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第一部分:脊柱转移性肿瘤骨折风险的预测---结合定量CT和Analyze MD软件预测骨折风险值的应用研究
     目前,对于以QCT影像为基础的椎体模量和强度的计算,以及后续的分析过程不但耗时,而且需要专业人员操作。因此,设计一种自动的、操作简便以及重复性好的软件系统对于脊椎力学结构的预测分析具有重要的临床意义。由Mayo Clinic医学影像中心(BIR)设计的影像分析软件系统:Analyze MD是一种功能性的以数据为基础的分析系统。该系统能够识别医疗数位影像传输协定和定量CT,建立并优化特定的应用界面。在本研究中,我们选择Analyze MD系统作为我们的软件应用平台,经过简单的操作后,对病变脊椎骨质密度和骨结构进行自动测量,继而推算出其轴向负荷的能力,最终估算出病变椎体的骨折风险值(Fracture Risk Value,FRV)。其中, FRV被定义为病变椎体理论正常轴向刚度与实际病变椎体轴向刚度的比值。它代表病变椎体机械强度下降的程度,当比值较高时,即存在骨折的高风险。通过对Mayo Clinic308例脊柱转移性肿瘤患者的回顾性对照研究,对FRV预测患者骨折发生的诊断价值进行客观的评价。这种结合QCT和先进的数字化影像分析系统(Analyze MD)对脊柱转移性肿瘤病变椎体进行骨折风险的预测,国际上尚未见类似的报到,属于创新性的研究。
     在经美国Mayo Clinic临床研究机构审查委员会(Institutional Review Board, IRB)审查通过之后,我们对2001-2005年间Mayo Clinic308例临床诊断为脊柱转移瘤的患者进行回顾性分析。
     在确定符合标准的入选病例后,由影像科负责将所有病例的初次CT影像学资料传入Analyze MD分析系统。作者在该软件系统中打开病人的CT影像学资料,并选择病变椎体,以及上下相邻的正常椎体。操作完成后,由Analyze MD软件系统即时分析计算出该病变椎体的骨折风险值。
     通过SPSS统计软件绘制FRV预测骨折的受试者工作曲线(Receiver operator characteristic curve, ROC曲线)。在ROC曲线中,确定FRV的最佳临界值为1.45。在该临界值下,FRV的灵敏度为92.7%;特异度为64.0%;准确度为74.1%。
     结合QCT和Analyze MD图像软件分析系统,我们可以在简易的操作界面下,方便迅速的计算出脊柱转移瘤患者病变椎体的骨折风险值FRV。而且回顾性的对照分析显示,FRV是一项独立的预测骨折风险的指标,在预测骨折特别是胸腰椎病理性骨折方面具有良好的灵敏度和特异度。该方法临床实用价值高,可以为转移性脊柱肿瘤患者的临床诊治提供较为准确客观的参考依据。
     聚己内酯(PCL)购自美国Sigma-Aldrich公司,分子量分别为530、1250和2000 g/mol。实验中其他所用到的所有试剂亦均购自美国Sigma-Aldrich公司。
     PPF为两步法合成,第二步的聚合反应的时间设定为1小时或5小时,从而生成两种不同分子量的PPF聚合物(约为700和2000 g/mol),聚合物分子量经凝胶色谱分析仪测量确定。
     傅里叶变换红外光谱分析由Nicolet 550型光谱仪分析完成。
     质子核磁共振光谱分析(1H-NMR)由Varian Mercury Plus NMR光谱仪完成(1H=300.1 MHz)。
     所有PPF-co-PCL共聚物的分子量在3141±48至6607±144 g/mol之间,合成的共聚物的多分散性指数在2.6±0.2至4.0±0.3之间。共聚物FT-IR光谱分析显示为其两种前体的组合光谱结果。通过1H NMR光谱分析计算出的PCL比例与实际的PCL进给比对应良好。DSC测量曲线显示,所有共聚物有单一的玻璃化温度,温度值范围为-39.7±2.4至-15.0±1.6℃之间,该温度值与共聚反应中PCL进给比呈明显负相关(P<0.01)。
     交联固化后的共聚物的压缩模量值在44±1.8和142±7.4 MPa之间,并与其PPF前体的分子量大小呈正相关,而与其PCL前体的进给比呈负相关,个别PPF-co-PCL共聚物的压缩韧度明显大于其PPF前体。所有测量计算出的共聚物以及其PPF前体的压缩韧度,其值在4.1±0.3至17.1±1.3KJ/m3之间。
Part 1:Fracture Risk Analysis of Metastatic Spine Tumors--Analysis of Fracture Risk by Combining QCT and Analyze MD software
     Background and Objective
     At least one million new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States, skeletal metastases occur in 2/3 of them, most commonly to the spine. Failure of the spine's structural integrity from metastatic disease can lead to both pain and neurologic deficit. Fractures that require treatment occur in over 30% of bony metastases.
