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     采用Folin-酚试剂法测量胶原蛋白含量,并以此为指标,考察了不同料液比(1:1,1:2,1:3,1:4,1:5)、不同提取时间(1 h,2 h,3 h,4 h,5 h)、不同提取次数(1,2,3,4,5次)三个因素对胶原提取率的影响,通过单因素考察和正交试验发现提取次数对提取率影响最大,提取时间其次,料液比对提取率影响不明显,确定了最佳提取条件,即:料液比1:3,提取4 h,提取5次。在此基础上,采用高效液相分子筛柱检测蛋白分子量,以胶原酶解后分子量为指标,通过单因素考察实验,筛选了酶解时间(0 h,0.5 h,1 h,2 h)和其与底物作用的比值(1:3000,1:5000,1:8000,1:10000)对胶原分子量的影响,优选胰蛋白酶最佳提取条件是酶与底物比为1:5000,酶解时间为2 h。验证试验证实,在料液比为1:3,提取次数为5次,提取时间为每次4 h,酶与底物比为1:5000,酶解时间为2 h条件下提取率最高。通过测试和计算,采用以上工艺得到鹿茸胶原蛋白平均收率为12.52%,平均蛋白含量为56.89%。
     采用SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE),测定梅花鹿鹿茸胶原酶解物分子量,结果显示,CSDV分子量集中在31 kDa以下,与高效液相检测到的结果相符合;应用酸水解法,对CSDV氨基酸成分进行分析,分析结果显示在20种常见氨基酸中,含量最高的是甘氨酸、脯氨酸和丙氨酸,其中甘氨酸含量为32.10%,占了几乎1/3,脯氨酸含量15.50%,丙氨酸为13.87%,甲硫氨酸,酪氨酸和组氨酸含量较低,没有检测出含有胱氨酸,非常见氨基酸—羟脯氨酸的含量也非常高,为6.71%,这一结果符合胶原氨基酸含量特征;TLC薄层色谱检识CSDV与标准品在相同位置出现桃红色斑点;茚三酮显色反应呈蓝紫色;含水量检测结果显示CSDV含水量为8.24%;变温法分析了梅花鹿鹿茸胶原黏度随温度变化情况,结果显示鹿茸胶原溶液具有很高黏度,且黏度随温度升高逐渐降低,温度为20℃以下时,基本失去流动性,胶原酶解后,黏度迅速下降;紫外吸收光谱显示其在260 nm有最大吸收;红外光谱结果说明CSDV中没有新的化学键产生;圆二色谱分析结果显示CSDV中二级结构数量α-螺旋、β-折叠和无规卷曲数量分别为3.6%,42.7%和53.7%。
     急性毒性试验表明, 20只小鼠按体重灌胃给予鹿茸胶原酶解物10 g?kg-1?d-1,每日2次,观察14 d。20只小鼠全部存活。说明CSDV属实际无毒级。
     急性特异性免疫实验结果表明,CSDV在0.2 g?kg-1剂量下对小鼠角叉菜胶引起的足肿胀有抑制作用,P﹤0.05;当剂量为0.5 g?kg-1和0.25 g?kg-1时对DNCB所致小鼠迟发型超敏反应有抑制作用,并可一定程度促进小鼠巨噬细胞吞噬功能;抗应激实验结果表明,剂量0.5 g?kg-1时,可延长小鼠存活时间;1.0 g?kg-1、0.5 g?kg-1和0.25 g?kg-1均可延长小鼠游泳时间,只有在1.0 g?kg-1和0.5 g?kg-1时差异明显。
     对去势雌性大鼠骨质疏松症防治作用实验结果表明,与正常对照组比较,模型组大鼠骨密度降低(P<0.01),血清生化指标骨钙素(BGP)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、雌二醇(E2)、血清磷(S-P)、血清钙(S-Ca)指标变化均有统计学意义,骨生物力学指标明显改变:最大载荷、最大挠度、骨应变都减小或变弱,骨形态计量学指标骨小梁占视域面积百分数(TBV)减少、平均骨小梁间距(MTPS)明显增大、平均骨皮质厚度(MBCT)明显变大,说明造模成功;经CSDV治疗后,上述指标除E2、S-P、S-Ca、MBCT外均明显改善,剂量在0.4 g?kg-1时防治作用最显著。
     对维甲酸致大鼠骨质疏松症防治作用试验结果表明,与对照组比较,模型组大鼠骨密度降低(P<0.01),血液生化骨转换指标S-Ca降低,骨组织静态计量学指标变化明显:骨小梁占视域面积百分数比正常对照组减少了近50%,骨量丢失明显,MTPS明显增大(P<0.001)、MTPT明显变窄(P<0.001)、MBCT明显变大(P<0.001),骨生物力学各项指标明显改变:最大载荷、最大挠度、骨应变减弱或变小,说明造模成功;经与CSDV干预组对比,上述指标都出现了明显的改善,骨密度增加(P<0.05),ALP降低,S-Ca、S-P升高,骨量明显增加,骨小梁形态发生逆转、数量明显增加、间距变窄等,综合比较剂量在0.2 g?kg-1时预防作用最显著。
     采用预先铺被CSDV方法,在6孔板中加入鹿茸胶原酶解物2 ml/孔。分别将3T3细胞,Vero细胞和分离得到大鼠乳鼠颅顶骨成骨细胞,接种于铺被胶原的培养板,培养24 h,结果显示CSDV在促进细胞贴壁方面作用不明显。
In this paper, we extracted collagen from sika deer antler with water at the optimal conditions and hydrolyzed by protease, which enhances the solubility of collagen.The methods such as thin-layer chromatography (TLC),high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), ultraviolet spectrum (UV), infra-red spectrum(IR), circular dichroism spectrum (CD) and so on was used in studying on the physical-chemical properties of CSDV. We did the active test to the collagen. Osteoporosis rat models were established by ovariectomy and retinoid acid (RA).One kind of health food products was developed from sika deer antler collagen. And we lay down quality standard and operating procedure.
