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Based on the cognizance of the teaching actuality of the University Physics Instruction, and the analysis of the problems, we show the realization of the effective instruction for the University Physics by representative case analysis. Based on the research on the relative literature about effective instruction, effective instruction for the middle school physics and for the University Physics, we make the concept of the effective instruction more definitely, we see that there are abundance of the theory research on the effective instruction, it needs deep research on the effective instruction for the special subject in the middle school, while scarce of the research on the teaching demonstration, and deficiency of the research on the effective instruction for the special subject in the University. Based on theories and practices of the effective instruction in Middle school, and on the character of the University Physics, we discuss the realization of the effective instruction for the University Physics from the following four aspects:the effective teaching aim; effective teaching content; effective teaching method; effective teaching implementation and appraisement. We show the effective practices based on the typical university physics cases, and then get the research conclusions and rethink.
     This paper is arranged as follows.
     In chapter 1, which is the introductory part, we present the research background and the present research results, and show my research problem, methods and frame of the paper.
     In chapter 2, based on the analysis of the teaching actualities of the University Physics, we show that the effective instruction design is a feasible way to realize the effective instruction of the University Physics. We futher definitely show the theory basis and principles of the effective instruction of the University Physics, and also, we explain the related concepts in the paper.
     In chapter 3, we discuss the effective teaching aim. By discussing the difference between the effective teaching aim and objectives, we give the predesign and generation of the teaching aim. Based on the discussion to the class theories of the teaching aim, we present the ways of designing the effective teaching aim of the University Physics, and definitely show the effective teaching aim of the University Physics.
     In chapter 4, we discuss the effective teaching content. We show the choice and presentation of the teaching content is the premise and base of the implementation of the effective teaching. We present the different methods and multi-dimentional principles of the generating of the teaching content for the University Physics. We show the abundance of the generating teaching content and the differences of the different presentation of the teaching content, and also show that the abundance of the generating teaching content promotes the different demands of the way of the presentation of the teaching content.
     In chapter 5, we discuss the effective teaching methods. We show that the multiplicity and contradiction of the knowledge attribution detemiine the multiplicity of the effective teaching methods and the correlation between the teaching method and teaching content. We definitely declare that the effective teaching of the University Physics is based on the effective teaching methods which are based on the teaching organization form and the particular teaching content.
     In chapter 6, we show the implementation of the effective teaching of the University Physics. Based on some typical teaching cases such as "description of particle's motion"," calculation of electric intensity","pendulum" and "application of Newton's laws of motion", we raise some teaching strategies as changing teaching, similarily teaching, thematic teaching and problem based learning.
     In chapter 7, we present the appraisement of the effective teaching of the University Physics. Based on definite appraisement of the effective teaching, we appraise and rethink the teaching results and policy of the teaching implementation by inquiry and interview.
     In chapter 8, we show conclusions and rethinks. By the theory analysis and the demonstation researches, we draw the conclusions and rethink the problems we encountered in the research.
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