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High potential risk of water-sand inrush disasterexists in mining shallow buried coalseam under thin bedrock.Two phase water-sand flow in porous aquifers and crushedmining induced rock mass is a hot spot and difficult topic of the researches. Thisdissertation studied the two phase water-sand flow (TPWSF) characteristics in crushedrock mass by using comprehensive methods of laboratory test, theoretical analysis andnumerical simulation, and the achievements are as follows:
     (1) A TPWSF in crushed rock mass testing system were developed which comprisesa two phase water-sand permeability testing device, axial displacement loading andcontrolling system, pore pressure controlling system and data recording system, so thetests of permeability of TPWSF in crushed rock mass could be realized.
     (2) Influenceof factors such as porosity, crushed rock grain diameter, sand graindiameter, sand content and lithologyto sand grains erosionand permeability parameterswere tested, and relationships of pressure gradient, sand erosion quantity and time, factor of two phase water-sand non-Darcy flow, acceleration coefficient ca, fluidity Iand volumetric content Y_2, were obtained. Values of apparent viscosity aunderdifferent sand grain diameters were tested, variation of awith shearing rate werestudied, and proved that TPWSF in crushed rock mass is a type of power lawednon-Newton flow.
     (3) Brought forth a method for analyzing two phase water-sand non-Darcy flowparameters, and the parameters were derived by using osmotic pressure difference andflowing rate from the tests.
     (4) According to sand volumetric content, water flowing rate, sand flowing rate, prepressure and porosity from tests, the parametric non-linear dynamical model for TPWSFin crushed rock mass were established.
     (5) Proposed the method of analyzing systematical response of TPWSF in crushedrock massanddeveloped the analysis software. Variation regularities of parameters ofTPWSF in crushed rock mass were simulated, and influence regularities of porosity,osmotic pressure, rock grain diameter and sand grain diameter to sand erosion wereeduced.
     These achievements are significant references of mechanism research of water-sandinrush in mining shallow buried coal seam under thin bedrock.
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