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     3.软组织的金黄色葡萄球菌达到3.26±1.99×105 CFU/g,达到软组织感染标准。
     4.骨组织中的金黄色葡萄球菌达到5.05±3.83×105 CFU/g,达到骨感染标准。
     高浓度的臭氧,随时间的延长,对周围组织的强氧化毒性逐渐增加,在浓度低于26mg/L-33 mg/L,时间60分钟以内,不会出现功能性神经的损伤,治疗浓度的臭氧水,局部负压冲洗引流治疗,由于其浓度和作用时间远远低于产生毒性的界限,因此可以认为其临床应用是安全的。
     Posttraumatic osteomyelitis is one of the most challenging subjects for orthopaedic surgeons. With the developing of industry and traffic, high-energy trauma is increasing. More and more severe open fracture is happening, which characterized by variable degree of soft tissue and skeletal injury. contamination and infection are common. Prevention of wound infection is critical for avoiding posttraumatic osteomyelitis. And appreciated wound management is important to prevention of wound infection. ozoned water can effectively treating wound infection and accelerate wound healing. but while the same time o3 also has a strong oxidative power. unreasonable use of o3 will be toxic. the study of avoiding toxic and inducing a beneficial response of o3 will be meaningful.
     Part 1:The role of 03 when the fresh wound is irrigated by ozoned water.
     There were 40 Wister mice, divided into 2 groups, ozoned water were treated group and saline were control group, every group had 20 mice. the fresh wound was cut on the animal back .the wound was covered with vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) device, and ozoned water as an instilling water irrigated wound through the VAC device.
     The concentration of the ozoned water was 2~4mg/L.
     After the irrigation, there were 3 facets were detected:
     1、The common assignment around the wound.
     2、The surface area of the wound.
     3、Histological examination of the wound.
     Statistical analysis has performed with t-test for Equality of Means,p values < 0.05 were considered significant. Part 2 the toxic of the local used ozoned water.
     step 1: The safety of treated concentration ozoned water on wound.
     The nerve was irrigated by treated concentration ozoned water, neural physiological examination of the sciatic nerve was detected,. Statistical analysis has performed with repeated measured data ANOVA.
     Step 2:the safety of superier concentration ozoned water on wound.
     There were 60 Wister mice ,divided into 4 groups (0、5、30、60min) according to the irrigation time of the ozoned water.
     The sciatic nerve and Biceps femoris were discovered in the wound.
     Ozoned water irrigated wound through the VAC device, but the concentration was 26.7mg/L-33.4mg/L.
     After the irrigation, there were also 3 facets were detected:
     1、The common assignment around the wound.
     2、Neural physiological examination of the sciatic nerve.
     3、Transmission electron microscope examination of the sciatic nerve and Biceps femoris
     Part 3 The role of 03 when the infection wound is irrigated by ozoned water.
     step 1:Animal model of infection wound of open fracture.
     Middle shaft of tibia was revealed, and smashed into fragile .the wound was inoculated with S. aureus, after 24 hours ,the soft tissue and the bone were taken into biological examination.
     step 2:the role of o3 when the infection wound is irrigated by ozoned water.
     The infection wound was covered with VAC device, and ozoned water was used to irrigate the wound, the saline water irrigation was considered as control group.
     5 days later, the irrigated wound was detected
     Part 1
     1、The fresh wound was clearance, the wound area was contracted.
     2、Compared with the control group ,statistical analyze tested the difference of wound area within two groups was significance (p<0.05).
     3、Histological examination: compared with the control group, the treated group, Inflammation cells was reduced around the wound, and the capillary propagation was more manifested.
     part 2
     Step 1:
     It was no difference between before and after treated ozoned water irrigation,so was the comparing ozoned water with saline water.
     Step 2:As the irrigation time prolonged:
     1、The color of the wound get darker, and the excludative fluid was increasing.
     2、The latency had a tendency of longer and maximum amplitude had a tendency of shorten within 30 mins the difference amongst the groups Was not significant, but 60 mins group the difference amongst the groups Was significant (p<0.05).
     3、The injury of sciatic nerve and the Biceps femoris had a tendency of severer .the 60 mins group the injury of the muscle and nerve was more manifest.
     Part 3
     Step 1:
     The average S. aureus counts was 3.26±1.99×105 CFU/g and 5.05±3.83×105 CFU/g respectively in soft tissue and bone.
     step 2:
     After 5 days ozoned water irrigation, the S. aureus was not detected both in soft tissue and bone tissue.
     part 1:2~4mg/L ozoned water had the ability of prompting the wound heal accelerating the epithelium velocity.
     part 2:the injury of the nerve and muscle was severer as the time of ozoned water irrigation prolonged, the concentration above 26.7mg/L-33.4mg/L and the time longer than 60 mins the injury will be manifest, otherwise, it was safety.
     part 3:2~4mg/L ozoned water irrigated wound through VAC device,the effect of local anti-infection was satisfactory.
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    28 Parrett BM, Matros E, Pribaz JJ, Orgill DP. Lower extremity trauma:trends in the management of soft-tissue reconstruction of open tibia-fibula fractures. Plast Reconstr Surg 2006;117:1315-22. Discussion 1323-4.
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