     Here are the details:
     1 Study on the optimum conditions of extraction of CSDV.
     The collagen protein quantity was measured with folin-phenol reagent, and as a target, we want to know the influence of different liquid ratio (1:1,1:2,1:3,1:4,1:5), different extraction time (1 h , 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, 5 h), different extraction times (1,2,3,4,5 times) three factors on the extraction yield of collagen. That was compared by single factor and orthogonal experiment. It was found that the greatest impact on the extraction rate was extraction times, followed by extraction time, solid to liquid ratio of no significant effect on the extraction rate. The optimum extraction conditions namely: liquid ratio 1:3, extracted 5 times, 4 h per times.
     By single factor experiments, we screen optimum hydrolysis conditions suchas the of the hydrolysis time (0 h, 0.5 h, 1 h, 2 h) and its and the role of the ratio of substrate (1:3000,1:5000,1:8000,1:10000) with the target molecular weight of collagen.Results were that optimal trypsin was enzyme and substrate is the ratio of 1:5000, hydrolysis time to 2 h. Validation tests confirmed that under the above conditions, the extraction ratio was 12.52 percent on average, and the average protein content was 56.89%.
     2 Preliminary study on physical and chemical properties.
     By SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), molecular weight of CSDV were measured .The result showed it under 31 kDa, consistent with the result of HPLC. Acid hydrolysis was applicated in amino acid composition analysis on CSDV.Result show that the highest content is glycin, nearly 1/3 in the CSDV, and there is 15.50% proline and 13.87% alanine of it. Unusual amino acids - ydroxyproline content was very high too, nearly 6.71%. This result is consistent with characteristics of collagen amino acids. TLC seized at the same position with the standard collagen spots appear. Ninhydrin color reaction was blue-violet. Water content of the test results showed 8.24% moisture content. The effect of viscosity with temperature changes was researched; the viscosity decreased rapidly when collagen was enzymolysised.The UVspectra, IR, CD spectra was used in researching the characters of sika deer antler collagen. UV absorption spectra showed its maximum absorption at 260 nm,α-helix,β-fold and the number of random coil were 3.6%, 42.7% and 53.7% analyzed by CD.
     3 Acute toxicity of CSDV was studied.
     The acute oral toxicity test for this disinfectant indicated that it belonged to practically non-toxic grade.
     4 Growth and development effects of CSDV on gonadal related organs.
     Serum glucose and testosterone levels detected CSDV can contribute to weight gain in mice, And the weight of relevant organs of mouse prostate glands - the seminal vesicles, testes, levator ani muscles - sponge ball muscle increased, blood testosterone increased, Meanwhile, the thymus weight increased, blood glucose decreased.
     5 Anti-inflammatory, immune and anti-stress effects of CSDV.
     The anti-inflammatory, immune and anti-stress effect was obvious. Experimental results show that foot swelling caused by carrageenin in mice inhibition by CSDV in 0.2 g?kg-1, P<0.05; dinitrochlorobenzene induced delayed-type hypersensitivity was inhibited when the dose of 0.5 g?kg-1 and 0.25 g?kg-1, and may to some extent to promote macrophage phagocytosis. Anti-stress test results show that when the dose on 0.5 g?kg-1 survival time lengthen; and on 1.0 g?kg-1, 0.5 g?kg-1 and 0.25 g?kg-1 can extend the swimming time, but only 1.0 g?kg-1 and 0.5 g?kg-1 significantly different.
     6 Prevention and therapeutic effects of CSDV on osteoporosis in rats.
     To evaluate the preventive and therapeutic effects of the collagen extracted from Sika deer velvet (CSDV) on osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats. Compared with the ovariectomized group, CSDV markedly improve bone mineral density (BMD) and bone weight in ovariectomized rats, regulate the ALP and BGP in serum. There was marked difference in biomechanical properties and static histomorphometric indexes, such as Maximum load, Maximum deflection, bone stress, bone strain, TBV, MTPS, and MBCT between the collagen-treated groups and without.CSDV was found to play a role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats.
     The results of the study on prevention and therapeutic effects of CSDV on osteoporosis in rats by retinoic acid was similary with that in ovarectomized rats.
     7 Anti radiation effects of CSDV was researched.
     Results show that CSDV can only reduce the number of micronuclei bone marrow cells caused byγ-ray irradiation.
     8 Study on promoting cell adhesion in vitro effects of CSDV.
     The results of the experiments in vitro showed that there no effect on the cell adhesion in vitro.
     9 One kind of health food was produced basis on the sika deer antler.
     The chewable of CSDV was produced, and the quality standard was researching.
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