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In recent years, the clustered built large-scale Chemical project has become more andmore, It has become an important research direction and the development trend of chemicalengineering project management that how to plan and manage multiple projects, how tocoordinate and control the multi project operations, how to ensure the success of the projectand develop the economic benefits and social benefits of the project investment.
     Guided by the project management theory, system theory, integration managementtheory, control theory, information theory, this paper studied the whole process integratedmanagement of the large-scale chemical engineering project systematically, the researchstanding on owner position, and combining the characteristics of large-scale chemicalproject to study the integrated management problems from two hands. On the one hand, thetheory structure for the whole process integrated management of a large-scale chemicalengineering project has been studied: first, from information, process, managementintegrated views, analyzed the structure of the whole process integrated management ofcost、quality、progress, and the related integrated management model have been modelingseparately; Then, the paper analyzed and studied the multiple integrated and coordinatedrelationship of cost&quality&progress, set up the multiple-goal integrated model andmultiple-layer decision model. Above research studied the whole process integratedmanagement of a large-scale chemical engineering project from three-dimension viewwhich breaking the normal linear integrated view, from theory side realized the overallstudy and design for the whole process integrated of large-scale chemical engineeringproject. On the other hand, This paper has thorough study on some key technical issues forthe whole process integrated management of the large-scale chemical engineering projectcore element (cost、quality、progress):①research on the investment decision problem ofthe whole process cost integrated management, a optimization model of investmentdecision making based on LCC have been set up;②research on the quality evaluation problem of the whole process quality integrated management, the overall design qualityevaluation system have been designed based on checklist, and the comprehensiveevaluation model have been give up;③research on the progress schedule problem of thewhole process progress integrated management, based on the DSM theory, the multi-layercomposite DSM matrix progress model has been set up;④research on the informationintegrated platform construction problem, The whole process information integratedplatform building scheme have been give up, and the quality management and progressmanagement function module of the platform have been developed.
     This paper research on the integrated management of the clustered constructionchemical engineering project in whole and systemically from the theoretical&technicaltwo aspects, the proposed integrated model and technical solutions are more in line with thecharacteristics of chemical engineering project management which has the importantapplication value for project management practice.
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