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Economic globalization has made a profound transformation of the international production organization, global production networks replacing vertically integrated production organization for multinationals. Through embedding in the global production system, developing countries and areas achieve an opportunity for industrial upgrading and technological capability promotion. But industry upgrading and promotion of technology innovation ability will not automatic obtain under the global production network. This paper researches on knowledge transfer and technological innovation capability of local industries in the global production network.
     First, this article clears up the vein of global production networks, and comprehensive analyzes the content and trajectories of the local industry upgrading in global production networks, to distinguish the effects of different network government model on industrial upgrading. This paper explains the power of flagship to transfer knowledge, pointing out that knowledge transfer is the result of core enterprises pursuing maximum profits. Ways and means of knowledge transfer in the global production network are different according to the role of knowledge providers and market intermediaries, such as FDI and import/export trade, technical advice. Local industries achieve technology learning through international links and internal links under the global production network.
     The technology innovation ability upgrade has differences due to network governance mode and core enterprise type. The producer-driven global production network has stronger force than buyer-driven global production network to push forward the supplier achieving technology ability upgrading. Independent innovation is more suitable for technology upgrading in market and modular global production network, but the speed of upgrading is slow. The speed of technology ability upgrading is fast in relational, captive and hierarchy global production network but subject to core enterprise. The process of technology innovation ability upgrade of industry embedding in the global production network can be summarized as technology upgrade→technological process and product upgrading→function upgrade and intersectoral upgrade→echnology innovation capability upgrading. This paper constructs promotion mechanism model of technology innovation ability of local industries embedding the global production network based on the network embedded degree, market force, relevance ability and absorptive capacity. This dissertation does a validated analysis by structural equation model through questionnaire. The results showed that:the technical innovation ability has positive relation with network embedded degree, market forces, relevance ability and absorptive capacity, and absorptive capacity has the biggest correlation with it. Based on the theoretical analysis, this article takes cases of kingfa and the toy industry of Chenghai, detailed analysis of promoting process, trajectory and effecting factors. The result of case studying confirms that the model can explains the technological innovation capability upgrading process of local industry
     Secondly, this article analyzes the embedded process of manufacture of Guangdong province, expounded the basic condition of technology innovation ability of Guangdong province manufacturing, use the PROMETHHEE method to evaluate. According to the characteristics of industries which have been embedded in the global production network, this paper constructs evaluation index system of technology innovation based on the technical content of products, production technology, technical inputs and technical output.
     This article want to emphasis on several points:(1) Embedding in the global production network with processing trade helps technology learning of embedded industry. It is wrong to keep at a distance with processing trade because fear of the result in "lower-end lock". (2)The result of empirical shows that independent brand and marketing channels can enhance the market power and market power is the important guarantee of technical innovation capability upgrading. (3)The absorption capacity is the base of technology learning for local industry of global production networks, so it is important to increase investment in innovation and construct innovation supporting system.
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