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强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis,AS)是一种全身性免疫性疾病,其病变最终结局是脊柱周围韧带和椎间盘骨化,中轴关节出现纤维化及骨性强直,导致关节运动功能丧失。可见病理性成骨是AS患者致残的主要原因,强直性脊柱炎的治疗最终必须解决正常韧带及滑膜骨化强直问题。
Ankylosing spondying was a kind of general immune disease.Vertebral column surrounding ligaments and discus intervertebralis ossification were the final pathological changes.Central axis joints emerged fibrous degeneration and tetanization,then movement function of joints were lost.It’s thus clear that pathological bone formation was the most important cause for mutilation of patients with AS.If we wanted to treat AS,we must solve the ossification tetanization of the ligaments and synovium tissues.
     BMP2、bFGF and Cbfa1 were all definite osteogenesis. Bone morphogenetic protein(BMP) were also called transforming growthfactor protease,They often situated marrow stroma cells、periosts cells and frame cells.BMP could induce bone formation and encourage osteoblast differentiation.They transformed mesenchymals and fibrocytes of emissary、muscle and fascia into frame systema cells,so BMP were able to promote the union of fracture.BMP2 was the most powerful factor and could solo induce bone formation.Basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF) was one kind of biological activity protein,it could hasten scleroblast proliferation.bFGF and biomaterial could be implanted into the animal model and obviously promote skeleton formation.So it often was used in bone tissue engineering.bFGF also could propagate blood capillary and provid sufficient blood supply and nourishment for osteotylus.bFGF was principally synthetized by skeltogenous cells and saved in extracellular matrix.Core-binding factor a1(Cbfa1) was one of critical transcription factor in bone formation and differentiation.Gene knock-out experiments confirmed that homozygosis mice without Cbfa1 formed no bone,heterozygosis mice emerged degression of bone formation.Cbfa1 and other bone formation factors had synergism action to encourage bone formation.
     MES cells were the source of the fibroblasts.Fibroblasts could be differentiated into osteoblasts,they’re more archaic osteogenitor cells.Somebody cultured in vitro the fibroblast from supraspinal ligament of AS and observed that a lot of calcium salts deposited in the base material.
     In our experiment,we used in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analysis to detect the expression of BMP2、Cbfa1 and bFGF in the synovial tissues of patients’cacroiliac joint with active AS,compared the results with those in the patients with femoral neck fracture.At the same time,we collected fibroblasts from patients’supraspinal ligament with fracture of lumbar vertebra and cultured in vitro.In experiment groups,we added BMP2、Cbfa1 and bFGF into the substratum.As control groups,we didn’t add any osteogenesis cytokines.We observed them through microscope and used immunohistochemistry to detect the expressions of Alkali phosphatase (AKP). The important results and conclusions are as follow:
     1.Immunohistochemical analysis showed that BMP2、Cbfa1 and bFGF in the synovial tissues of patient’s cacroiliac joint with active AS were positive expressions and the control groups were negative expressions.
     2.In situ hybridization showed the same results as immunohistochemical analysis.
     3.We cultured in vitro the fibroblasts from supraspinal ligament of fracture of lumbar vertebra and added BMP2、Cbfa1 and bFGF into the substratum.The collagenoblasts transformed into osteoblasts successfully. Alkali phosphatase(AKP) were positive expressions in the variant cells.
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