationship of intangible asset and the control of enterprise cost. In view of the specific calculation of EVA, its influential factors involve many other related factors besides revenue and cost, for example, in order to encourage state-owned enterprises to focus on the development of their main business, it is necessary to adjust the extraordinary items; in order to encourage enterprises to study and develop innovation and increase investment in research and development, the research and development expenses which have been entered into the account as current expense can be added back within the range of50%in the calculation of EVA according to the Implementing Rules and so on. Because these factors either have no inner logical link with enterprises'intangible asset or are arbitrary rules related to government policies, which are not the content that the research topic should focus on. Therefore, this paper paid no attention to those adjusting factors.
     There are six chapters in this paper:Part one is Introduction which stated the background, significance, contents and methods of research. Part two includes Literature Review and Theoretical Foundations which mainly talked about the research literature related to the subject and the theoretical foundations involved in this paper. The literature part introduced and commented the literature from the aspects of the relatively priority of EVA in the value measurement system and the relationship of intangible asset and the creation of enterprise value and so on, and its purpose is to lay the foundation for the research significance and research value. While the theoretical foundations part mainly discussed from the aspects of Strategic Management Theory, Strategic Resources Theory, Human Capital Theory and New Economic Growth Theory, and its purpose is to demonstrate the importance of this study and lay the foundation for the confirming of the focus content of the study. Part three is the general theoretical analysis which theoretically analyzed the relationship between EVA principle and intangible asset. The specific contents are the concept of EVA and its advantages as the evaluation model of enterprise value, composition factors of EVA, the basic methods to create and promote EVA, the concept and categories of intangible asset as well as the creative principle of EVA based on intangible asset. Part four is Analysis of Core Concepts, which mainly defined and analyzed the intangible resource, intangible asset and intangible capital and other basic concepts as well as the mutual relationship between each concept, especially analyzed the concept and characteristic and the inner link of intangible asset and intangible capital mainly based on the financial level. Part five is the study related to the intangible asset and the creation of enterprise revenue, which mainly analyzed and demonstrated the various kinds of intangible assets' function mechanism on the aspect of the creation of enterprise revenue based on the general analysis of the relationship of intangible asset and the creation of enterprise revenue, and mainly demonstrated the problems of the function mechanism of the creation of EVA by human capital as well as the related assessment and encouragement of performance. Part six is the study related to the intangible asset and the control of enterprise cost, which mainly studied the intangible asset from the aspect of Strategic Cost Management based on the general analysis of the relationship between intangible asset and the control of enterprise cost, especially the function mechanism of human capital.
     Judging from the research method, this paper mainly adopted the method combining the normative research and case study because of the difficulty in the gathering of research data related to the subject. The normative research conducted the rational logical derivation, and the case study as the supplementary proved whether the conclusions derived from normative research can be used in real economy life and demonstrated on how to put theory into the analysis of practical problems.
     Judging from innovation and contribution of this paper, the innovations and contributions are mainly as follows:Firstly, this paper systematacially studied the relationship of the creation of EVA and intangible asset in the form of logical deduction. The paper systematacially studied the relationship of enterprise EVA and intangible asset based on the explanation of the basic principle of EVA, and respectively studied the function mechanism of various kinds of intangible asset on the core factors of EVA, and discussed on how to efficiently create EVA and how to use strategic intangible assets to realize the EVA goal to the greatest extent. Arguably, the thoughts and perspectives are of relatively great reference value to the enterprises who take the EVA as the important evaluation content. Secondly, this paper systematically analyzed and explained intangible resource, intangible asset and intangible capital and other basic concepts from the perspective of finance, not only analyzed the basic meaning of each concept, but also explained the inner logical link. I should say that this part is of important reference value to the study of intangible asset and the related problems from the perspective of finance and even could be the critical study foundation of some related problems. Thirdly, this paper creatively discussed the assessment problem of the value of intangible asset. Besides the systematical study of various strategic intangible assets'function mechanism to the creation of enterprise value, this paper also proposed the thought of combining the Present Earning Value Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process to assess the value of intangible asset, which will provide clues on how to assess the value of intangible asset by questionnaires.
