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With the rapid pace of society, large-scale and complex civil engineering structure, especially concrete structures are more and more. People are also growing concerns about the structure health status during service, and applying the new materials technology, computer technology, communication technology and other high technology to the structural health monitoring, which can ensure the safety of life and property. The concrete structure of traditional detection methods are only concentrate on the key parts concrete structures or sampling. The applications of smart materials and structures provide a wide space for the concrete structure health monitoring. It features double features of traditional materials and composite materials. It can achieve Real-time online detection of concrete structure.
     In the previous study, a ultrasonic detection method was proposed which bases on the PZT smart concrete module. In this method, ultrasonic wave need excellent features, as being the vector of concrete internal information. So in this paper the acoustic characteristics of PZT transducer embedded in concrete is researched.
     (1) The formation principle of acoustic field directivity is analyzed. The acoustic field directivity theory of PZT transducer is derived, when it's acoustic radiating surface is seen as the superposition of equal amplitude single point source. The result displays that the acoustic field directivity is more and more concentrate with the frequency increasing. The reasons are analyzed that influences acoustic energy in ultrasonic detection.
     (2) The equivalent vibration mode is derived, and according to the equivalence principle, obtain the equivalent circuit of mechanical vibration. The equivalent vibration mode reflects the dynamic converting process of the electric energy– mechanical energy. The influence is analyzed of the concrete clamping force to PZT transducer radiating acoustic energy in buried state.
     (3) By the Ansys modal analysis of PZT transducer embedded concrete, the first to fourth order modal and their nature frequencies are obtained. The modal analysis and acoustic field directivity and acoustic energy experiment basing on smart concrete module shows vibration mode stimulated by frequency affecting acoustic directivity and energy; the acoustic source seen as superposition of equal multitude single point source the acoustic directivity deviate from the actual in each mode frequency and becomes divergent at a frequency; and the first natural frequency is more suitable for ultrasonic testing considering the acoustic directivity and energy.
     (4) By the time domain and frequency domain of signal, the traditional methods of concrete ultrasonic detection are analyzed, including acoustic speed, amplitude, the first wave phase, waveform and envelope in domain, Amplitude spectrum, phase spectrum and power spectrum in frequency domain. The internal defects and performances parameters of concrete can be detected with those signal feathers. The detection methods are theoretical basis and technical supports for the ultrasonic detection of basing on smart PZT concrete module.
     (5) The experimental is developed that PZT transducer embedded concrete radiating ultrasonic signal after ultrasonic propagating the concrete different testing distance. Analyze the signal feathers after ultrasonic propagating the different testing distance in concrete from time domain (acoustic speed, amplitude, the first wave phase, waveform and envelope) and frequency domain(Amplitude spectrum and power spectrum).
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