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Fable literary has long history in our country. This type of writing not only show which character, but also short and smart in it’s peace of writing. It can be the cavairyman of literature, then play a positive role to creat Chinese national ideology and enrich the Chinese national language.
     Fable prose already developed before Qin. Chunqiu and Zhanguo time philosophical thinking and literature created highly develop both get widely growing place. But it’s a little pity, during this time until Tang Dynasty, in nearly thousand years fable prose never get real development because of many control.
     Before Liu Zongyuan and Liu Yuxi, prose field was influence by Six Dynasty, so not got achievement as poem, excellent fable not much. In the Tang Dynasty, Li hua、Xiao Yingshi、Yuan jie、Du Gu ji and etc. these group wise men as a pioneer of ancient language style creat a little exellent fable prose. After AnSHi changing, time step to middle age Tang Dynasty, social contradictory more acute, Han yu and Liu Zongyuan rise the flag of restore ancient ways to reform the literature. Because Li ao and Huang Fu shi positive support, ancient language movement so got great achievement. As a leader of this group, Han yu more success in fable prose writing. Generally, even Han yu open a new area in fable prose, but artistic achievement not very high. So the task of recover the fable prose and to leap develop must rely on Liu Zongyuan.
     Great poet Liu Yuxi got the achievement not as same as Liu Zongyuan. He put main point on poem creating. Before Liu Yuxi, Chinese ancient fable poem already show it’s clear line. Far after the SHiJing, in which has”Bin feng, chi xiao”was the earliest poem about animal, already has it original style. The Han Dynasty had“The Fish Pass the River with Tears”show character from poem to fable. Three States Time the poem”Seven Steps Poem”,”Siskin on the Field”of Chao zhi mainly have the fable poem character. But because no people follow at that time, so fable poem not more creative. After long time solitary of Wei and Jin Dynasty. Sui Dynasty fable poem start grow and ripe. First Tang Dynasty poet Wang Fanzhi, Han SHan zi and middle Tang Du fu, Wei Yingwu also step to fable poem. Because middle age Tang Dynasty social crisis more serious, the knowledge person heighten their duty so to show social evils. Bai Juyi like to propose”thing has it’s reason”so his creat of fable poem get a more success. But still Bai Juyi different from Liu Yuxi and Liu Zongyuan. Finally Bai Juyi failed because Liu Yuxi and Liu Zongyuan more shark in their articles.
     Liu Zongyuan and Liu Yuxi have nearly same age. Both reach to the top of the government examination in the same year [AD793]. Soon, they full of high political warmhearted took part in the Yong ZHen reform movement----a movement headed by Wang SHuwen and Wang pi. They play a decisive role in political circles. When reform movement failed Liu Yuxi was demoted to SiMa of Lang. Liu Zongyuan was demoted to SiMa of Yong. After ten years they were demoted to even far place----Lian and Liu. Both of them official lives were frustrations. Just because their human experience of misfortune cause them get a tremendous achievement in literary history, especially get a great success in their fable literary works. With the aid of this ancient literary style----it’s from Qin Dynasty. They increase a created development. Sum up defeatist experience of the Yong ZHen Reform., counterattack opponent’s slander show their good character, express their political view and decisive keep forging high----spirited attitude, faithful belief for reform still have many found in artistry, make fable literary get new life and leap development in Tang Dynasty. But also from see through Liu Zongyuan and Liu Yuxi and their fable literary creation you will know, at that time their original view of human ideal and mixed feelings when they were demoted.
     Later age Tang Dynasty many kind of social crisis rushed. Disaster keep going the masses live in dire poverty. Just at that time Pi Rixiu、Lu Guimeng and Luo yin etc draw in spirit from Liu Zongyuan and his fable prose and so on. They more brave than Liu when they reflect the seamy side and social life complicated. So they never speak evasively or cursing angrily. They creat the fable prose full of criticize color, political comment and literary aided, made a contribution to later age Tang Dynasty satirical literature’s thriving and glorious.
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