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IL-35is a member of the IL-12family of cytokines consisting of IL-12p35subunitand IL-12p40-related protein subunit, EBV-induced gene3(EBI3). IL-35functionsthrough IL-35R (IL-12Rβ2and gp130) and has a potent immune suppressive activity.Studies demonstrated that IL-35involves in many autoimmune diseases, but few research ison IL-35in tumor.
     Although IL-35has been demonstrated to be produced by regulatory T cells, geneexpression analysis has revealed that IL-35is likely to have wider distribution includingexpression in cancer cells. In this study we have demonstrated that IL-35is produced inhuman cancer tissues such as large B cell lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma andmelanoma. In order to determine the roles of tumor-derived IL-35in tumorigenesis andtumor immunity, we generated IL-35producing plasmacytoma J558and B16melanomacells, and observed that the expression of IL-35in cancer cells does not affect their growthand survival in vitro, but stimulates tumorigenesis in both immune competent and Rag1/2deficient mice. Tumor-derived IL-35increases CD11b+Gr1+myeloid cell accumulation intumor microenvironment, and thereby promotes tumor angiogenesis. In immune competentmice, spontaneous CTL responses to tumors are diminished. IL-35does not directly inhibittumor antigen specific CD8+T cell activation, differentiation and effector functions.However, IL-35-treated cancer cells had increased expression of gp130and reducedsensitivity to CTL destruction. Thus, our study indicates novel functions of IL-35inpromoting tumor growth via enhancing myeloid cell accumulation, tumor angiogenesis andsuppression of tumor immunity.
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