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In the rocky mountain area of North of China, forest coverage has increasedcontinuously after soil and water treatment. However, some new problems have appeared.For example, the afforestration area is too large compared with natural forest;planted treespecies are less;proportions of pure forest, and half-mature, sapling forest are too high;forest biodiversity and forest carbon stocking ability are low. Therefore, we have to solvethe new problems in this region about how to improve the level of forest health, forestbiodiversity and forest carbon stocking ability according to forest plant succession rule.In this research, we mainly researched forest succession rule, forest community structure,biodiversity and forest organic carbon in experimental site of the rocky mountain ofNorth of China, and based on them we also brought forward assessment indexes of foresthealth and evaluated the health level forest in experimental site. Then put forwardtechnique plan of control of forest health in Badaling.which will afford theory andtechniques for forest health management and forest ecosystem service function in therocky mountain of North of China.
    Combining methods of investigation and experiment, qualitative judgment andquantitative analysis. The results are as follows:
    1 Based on Wu Zhengyi plant classification system, the forest vegetations wereclassified into 3 vegetation types and 17 communities. Among them, temperate coniferforests include Form. Platycladus orientalis. Deciduous broadleaved forests include Ass.Qurcus sp, Ass. Qurcus sp.+Tilia sp., Ass Populus davidiana+ Qurcus sp., Ass. Batuladahurica + Tilia sp., Ass. Ulmus japonica+ Tilia sp., Ass. Ulmus japonica+ Populusdavidiana+Tilia sp, Ass. Populus davidiana+Tilia sp., Ass. Evodia daniellii , Ass.Koelreuteria paniculata, Ass. Syringa pekinensis+ Prunus sibirica, Ass. Ailanthusaltissima. Deciduous broadleaved scrubs include Ass. Vitex negundo + Zizyphus jujuba +Celtis bungeana, Ass. Vitex negundo + Spiraea trilobata, Ass. Spiraea trilobata + Celtisbungeana, Ass. Vitex negundo + Zizyphus jujuba and Form. Corylus heterophylla.
    Furthermore, through analyzing synthetically region closed type, aspect of slope,degree of soil erosion, changes of dominant species in communities, regeneration anddead trees in different communities and population type, we have gotten the plantcommunity succession sequence in Chaoguanxigou. The result shows that theconsequence of plant community succession is: Form Corylus heterophylla, FormSpiraea trilobata, Form Vitex negundo, Form. Populus davidiana and Form Ulmusjaponica, Form Batula dahurica + Tilia sp., Form Batula dahurica, Form Qurcus sp..Inthe course of plant community succession, the composition of tree species and structure,
    community biomass and soil organic matter were analyzed. The results show thatcommunity biomass increase while soil organic matter increase at first then decease atlast period.2 In the aspect of biodiversity of communities, we researched the speciesbiodiversity of tree, shrubs and community that combining trees and shrubs. The resultshows that with succession proceeding, the species diversity increase at first and begindecrease in the last period. The species diversity of trees is higher than the one of naturalscrubs and the species diversity of natural scrubs is higher than the one of plantations.Among dominant species of main succession communities, the interspecific associationsof Qurcus dentata and Batula dahurica, Qurcus dentata and Rhododendronmucronulatum, Tilia mongolica and Populus davidiana, Tilia mongolica and Fraxinussp., Populus davidiana and Fraxinus sp., Ulmus japonica and Syringa pekinensis,Ulmus japonica and Deutzia sp. are obvious. On the other hand, the consequence of nichebreadth of main dominant species is: Vitex negundo> Spiraea trilobata> Tilia mongolica>Qurcus dentata> Ulmus japonica> Populus davidiana> Batula dahurica. Another indexreflecting the relation between species is niche overlap. The value of niche overlap ofTilia mandshurica and Ulmus japonica, Tilia mongolica and Tilia mandshurica, Tiliamongolica and Ulmus japonica in tree pairs are 0.9130, 0.5309, 0.5160, 0.3535 and thesespecies pairs have