     Fracture risk analysis and prophylactic stabilization of spine are the hot topics recently. Prophylactic cement augmentation of a vertebral body infiltrated with tumor is an entirely different entity. An osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture does not cause spinal cord compression, whereas a vertebral body that fractures due to tumor infiltration often causes neurologic symptoms and signs with potential devastating consequences. Therefore, it is vital important to exactly predict the fracture risk of the metastatic spine and apply prophylactic spinal stabilization so that patients could remain ambulant and continent.
     Methods to predict fracture risk in metastatic vertebral disease must measure changes in both the material properties and the bone geometry within the vertebral body. Quantitative computerized tomography is able to delineate the density and geometry of both the tumor and the remaining bone and accurately predict, via composite beam theory, the vertebra's load carrying capacity
     Currently, manual input of the QCT image-based strength and modulus data, and their subsequent analysis is a time consuming and user dependent process. The development of an automated, user friend, and reproducible software package would enable the vertebral load carrying capacity determination to occur in a clinical setting. The image analysis software program, Analyze MD, developed at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine's Biomedical Imaging Resource (BIR) includes a functional data-base management system that recognizes digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) and QCT images. Application-specific interfaces can be developed and optimized for specific clinical applications. We have chosen Analyze as our software platform for the automation of bone mineral density and bone structure determination, then calculate the load-bearing capacity of the lesion spine, and finally calculate the Fracture Risk Value (FRV). The risk for impending fracture was defined as the theoretic normal axial rigidity divided by the axial rigidity of lesion vertebra. The risk of fracture increases with the increase of FRV.
     Finally, we retrospectively studied 308 existing Mayo cancer patients with spinal metastatic disease and evaluated the significance of FRV calculated from Analyze MD. This is a creative study to predict the fracture risk of metastatic spine lesion by combining the QCT results and novel Analyze MD software.
     Materials and Methods
     1. Study Cohort
     The appropriate IRB approval has been accomplished. Then we retrospectively studied 308 existing Mayo cancer patients with spinal metastatic disease between 2001 and 2005. Patient inclusion criteria include: (1) patient had two consecutive spine CT scans done in less than a six month period; (2) we only investigated the metastatic lesion of thoracic and lumbar spine, metastatic lesions of the cervical and sacral spine were not counted in; (3) no pathologic fracture was detected on the first CT images; (4) the investigated spinal lesion was a separated lesion whose adjacent upper and lower segment were relatively normal on radiographic images; (5) after the diagnosis of spinal metastasis from the first radiographic images, patient didn't have some further operative treatment (like open surgery and internal fixation or percutaneous vertebroplasty) other than subsequent radiotherapy or chemotherapy for the primary tumor; no conservative treatment had been provided other than observation by the treating physician; patient they had used crutches or were advised to substantially decrease their activities for more than a few weeks were excluded, since this modification inactivity alone would have decreased the fracture risk.
     The initial CT scans will be compared to the follow-up CT scans for the presence of new pathologic fractures, a fracture will be defined by criteria used for osteoporotic vertebral fractures or vertebral endplate fractures. These criteria include either a 15% loss of height from one side of the vertebra compared to the other in the frontal or sagittal plane, or a 15% loss of vertebral height compared to adjacent vertebrae. Finally, all the eligible cases were divided into two groups:fractured group and non-fractured group.
     2. FRV analysis with QCT and Analyze MD
     After confirmation of all the eligible cases, all the radiographic images of the patients were transferred into the Analyze MD system by radiology department of Mayo Clinic. The author opened the radiographic data of the patient from the Analyze MD system, and selected the interested metastatic vertebral body together with its adjacent upper and lower spinal segments. Once the vertebral body was selected, the Analyze MD system can automatically calculate final FRV of the metastatic vertebral body through some empirical formulas.
     3. Statistical analysis
     Univariate analysis, with the Student t test and chi-square test as appropriate, was used to compare demographic data, including age, gender, primary tumor diagnosis, site of the defect, and affected segment, between the fracture and non-fracture groups. Calculated values of FRV were assessed for normality with use of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and no significant skewness was detected. Therefore, the two-sample Student t test was used to compare the fracture and non-fracture groups. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were calculated to determine the diagnostic performance of FRV. For all comparisons, a two-tailed P< 0.05 was considered significant. The data were analyzed with use of the SPSS software package (version 13.0; SPSS, Chicago, Illinois).
     In out study,73 eligible cases in total were included. Thirty nine patients were male and thirty four were female, and their ages ranged from thirty one to eighty two years (mean and standard deviation,58.7±10.9 years). Twelve patients had a primary tumor of renal cell cancer, ten lung cancers,9 breast cancers,7 prostate cancers and 35 others. Fifty seven lesions were located in the thoracic spine; fifty nine in the lumbar spine.
