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Shipping is a time-honored transportation means. Since the implementation of openness and reform policy, shipping contributes to our national economic development and modernization construction with its advantages of low costs, large transportation quantity, small occupation area and low pollution. As human society entered the21st century, the development of modern science and technology, especially the development and application of information technology, network technology and data communication technology, has a significant influence on human society. Informationization is an effective measure to make use of shipping resources, improve shipping management, guarantee shipping security, advance shipping economic&social benefits and achieve shipping sustainable development.
     China shipping informationization construction begun in the1980s, and has underwent the stages of management information system developing, eletronic data exchange and Internet application and so on. In the course of30years development, on one hand, shipping informationization construction has achieved a great deal and has played an important role in shipping production and management; on the other hand, shipping has a low efficiency because of the limitation of natural conditions and environmental elements. At the same time, shipping security has a serious hidden danger. With the rapid development of community economic&technology, the demand structure of shipping will undergo profound changes. The growth mode will change from quantity-increasing type to quality-benefit type. In order to adapt to this development trend, shipping should further enhance the transport capability and service efficiency to solve the main contradictions and problems which faces the development of shipping.
     Shipping is an industry which could easily absorb new technologies. Internet of Things (IOT) is an important aspect of new generation information technology and it is a revolutionary advance after Internet and mobile communication technology. On one hand, shipping informationization construction has made certain achievement in shipping elements sensing, information transmission, data processing and industry application and so on. On the other hand, the development of IOT is highly dependant on support of shipping and other industries. So, this paper tries to advance the shipping informationization construction with technologies of IOT and explains the conception of Internet of Ships and the architecture of Internet of Ships. On the basis of Internet of Ships, this paper researches on the data process method of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), mainly including RFID data cleaning and modeling RFID data in the frame of Internet of Ships.
     Firstly, this paper analyzes the IOT and its relating concept, summarizes the development of IOT, the definition of IOT from different organization and scholars, the architecture and key technologies of IOT. According to the concept of IOT and combining the concrete demands of shipping, this paper proposes the conception of Internet of Ships and explains the essence of Internet of Ships. At the same time, this paper proposes the three-layered architecture of Internet of Ships and analyzes the function and makeup of each layer in combination with concrete shipping business.
     Secondly, data processing technologies become one of the key problems of Internet of Ships as the development of Internet of Ships brings the problems of mass data process and storage. With respect to the false positive, false negative and redundancy of original RFID data produced in shipping informationization related business, this paper puts forward a set of original RFID data cleaning methods. We achieve the RFID data cleaning in three steps:first of all, based on the tag response rate we clean the false positive data; then we study the SMURF data cleaning algorithm and improve it, so the improved algorithm is used to cleaning false negative RFID data; once again we clean the redundancy data with single redundancy cleaning method and combination redundancy cleaning method; last, we analyze the performance of our methods with analog data. The clean data provides a good foundation for up-layer application.
     Lastly, this paper analyzes the entities and relationship of these entities in the relative business of Internet of Ships. Meantime, this paper models RFID data with Dynamic Relationship Entity-Relationship (DRER) model according to the static and dynamic relationships between entities. Then, this paper maps relationship into relationship database. Besides, some inquiries about upper layer applications are conducted based on detail cases and these inquiries are converted to corresponding SQL query statements. It is proved that this model has a powerful query and analyse function and can express complicated dynamic semantics.
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