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After China's reforming and opening, private colleges made good use of the opportunity of China's mass higher education, with it's advantages of facing to the market and flexible system and became an important segment of China's higher education. Because of the scale of higher education becoming larger and larger and the entrance of foreign schools, private colleges faced more and more serious competitions. To private colleges, success or failure is decided by whether or not improve education quality and provide good services for their 'customers'. Education quality is depended on whether or not the college owns high quality human resources. Therefore, it is practically significant to study human resources management under such circumstances.
    The thesis discusses the concept and the meaning of human resources first, then discusses the connotation of the teacher resources, specifies the objects of the teacher resources management. Though study the teacher resources of private college's, it is found out that, many existing problems, such as the complicated component of teachers, too many part-time teachers and over-aged teachers, lack of stability and unsuccessful use of high title and diploma, are all related with the teacher resources management of private colleges', then provide some countermeasures, such as "human-oriented" philosophy eradicated, human capital investment increased, human management system perfected, environment improved, etc. The thesis puts on emphasis on the import of talented persons, motivation and performance valuation, then provides some countermeasures that suit private colleges. Based on human capital theory, the thesis analyzed human capital investment of private colleges and projected several relevant suggestions.
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