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In Fujian province, a large number of enterprise clusters have played a significant role in regional economic development. However, in the global competition, these clusters will face a series of problems, such as regional opening , path dependence , excessive embeddedness etc., which hamper the upgrading of industry and sustainable development of region. The effective method to solve these problems for raising cluster's competitive advantage continuously is to structure the learning enterprise cluster. So, this dissertation focuses on the improvement of learning capability of these clusters and starts out to discuss the issue of learning of them. The total objective of our discussion is to conclude a reasonable and effective learning mechanism for these clusters that can integrate domestic and foreign members of clusters to coordinated learning activities so as to push the capability development of these clusters and strengthen the sustainably competing advantage of these clusters.
    First, through the analysis of the problems existing in the growing process of the enterprises’clusters in Fujian province and the academic background of the research about learning activities in clusters, the dissertation shows the academic and practical meaning of construction of the learning enterprise cluster. The second, the dissertation studies the learning mechanism for these clusters which include domestic and foreign members of clusters, the interdynamic network of knowledge, cluster knowledge integration, the way and course of study. Then, according to the current situation of " gap between rich and poor " of learning ability existing actually in cluster, the dissertation puts forward the comparatively ideal studying mode of flying geese in the process of enterprise's cluster study, and studies the issue of learning motivation about high-level-capability enterprises and low-level-capability enterprises. Considering the cluster activity, which is not merely an economic activity, and social activity, the dissertation has studied the impact of the social capital on cluster learning still from the socioeconomic angle. At last, we bring forward the countermeasure of the consummating for the learning enterprise cluster from three sides: the optimizing of the core network, the supplementary network, the periphery-network, and the conclusion and academic prospect are educed too.
    Accompanied with the theoretical exploration, empirical studies are also conducted in the dissertation, which are in the form of case study. The analyzed cases include the clothing industry cluster of Shishi, Anta shoes Co., Ltd, and the shoes industry cluster of Jinjiang. The conclusion of above case studies has satisfyingly supported the theoretical discussion.
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