high niche overlap. The niche overlap between Vitex negundo andZizyphus jujuba, Spiraea trilobata and Rhododendron mucronulatum, Vitex negundo andCeltis bungeana, Myriopnois dioica and Rhododendron mucronulatum are high and theirvalues are 0.9470、0.8955、0.6617、0.6016. The result shows that the species diversityof natural trees is higher than the one of plantations in Badaling.3 Carbon storage of vegetation in communities increase with plant communitysuccession, but the soil organic carbon density increase at the beginning and decrease atlast period of succession. The results of community carbon research have shown that theaverage organic carbon density of different communities is 239.67 t/hm2, the organiccarbon densities of vegetation, litter and soil are 36.06 t/hm2、16.24 t/hm2、187.37 t/hm2and are 15.04%, 6.78%, 78.18% of total organic carbon in communities. The organiccarbon of soil is highest. The average carbon density of vegetations is 36.06t/hm2. Thecarbon density above ground and roots of vegetation are 30.43t/hm2 and 5.63 t/hm2respectively and are 84.39 % , 15.61 % of total vegetation carbon storage. On thecomposition of vegetation carbon storage, the carbon densities of trees, shrubs andgrasses are 24.33 t/hm2, 5.77 t/hm2 and 0.32 t/hm2 respectively and are 79.96%, 18.98%and 1.06% of total vegetation carbon above ground. On the other hand, we also make outthe regression equations of changes of soil total organic carbon and labile organic carbon
    with depth and analyze the regulation of roots with different diameter and soil depth.The water-holding capacity of litter, capillary porosity of soil, infiltration ability ofsoil and water holding ability increase at beginning and decrease in the last period ofsuccession. The values of communities that dominant species include Tilia sp. are highest.The runoff yield is in the reverse order comparing with the indexes above.4 Based on analysis of forest succession, biodiversity and organic carbon, the healthstatements were evaluated. Forest health levels were divided into 5, the concept of indexof forest health was put forward and the equation of it was provided. Then, put forwardfive assessment indexes of succession degree, biodiversity, organic carbon, naturalregeneration, hierarchical structure. According to the research results above, theassessment indexes of forest health were sieved out and the simple and practicalstandards of all of them are given and calculate health assessment indexes ofrepresentative community in experimental site. It shows that community average healthindexes are 2.2 and 2.9, health grades are 2 and 3 respectively in Chaoguanxigou andBadaling. Chaoguanxigou's health degree is superior to Badaling's. Through computing,the sequence of health statements of different communities in Chaoguanxigou are Ass.Ulmus japonica+ Tilia sp.> Ass. Syringa pekinensis+ Prunus sibirica> Ass. Ulmusjaponica+ Populus davidiana+Tilia sp> Form. Ailanthus altissima> Ass. Populusdavidiana+Tilia sp., Ass. Batula dahurica + Tilia sp. >Ass. Qurcus sp.> Form.Koelreuteria paniculata >Ass. Evodia daniellii and Ass. Vitex negundo + Zizyphusjujuba> Ass. Spiraea trilobata + Celtis bungeana >Ass. Corylus heterophylla. Thesequence of health statements of different communities in Badaling are Form. Juglansmandshurica > weedtree forest> Ass. Platycladus orientalis+Cotinus coggygriavar.cinerea> Form. Pinus tabulaeformis, Ass. Larix principis-rupprechtii and Ass. Pinustabulaeformis +Acer truncatum > Form. Robania pseudoacacia > Form. Pinus amandi.5 According the forest actuality of experimental site in Badaling, the forest healthcontrol aim which give priority to ecology and society benefit were established. the foresthealth control aim structure were put forward besides of tree compose, biodiversity,organic carbon, forest hierarchy and age structure, forest health grade et. We divided intoforest health control phase and put forward commonly method of forest control.According to practice condition and control aim of forest health in experimental site. Atlast the forest control technological plan of experimental site was made out. Lay afoundation for forest health research in rocky mountain area in North of China.
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