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To enhance the competitiveness of a country or region, enterprise cluster were grown up with the development of IT. In Guangdong and Zhejiang province, A large number of enterprise clusters have played a significant in economic development, however, these clusters are more or less confronted with the problem of shortage of technology capability in the development, which hamper the upgrading of industry and sustainable development of region. So this dissertation focuses on the enhancement mechanism of technological capability of enterprise cluster and the measures of the enhancement of technological capability-technological learning of them so as to offer some policy suggestions and push the capability development of their cluster.
    Based on the concept of firm's technological capability forward the intension of clusters technological capability, the capability gap among clustering enterprise and the influence of the capability gap on the cluster technological capability. Then the focus of the dissertation is to explore the mechanism of enhancement of cluster technological capability .it argue that the enhancement of the cluster technology capability results from the pull and push effect of the technological capability between high-level-capability enterprises and low-level-capability enterprises. But it must rely on the operation of the learning division mechanism to realize the pull and push effect, that is to say the high-level-capability enterprise are expected to conduct external -to -cluster learning activities in the interregional network so as to introduce high-value knowledge flow into the cluster where they are located, and the low-level-capability enterprise, however, are expected to utilize local network to learn from the knowledge diffusion from their high-level-capability enterprise neighbors.
    In fact the operation of the learning division mechanism for cluster has to need support from an extensive policy system, so in the end chapter the dissertation put forward to some policy suggestions from three facets-clustering enterprise, coordinating institution and public service institution, local government-to push the technological learning division and the capacity development.
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