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     方法利用分子生物学技术,以HRE作为低氧特异性启动子,构建pEGFP- C3- 9HRE– CMV -VEGF重组真核表达载体,通过脂质体介导将其转染到原代培养的大鼠骨骼肌成肌细胞中,在不同低氧浓度及不同缺氧时间下培养,通过RT-PCR、ELISA及荧光显微镜检测不同条件下转基因成肌细胞VEGF基因的表达情况,以判定HRE低氧启动子的功能。
     目的研究转染重组真核表达载体pcDNA3.1/VEGF及pEGFP- C3-9HRE–CMV - VEGF的骨骼肌成肌细胞移植对急性心肌梗死的治疗作用,为其临床应用打下基础。
     方法结扎大鼠冠状动脉前降支建立急性心肌梗死模型,分别将无血清培养基、未转染骨骼肌成肌细胞、转染pcDNA3.1/VEGF的成肌细胞以及转染pEGFP- C3- 9HRE-CMV-VEGF的成肌细胞注射到梗死区,4周后检测死亡率、心脏功能、心肌梗死面积、移植细胞形态、梗死区VEGF表达及毛细血管密度的变化,以阐明转基因骨骼肌成肌细胞对急性心肌梗死的治疗作用。
PartⅠCulture of Primary Rat Skeletal Myoblasts in Vitro
     Objective To improve the culture method of primary rat skeletal myoblasts in vitro and obtain more purified skeletal myoblasts.
     Methods The more purified skeletal myoblasts from Louis inbred strain rats isolated by improved two-step digestion method, and purified by the two-step purification method of Ficoll separation and velocity sedimentation. The cells were identified with immunohistochemistry stain.
     Results The purification rate of skeletal myoblasts was 98% with the improved method and the cells showed satisfactory growing state and strong proliferative activity.
     Conclusion The research improved the purification technique for skeletal myoblasts successfully. It was useful for cardiac surgery department or other relative departments to study cell transplantation and gene therapy.
     PartⅡExperimental Study on the Transfection and Expression ofVascular Endothelial Growth Factor Gene inPrimary Cultured Rat Skeletal Myoblasts
     Objective To investigate the transfection and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor gene in primary cultured rat skeletal myoblasts.
     Methods VEGF165 gene was reconstructed in pcDNA3.1 vector and transfected into primary cultured rat skeletal myoblasts by lipofectamine in vitro. Gene expression of transfected myoblasts was detected by RT-PCR, Western-Blot and immunofluorescent staining.
     Results pcDNA3.1-VEGF vector was reconstructed successfully. Transfected myoblasts expressed VEGF165 gene in 24 hours, and the peak appeared in 48~72 hours, and the transfected myoblasts could continuously express gene during 2 weeks. Transfected myoblasts could express protein products in a higher level.
     Conclusion Skeletal myoblasts transfected with VEGF gene by lipofectamine could express gene products efficiently in vitro, which may contribute to the transplantation of skeletal myoblasts transfected with VEGF gene for the therapy of myocardial infarction.
     PartⅢExperimental Study on the Regulation of Hypoxic Response Elements to the Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth FactorGene transfected to Primary Cultured Rat SkeletalMyoblasts in Hypoxic Environment
     Objective To investigate the regulation of hypoxic response elements to the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor gene transfected to primary cultured rat skeletal myoblasts in hypoxic environment.
     Methods pEGFP-C3-9HRE-CMV-VEGF vector with HRE as specific hypoxia promoter was constructed by molecular biology technique and transfected into primary cultured rat skeletal myoblasts by lipofectamine in vitro. Gene expression of transfected myoblasts was detected by RT-PCR, ELISA and fluorescence microscope with different oxygen concentration and different hypoxia time.
     Results Transfected myoblasts expressed VEGF gene and protein products in hypoxic environment and in a higher level with lower oxygen concentration and longer hypoxia time. EGFP expressed only in hypoxic environment and the expression is unavailable in normoxic environment.
     Conclusion Specific hypoxia promoter could be constructed with HRE and regulate the expression of VEGF gene in hypoxic and normoxic environment, which could enhance the reliability of gene therapy.
     PartⅣExperimental Study on the Therapy of Acute Myocardial Infarction with the Transplantation of Skeletal Myoblasts Transfected with Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Gene Regulatedby Hypoxic Response Elements
     Objective To investigate the therapy of acute myocardial infarction with the transplantation of skeletal myoblasts transfected with pcDNA3.1/VEGF vector and pEGFP-C3-9HRE-CMV-VEGF vector.
     Methods The rat models of acute myocardial infarction were established with the occlusion of anterior descending coronary artery. Serum-free medium, control skeletal myoblasts, skeletal myoblasts transfected with pcDNA3.1/VEGF vector and skeletal myoblasts transfected with pEGFP-C3-9HRE-CMV-VEGF vector were injected into the border zone surrounding the infarct (4 injections of 1x106 cells in 100μl) respectively. The mortality, cardiac function, infarct size, grafted myoblasts, expression of VEGF and angiogenesis were observed 4 weeks later to demonstrate the therapy of acute myocardial infarction with transfected skeletal myoblasts.
     Results These indicators were better in the two groups of transfected skeletal myoblasts than in the groups of medium and control skeletal myoblasts. The mortality and infarct size were significantly reduced, and the cardiac function, the expression of VEGF and angiogenesis were increased improved(P<0.01).
     Conclusion This combined strategy of skeletal myoblasts transplantation with gene therapy could be of importance for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction.
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