     The results of the univariate comparisons of the demographic data between the fracture and non-fracture groups showed no significant difference between these two groups (P>0.05).
     FRV derived with quantitative computed tomography and Analyze MD system differed significantly (P<0.01) between the fracture and non-fracture groups. At the cut-off value of 1.45, FRV attained the 92.7% sensitive and 64.0% specific and 74.1% accuracy for predicting fracture.
     By combining the QCT and the powerful Analyze MD software image analysis system, we can easily accommodate current clinical CT imaging and calculate the FRV by validating an automated program. Our retrospective study indicated that the calculated FRV is an excellent independent criterion to predict the fracture risk of a metastatic spinal lesion especially in thoracic and lumbar spines with high sensitivity and specificity. We believe that this method can provide accurate objective criteria for planning treatment of metastatic spinal lesions and monitoring treatment response.
     Part 2:The Experimental Study of Prophylactic Treatment of Spinal Metastasis--Synthesis, Characterization, and Crosslinking Properties of a Novel Injectable Biomaterial
     Background and Objective
     Prophylactic treatment of a vertebral body infiltrated with tumor is very necessary. Great progresses have been made in the treatment of spinal metastasis recently. Treatments include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and combined therapy. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are useful to decrease the symptoms, however, they can not increase the stability of spine. Surgery has many complications, and the effects of conservative treatments are in issue, and they can not be used to increase the stability of spine, or halt the progress of disease.
     Vertebroplasty is a minimal invasive treatment guided under radiographic images. PMMA bone cement was injected into the lesion vertebral body to relieve pain and stabilize the vertebral body. It has several strong points of less invasive, early recovery and great clinical effect. It is especially useful in the treatment of most spinal metastases which are not eligible for open surgery. PMMA is the most common used injectable bone cement especially in some load-bearing areas. After injection, PMMA polymerizes in situ and provides instant mechanical support. However, several drawbacks also exist in PMMA. PMMA has a significantly higher modulus than trabecular bone and is non-degradable. Additionally, PMMA has a relatively short working time for preparation and injection, and exhibits high exothermic heat release during curing that is not ideal for use as injectable bone substitute.
     A promising candidate material of this type is poly(propylene fumarate) (PPF), an unsaturated linear polyester that can be modified or cross-linked through its fumarate double bonds. The curing time has ranged from 1 to 121 min, depending on the ratio of initiator, monomer or macromer, and PPF. The maximum temperature during PPF cross-linking has been 48℃, which is much less than that of PMMA. Although many efforts have been made to explore the applications of PPF-based materials, there are still many important limitations of this material. The propylene glycol in each repeating unit provides only one free rotating carbon-carbon bond that contributes to the rigidity of the PPF polymer chain. In addition, a cross-linker is needed to form cross-linked PPF networks via redox initiation, which may lead to cytotoxicity associated with unreacted cross-linking monomers.
     Polycaprolactone (PCL) is a FDA-approved biodegradable polymer with excellent biocompatibility and flexibility. A variety of copolymers based on PCL have been made to enhance the applications and crosslinking properties of such material.
     In an attempt to combine the favorable properties of PPF and PCL, our laboratory recently designed and synthesized a new injectable copolymer PPF-co-PCL composed of PPF and PCL. The chemical and physical properties of the uncrosslinked copolymers have been characterized. In this study, we further evaluated the handling and mechanical properties of the crosslinked copolymer by varying parameters. Maximum crosslinking temperature, gelation time, mechanical properties, cytotoxicity and in vitro degradation of the crosslinked copolymers were evaluated. This is a creative study to characterize and evaluate the novel polymerized copolymer as an injectable bone substitute.
     Materials and Methods
     1. Materials
     PCL diols with nominal molecular weights of 530,1250 and 2000 g/mol were purchased from Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI). All the other chemicals in the present study were also purchased from Aldrich.
     2. Experimental design
     The three variables we investigated were:PPF Mn, PCL precursor Mn, and PCL feed ratio. Eighteen copolymers were synthesized and characterized. The copolymers were crosslinked by adding benzoyl peroxide and dimethly toluidine. The maximum crosslinking temperature, gelation time, mechanical properties and biocompatability were measured. All experiments were conducted in triplicates, and data is expressed as means +/- standard deviations.
     3. Synthesis of PPF
     PPF was synthesized as described previously. The polymerization reaction was run at 150℃for 1 and 5 h, producing PPF with Mn around 700 and 2000 g/mol, respectively, as measured by gel permeation chromatography (GPC).
     4. Synthesis of PPF-co-PCL
     The PPF-co-PCL copolymer was synthesized from PPF and PCL with antimony trioxide added as a catalyst. The resulting PPF-co-PCL copolymer was purified by solution precipitation forming a viscous melt or wax-like solid.
