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Histopathologic comparison of Rhizomucor chlamydosporus infected patients and mice.
     【Abstract】Objective To investigate if separate mycelium and chlamydospore in Rhizomucor chlamydosporus infected tissues has a relationship with the genus of the fungus. Methods Subcutaneous injected the Rhizomucor chlamydosporus derived from the patients into the normal mice and took tissue biopsy in different times of the infection to observe the fungal appearances and the histopathologic changes, at the same time, to study the histocytes’infiltration extent of the tissues through the method of immunohistochemistry using anti-CD68,and compared the histopathologic changes between the patients and mice. Results The separate mycelium which was the characteristic changes of Rhizomucor chlamydosporus infected patients and the histopathologic changes caused by vessels infiltration had not been observed in mice, and the histiocytes in the infected tissues gradually increased during the infection. Conclusion The separate mycelium and chlamydospore in Rhizomucor chlamydosporus infected tissues had no relationship with the genus of Rhizomucor chlamydosporus. It may be related to various ability of anti-mucormycosis infection in different infected species.
     Primary study of the immunologic mechanism of depilation in mice after Rhizomucor chlamydosporus infected
     【Abstract】Objective To investigate the relationship of depilation and the immunologic changes in Rhizomucor chlamydosporus infected mice.Methods Detected the generation of spleen cells in fungi-infected mice and normal mice and the expression of MDSC in spleen cells and myeloid cells, and tested the expression of MDSC in the adrenalectomized fungi-infected mice.Results The generation ability of spleen cells of fungi-infected mice was much weaker than normal mice.There were no significant differences of the expression of MDSC in spleen cells of fungi-infected and normal mice, the expressions of MDSC in myeloid cells of fungi-infected mice were much more than the normal mice,and the expressions of MDSC in myeloid cells of the adrenalectomized fungi-infected mice were decreased. Conclusion The depilation in mice after Rhizomucor chlamydosporus infected was related to the immunodeficiency after the infection.The underlying mechanism maybe that local fungi infection had destroyed the hair follicle that induced the exposure of the autoantigen and destroyed the hair follicles around the whole body, in addition, the immunodeficiency of fungi-infected mice could aggravated it.
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