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This paper has defined the theoretical connotation of power structure under a new paradigm—from resources to power to interest distribution. We confirm that resources decide the power indistributing process, and the power forming also restricted by institutional environment, what iscontained by power structure. So power structure shows not only the relationship from powersubject to power object, but also the restriction from institutional environment. That is why wechoose power structure as the analysis element. According to this paper, we can find these severalbasic conclusion:
     1. Power structure is the fundamental factor that affect income distribution, which is thetheoretical basis in this article. In this paper, power structure characterizes the forming processfrom resources to power, reflecting the connection among social subjects and the ability ofresources allocation. Power is the asymmetry effection among social subjects, which caused byresource owning and controlling. Asymmetry is the result of the different dependence onresources, so there also exist different power relation under the same resources structure. Followthe sorting of basic resource and deriving resource, we consider that deriving resource is theintegration and using of basic resource. According to their function, deriving resource can bedivided into political resources, economic resources and social resources, and economic resourceis a kind of productive resources, while political and social resources are nonproductive resources.These resources can convert into political power, economic power and social power in sequence,and the power which subject performs is the combination of these three kinds of functional power.Power also can be sorted into productive power and nonproductive power. In this paper we mainlydiscuss the affection of distribute power structure consist of productive power and nonproductivepower.
     2. We get the basic conclusion that the optimal power structure is to keep the nonproductivepower equally, which can maximize personal income. Under this condition, productive power isthe main way to get income. And nonproductive distributing process can reduce the income gap.But how to evalution the nonproductive power in income distributing, it depend on the use of this kind of power. So on the design of the distribution system should be aimed at differentnon-productive power allocation effect distinction, both weak social main body can be brought toa redistribution of the economic aid, and avoid the spread of rent-seeking.
     3. We can simulate the long term income process if we change the model into ainter-temporal condition instead of single period. Tendency of productive distribute powerdetermines the level of output of the cooperative production and the distribution relationshipbetween the production partners. The higher tendency of productive power, the more output, thelarger income gap. But no matter the level we choose, after a long period of time the income ofeach producer getting equally. So we think that it can not realize common prosperity if we pay toomuch attention on nonproductive process in order to reduce the income gap between rich and poor,it only cause the stagnation of the development of social economy.
     4. Wages income is the most common way, so when we discuss the influence of power toincome distribution during primary distribution. We consider that wages be decided by two steps.By the first step workers total wages is decided by the negotiation between the owner and laborunion of the enterprise. By the second step, worker's individual wage is decided by the distributingpower. According to the analysis, the stronger the productive distributing power, the more wagegap in the enterprise. And the industrial upgrading is conducive to improve the worker's wages.
     5. As an indispensable subject, the government both has public interest and its own-interests,and different characters cause different power restriction ways. As a public interest agent, thegovernment makes the decision due to social welfare, but as a self interest agent it makes thedecision to maximize its own utility. But the model shows that just as a self interest agent, thegovernment could not wield his power only as he want, because his power will be restricted bysocial economic power.
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