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    方法:取成年男性短期(1年内)防腐尸体20具, 自第3、4腰椎交界处及双大腿中下1/3交界处将尸体横断,得骨盆标本20个。将20个骨盆标本仔细剔除附着的肌肉,完整保留髋关节囊,骶棘韧带,骶结节韧带,耻骨联合及骶髂关节诸韧带结构,肉眼观察及X线摄片均无风湿、结核、肿瘤、骨折等病变及解剖学变异。将20具标本随机分为A、B两组,每组10具。A组又分为左右侧分别进行实验。将标本放于夹具上,模拟人体单足站立位,给予轴向加载500N(模拟人体自重),测量并记录每步处理后的骶骨垂直位移及骶骨矢状面旋转角度(角移位)。A组左侧:第一步:完整骨盆 ;第二步:切断耻骨联合 ;第三步:在第二步基础上切断左侧骶棘韧带;第四步:切断左侧骶结节韧带;第五步:继续切断左侧骶髂前韧带;第六步:最后切断左侧骶
    髂骨间韧带。A组右侧:按照顺序逐步切断骶髂后长韧带、骶髂后短韧带、髂腰韧带及骶髂骨间韧带,分别测量指标。B组10具骨盆按如下顺序进行实验: 第一步:完整骨盆;第二步:切断耻骨联合;第三步:逐步分离耻骨联合,0.5cm,1.0 cm,1.5 cm,2.0 cm,2.5 cm,每一阶段均测量指标;第四步:首先切断骶棘韧带、骶髂前韧带,然后将耻骨联合逐级开大3 .0cm,3.5 cm,4.0 cm,分别测量指标。实验数据用SPSS10.0统计软件的单因素方差分析,进行分析,进行组与组之间比较, P<0.05为差异有显著性意义。
    韧带,骶骨旋转角度出现显著性增加(P<0.05),垂直位移无明显影响;进一步切断后短韧带,垂直位移及旋转角度均有了显著性增加(P<0.05);切断髂腰韧带后,骶髂关节的稳定性明显降低,垂直位移及旋转角度均有显著性增大(P<0.05);最后切断骶髂骨间韧带,上述指标进一步显著性加大,骶髂关节极度不稳。B组:实验表明,当耻骨联合分开0.5 cm至1.5cm阶段,骶骨的垂直位移由切断耻骨联合时的4.367±0.495mm增大到8.209±0.603mm,与此同时骶骨的角位移由0.307±0.097°增加到1.139±0.210°均有显著性统计学意义(P<0.05);而当开大至2.0cm时两测量指标较前时又明显下降(P<0.05),分别降至7.260±0.895mm,0.820±0.120°,但与单纯切断耻骨联合时相比,有显著性增大。2.5cm~4.0cm阶段仍呈下降趋势,由6.911±0.436mm,0.758±0.100°降至5.827±0.486 mm,0.557±0.122°,其组间比较无统计学意义,但两指标与单纯切断耻骨联合时相比,有显著性增大。
Objective:Sacroiliac joint is located on the posterior ring of pelvis and it is the important structure to support the weight of the upper part of human body and complete the mechanics conducting. Its integrity of anatomy and function is most important to the pelvic ring. SI joint usually suffer the injury in the pelvic fracture, but it still did not cause enough recognition in surgical operation under medical treatment of the pelvic fracture to recover stability of SI joint .So its prognosis of long-term function is poor in clinic. So we carry out this biomechanical experiment to study the effect on pelvic stability with the disruption of SI ligaments and Separation of pubic symphysis, trying to gain the further understanding to the anatomy and function and providing the basis for the clinical treatment of the pelvic disruption.
    Methods: 20 short-term (in one year) embalmed pelves along with their spines intact from L4 to the sacrum, and hip joints with the 2/3 proximal of both femora were harvested for this study. All of these specimens were visually examined and then X-rayed to exclude the presence of pelvic bone or soft tissue disease. Care was taken to preserve the hip capsules, symphysis pubis, sacroiliac joint, sacrotuberous and
    sacrospinons ligaments. 20 specimens were divided into two groups randomly, 10 specimens per group. The group A was divided into two sides again, left and right, to start experiment respectively. In preparation for mechanical testing, one denuded femur were secured in the fixturn designed for test. Biomechanical testing was performed in model. Each specimen was loaded by vertical compression through the lumbar spine in a single-leg-stance model. The loads were applied at the speed of 5mm/min. It was increased in a continuous fashion until it reached 500N. In every step, the following data were recorded: the sacral rotation around the transversal axis(sacroiliac joint angulation) and its vertical displacement. For each pelvis, the micromotion of each SI joint was study separately in various states one after the other. Left side of group A: (1) intact pelvis; (2) section of the pubic symphysis ligament; (3) section of the sacrotuberous ligament; (4) section of the sacrospinous ligament; (5) section of the anterior SI ligament; (6) section of the interosseous SI ligament; Right side of group A: A gradual section in a order as follows: (1) long posterior SI ligament; (2) short posterior SI ligament; (3) iliolumbar ligament; (4) interosseous SI ligament. In every step, datum were recorded. Group B: (1) intact pelvis; (2) section of the pubic symphysis ligament; (3) To performant experiment with the pubic diastasis in sequence following : 0.5cm,1.0 cm,1.5 cm,2.0 cm,2.5 cm,and datum were recorded. (4) After the section of unilateral sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments, pubic
    symphysis was separated to 3 .0cm,3.5 cm,4.0 cm,step by step. The experimental datum were analyzed by the one-way ANOVA in SPSS10.0 statistic software. The statistical significance for the test was set at P<0.05.
    Results: Left side of group A: In the successive loading test, the average vertical displacement increased from 4.144±0.538mm which measured in intact pelves to 5.853±0.368mm, the sacroiliac joint angulation varied from 0.226±0.061 to 0.616±0.086 degrees.Each index showed the significant increase. We found no further increase in the pubic symphysis joint motion; Further section of sacrotuberous ligament showed no evident change in vertical diaplacement while the average of angulation increasing, but had no statistical significance; When cutting off the sacrospinous ligament, sacroiliac joint angulation showed significant aggrandizement; When continuously cutting off the anterior SI ligament, two indexes showed no variety; When sectioned the interosseous SI ligament, the above indexes showed the significant increase (P<0.05). Right side of group A: In the successive loading test, the average vertical displacement increased from 3.610±0.696mm which measured in intact pelves to
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