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    5 李阳宵:《无形资产利用能力有效率对企业价值创造的影响研究》,浙江工商大学硕士学位论文(2010)
    6 何文莉:《如何利用无形资产创造企业价值》《审计与理财》2004年11期
    7 一般来说,除非垄断企业和新上市产品,否则企业是难以通过提升价格来扩大收入的,因此,这里假定价格一定是合理的。
    8 资源学派的主要代表作是沃纳菲尔特的《公司资源学说》,主要代表人物除沃纳菲尔特外,还有罗曼尔特、稳特、库勒等。能力学派的主要代表作是普拉哈拉底、哈默的《企业核心能力》,主要代表人物还有斯多克、伊万斯、舒尔曼等。
    9 许可、徐二明《企业资源学派与能力学派的回顾与比较》《经济管理》,2002年第二期。
    10 一般认为,多元化的最大风险就在于缺乏新涉足领域所需要的非管理性组织资源,包括技术资源、客户关系资源等;政府体制则属于政策资源范畴。
    11 创新有很多分类方法,这里我们采取 Rosanna Garcia等的分类方法,即将创新按创新性大小分为根本型创新、适度型创新和渐进型创新。其中,根本型创新是带来技术和市场均不连续(即中断)的创新;适度型创新是带来市场或技术不连续的创新;渐进型创新则是为当前市场或当前技术提供新特色的创新,它表现为对现有技术的改善和提高。(吴晓波等《创新分类研究综述》《重庆大学学报》(社会科学版)2007年第5期)
    13 李乐乐《上市公司权益资本成本影响因素研究》,硕士学位论文2009。
    15 有文献将企业能力划分为默会能力和明示能力。默会能力是个人在日常工作中默会学习所产生的结果,这种能力难以转化为明示的规则或行为规范,只能通过企业中的个人得以体现;明示能力是通过组织规则和行为规范得以体现的能力,因为它们能在规则和过程中获得,所以可以在企业的个人广泛传播。(参见程新章《企业竞争优势理论综述》《云南财贸学院学报》2003年第3期)。我们认为所有的组织规则和行为规范都是属于制度或文化范畴,它们对企业来说,是已客观存在的无形资源,不仅可以以文本化形式在企业内部进行“组织同化”教育,而且可以供其他企业组织学习和借鉴。
    16 周其仁《市场里的企业——一个人力资本与非人力资本的特别合约》《经济研究》1996年第6期
    17 [美]巴鲁.列弗(Baruch Lev)著《无形资产——管理、计量与呈报》,中国劳动社会保障出版社
    18 林建煌著《战略管理》,中国人民大学出版社,2010年8月,第19页。
    19 来自百度搜索《四川长虹经济增加值案例分析》。
    20 资料来自《华夏时报》2010年10月15日,岳伟《红太阳从东升到西沉:四川长虹正站在交叉路口》。
    21 袁庆宏《企业智力资本管理》经济管理出版社,2000年出版。
    22 葛秋萍《知识创新的资本化》中国社会科学出版社,2007年出版
    23 范徽筑《管理学:人力资本与组织资本的互动》,上海外语教育出版社,2007年出版
    24 20世纪80年代中后期,美国经济学家罗默和卢卡斯提出了新经济增长理论。新经济增长理论的一个重要启示就是新兴的经济是以思想(含信息、知识)而不是以实物为基础的,因而进行经济中的制度安排和价格体系应充分地使思想得到有效配置。
    25 1975年,比尔·盖茨与保罗·艾伦以区区1000美元共同创办了微软公司,到1996年就已经发展到公司员工1.6万名,资产近200亿美元的世界头号企业,2000年后,每年的营业额更是保持在500亿以上。在我国,华为是一个成立于1988年的高科技民营企业,不过10余年的时间,就发展为拥有员工数万人,销售额为数百亿的全球知名企业。
    27 [美]巴鲁.列弗(Baruch Lev)著《无形资产——管理、计量与呈报》,中国劳动社会保障出版社,2003年9月出版,第9页。
    28 (秘鲁)赫尔南多·德·索托著,于海生译《资本的秘密》,华夏出版社,2012年出版,第31页。
    29 周其仁《市场里的企业——一个人力资本与非人力资本的特别合约》《经济研究》1996年第6期
    30 《法律产权、经济产权有会计本质》《中南财经政法大学学报》,2008
    32 胡穗华:《企业非市场类无形资产价值评估方法研究》《现代管理科学》2010年8.
    33 相关研究可参考向显湖等《试论经营者股权激励与人力资本产权收益》《会计研究》2010年10期
    34 郑峰《建设“民生化市场”对人类社会的重要意义!》(2013-04-12 13:42:03)新浪博客
    35 基本薪酬和利润薪酬在性质上分别属于企业人力资本的债权性收益和股权性收益,具体参见向显湖、钟文《试论经营者股权激励与人力资本产权收益》《会计研究》2010年第10期。
    37 [英]安迪·尼利《企业绩效评估》,中信出版社,2004年8月
    41 杨其静《政治关联与企业成长》《教学与研究》2010年第6期。
    42 向显湖著《人力资本财务论》,中国经济出版社,2006年3月第一版。
    43 作者:吉姆·柯林斯(Jim Collins)和杰里·波拉斯(Jerry I. Porras)著《基业长清》,中信出版社,2006年9月
    44 见《四川金融投资报》1998年10月29日
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    46 刘叶云,企业人力资本管理问题研究.湖南师范大学出版社,2006.07
    47 郎咸平著《公司治理》,社会科学文献出版社,2004年2月版。
    49 帕蒂·汉森.并购指南:人员整合.[M].北京:中信出版社,2004年
    50 中国企业家调查系统.企业学习:现状、问题及其对创新和竞争优势的影响.管理世界.[J].2006年第6期
    51 Colber B.A.The complex resource based view:Implication for theory and practice for strategic human resource management [J].Academy of Management Journal,2004,341-358
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    53 波特原著使用的是人力资源管理,为使本书前后表述一致,这里我们改用人力资产表述。
    54 (美)迈克尔·波特.竞争优势.[M].华夏出版社.1997年
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