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Songshu was an important ideologist in modern history of China. He thought a lot of the animadversion of the society and the reformation of the society. And the restoration of Confucianism is the forerunner of his theory. On the politics, he criticized the despotism and politics of the feudalism. The main content of his reformation is to set chamber, to change the system of government, to change the system of examination and to change the clothes. At the same time, he criticized the culture in his times and set up his theory as "big education" which including the direct education and the indirect education. So he requested to open schools, libraries, parks and reading rooms etc.
    Besides, Songshu brought forward his theory of women's liberation on the following aspects: the system of marriage, the status of women, the standard of morality and the education of women. All these theories were based on his fight against the oppression in the society.
    Songshu's theories of the animadversion of the society and the reformation of the society were based on his ages, his background and his surroundings. It's related to his good-fellowship with the substrate. His theories of the animadversion of the society and the reformation of the society were advanced in his times, so he was commended by other ideologists in the same times. Especially his discussion of women and his tendency to the commons were illuminative and advanced. It's important to search for the new energy of our nation when Songshu tried to drive the reformation of thought and culture by re-explaining the meaning of Confucianism.
    But Songshu's theory was limited by the age, class and himself. For example, in order to learn from the West, he proposed "to go back the ancient". It's a strategy in some extent, but as to the society, it's weak and faint. Though his theories were Jacobinical but his action is conservative which was contrary to his theories and limited his theories' to spread.
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    29 Benjamin Elam(艾尔曼):Classicism,Politics,and Kinship(《经学、政治与家族》),The Ch'ang—chou School of New Text Confucianism in Late Imperial China,Berkeley,University of Califomia Press,1990
    30 Wm.De Bary(狄百瑞):Sources 0fChinese Tradition(《中国传统思想研究资料集》),Columbia University Press,New York,1989.
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    2 蔡克骄:《论宋恕的“三始一始”说》,《温州师范学院学报》,1998,(8)P1—5
    3 宋平章,王林:《宋恕维新思想述论》,《史学月刊》,2000,(3)P44—50
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    8 张锡勤:《戊戌思潮论纲》,《学习与探索》,1998,(5)P84—85
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    25 刘仁坤:《早期维新思想与传统儒学》,《求是学刊》,1994,(5)P101—106

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