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The Information Technology in the forms of computer and Internet technology not only affects the integration and the hierarchical structure of human culture, but also activates the formation of a new immaterial information culture. In this post-industrial society, the extensive application of IT has turned the manufacturing and material-producing society into the economic one with service and experience (immaterial products). Industrial design is the subject of product design, while product innovation is the source of vitality. In the context of experience economy and creative industries, the independent innovation of product design must keep pace with the times. Furthermore, we should also abandon the established thinking ways, break the boundaries of disciplines, broaden our horizons, adopt more advanced science and technology, and thus promote the healthy progress and development of the domestic design career. Virtual reality technology is a field of vibrant and great prospect of high-techs. Therefore, how to introduce virtual simulation of product design is a new research project. The experience advantage brought by the virtual simulation system will greatly promote product development and service innovation.
     This paper has analyzed the theory and practice of product innovation design and the virtual simulation system both at home and abroad. Meanwhile, it has also probed into the interactive relationship between product innovation, user experience and virtual simulation from the perspective of virtual simulation design system guided by experience. From the angle of virtual product development process, this paper has made a deep analysis of cognition experience mechanism, information communication mechanism, service feedback mechanism and interactive trust mechanism, based on the product innovation design of the virtual simulation system. Moreover, the author has also put forward the platform-establishing principle, key technology, process and evaluation of this virtual simulation design system. Meanwhile, through the adoption of automotive innovation design as different cases, the author suggests to use Virtools -the virtual simulation platform for innovative product development and practice. Based on the above research, the author has made predictions and countermeasures for future virtual simulation design system, which includes four aspects, namely, the market strategy of industrializing scientific and technological research, the art strategy of integrating service innovation, the social strategy of locating communication and the manpower strategy of Creativity team.
     On the basis of "inter-disciplinary" knowledge system, this research has linked design with philosophy, sociology, economics, marketing, psychology and cultural anthropology and then brought these multi-disciplines into the perspective of design art in an organic way so as to put forward a feasible scheme for the development of product innovation design.
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