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In Zhejiang province,a large number of enterprise clusters have played a significant role in regional economic development. However,by modern standards,these clusters are more or less confronted with the problem of shortage of technological capability,which hampers the upgrading of industry and sustainable development of region. So,this dissertation focuses on the evolution of technological capability of these clusters and starts out to discuss the issue of technological learning of them. The total objective of our discussion is to conclude a reasonable and effective learning mechanism for these clusters that can integrate clustering members to coordinated technological learning activities so as to push the capability development of their cluster.
    By analyzing the structure model of enterprise cluster,the dissertation firstly puts forward the concepts of technological capability of cluster and capability gap among clustering enterprises (from the latter concept,two types of clustering enterprises are classified,that is high-level-capability enterprises and low-level-capability ones). Based on these two concepts,the dissertation suggests that the ideal evolution of clusters' technological capability is resulted from the situation that both high-level-capability enterprises' and low-level-capability ones' technological capability are stably developing. That is to say,the ideal capability evolution path of cluster has to depend on the continuous and efficient technological learning activities of both the two types of clustering enterprises on micro level. To realize this situation,the dissertation proposes that a technological learning mechanism that is characterized in learning division should be introduced into cluster. Under this mechanism,driven by s
    ome endogenous motivation factors and suitable exogenous motivation arrangement,the high-level-capability enterprises are expected to conduct external-to-cluster learning activities in the interregional network so as to introduce high-value knowledge flow into the cluster where they are located,and the low-level-capability enterprises,however,are expected to utilize local network to learn from the knowledge diffusion from their high-level-capability neighbors. Considering the dynamic of spatial transfer of knowledge,the above learning mechanism for cluster also reflects the "knowledge induction-knowledge diffusion" model,which,if run efficiently,will promote clusters' knowledge base to extend and upgrade and their technological capability to continuously evolve.
    In fact,the formation and operation of the learning division mechanism for cluster has to need support from an extensive policy system,which is constituted of
    the policy of clustering enterprises,the policy of coordinating institution and public service institution and the policy of local government.
    Accompanied with the theoretical exploration,empirical studies are also conducted in the dissertation,which are in the form of case study. The analyzed cases include the electric component industry cluster of Liushi in Wenzhou,the textile industry cluster of Shaoxing,the software industry of Hangzhou and so on. The conclusion of above case studies has satisfyingly supported the theoretical discussion.
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