     5. Copolymer Characterizations
     5.1 GPC
     The uncrosslinked copolymer's molecular weight and molecular weight distribution were characterized by gel permeation chromatography (GPC).
     5.2 FT-IR
     Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) spectra were obtained on a Nicolet 550 spectrometer.
     5.3 NMR
     Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectra were acquired on a Varian Mercury Plus NMR spectrometer (1H=300.1 MHz).
     5.4 DSC
     Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was measured on a TA Instruments Q1000 differential scanning calorimeter. The glass transition temperature (Tg) was determined by using the midpoint temperature of the glass transition process.
     6. Crosslinking of PPF-co-PCL
     As related previously, a typical crosslinking procedure was performed. Additionally, two other different amounts of accelerator solution were also used when crosslinking copolymer 1.
     7. Maximum temperature
     The temperature profile was recorded through a thermocouple. Time zero was defined when accelerator was added into the mixture.
     8. Gelation time
     The gelation time was measured on a rheometer. Time zero was defined when accelerator was added into the mixture, and the gelation time was defined when the viscosity of the composite suddenly increased as shown on rheometer.
     9. Mechanical properties
     The crosslinking cylinder specimens were analyzed using a 312 Materials Testing System mechanical testing machine. The compressive modulus was calculated as the slope of the initial linear portion of the stress-strain curve. The compressive toughness was calculated as the area under the stress-strain curve before sample failure.
     10. In vitro Cytotoxicity evaluation
     The in vitro cytotoxicity of parts of our PPF-co-PCL formulations together with PPF and PMMA were investigated using MTS Assay. Three time points (1 day,3 days, and 7 days) were chosen.
     11. In vitro Degradation
     The crosslinked specimens were dipped into the PBS solution. Three time points (1 day,3 days, and 7 days) were chosen to check the weight loss of the specimen. Specimens were also analyzed using a 312 Materials Testing System mechanical testing machine.
     12. Statistical analysis
     All experiments were conducted in triplicate and the data were expressed as means±standard deviation (SD). One or three factors analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Duncan's multiple range test, were performed with SAS version 9.1.3 software to identify statistical difference at a significance level of P<0.05.
     Copolymer Characterizations
     PPF-co-PCL Mn ranged from 3141±48 to 6607±144 g/mol. The polydispersity ranged from 2.6±0.2 to 4.0±0.3. FT-IR of copolymer showed a combination of spectra from its two components. PCL composition in the copolymer was calculated in 1H NMR and showed a good correlation with the actual PCL feed ratio. All the copolymers have a single glass transition temperature which fell between -39.7±2.4 and -15.0±1.6℃. They decreased significantly with increasing PCL feed ratio (P<0.01).
     Maximum crosslinking temperature
     The maximum crosslinking temperature of crosslinked copolymer fell between 38.2±0.3 and 47.2±0.4℃. It increased with increasing PCL precursor's molecular weight.
     Gelation time
     Gelation time of the crosslinked copolymer fell between 4.2±0.2 and 8.5±0.7 min. It decreased with increasing PCL precursor's molecular weight. All the gelation times of crosslinked copolymers were longer than that of PMMA, and significantly shorter than those of their PPF precursors (P<0.01). When decreasing accelerator, the gelation time greatly increased (from 6 min to over 60 min).
     Mechanical properties
     The compressive modulus ranged between 44±1.8 and 142±7.4 MPa. It increased with increasing PPF precursor's molecular weight and decreasing PCL feed ratio. Copolymer 13 had a much greater compressive toughness than its PPF precursor (PPF2000).The compressive toughness of all crosslinked copolymers and PPF (PPF700 and PPF2000) fell between 4.1±0.3 and 17.1±1.3 KJ/m3.
     No cytotoxic response was demonstrated from the different formulations of PPF-co-PCL and PMMA bone cement. On the 7 days time point, there was a slight decrease trend of cell viability in PPF samples compared with the control group. However no statistical difference was shown.
     In vitro Degadation
     Our in vitro degradation experiment showed that the copolymer degraded faster with increasing PCL feed ratio. No significant difference of weight loss was found from different formulations varying in PPF or PCL precursor's molecular weights. The compressive modulus of all degraded copolymers was tested at different time points after crosslinking. The compressive modulus of all these copolymers kept increasing the end of the fourth week after setting. It subsequently became stable.
     Our results show that the maximum crosslinking temperature, the gelation time, the mechanical properties and degradation rate of crosslinked copolymer PPF-co-PCL could be modulated by varying its composition for different applications. Incorporation of PCL in the copolymer composition led to a fully crosslinked copolymer network. By integrating both virtues of its PPF and PCL precursors, PPF-co-PCL appeared to be an optimal injectable, in situ polymerizable biomaterial with a more favorable characteristic.
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